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»TO: NWB - Printable Version

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»TO: NWB - Kauket - 07-04-2022

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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Bundschuh; To whoever it may concern,

I am Navarch Valentine of the Technocratic Directorate of Auxo, I represent interests in xenobiology and defensive interests of the Technocracy.

It has been a long while since our people have spoke. The last matter we spoke of pertained to the dark matter storm crisis in Munich, as well as humanitarian aid and research regarding such a subject. A topic that is still within our interests.

Though unfortunately, due to a Sirius-wide Neural Net failure (//forum wipe) at the time of the year, the communications regarding them were lost. I have one point of reference for previous communication during our Generation One era, here is where you will find our last official contact.

If interested, we would like to re-establish a connection to your people.


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RE: »TO: NWB - Shelco - 07-05-2022

Message Received

[Image: oDSVBqf.png?dateline=1653909148]
Recipient: Navarch Valentine of the Technocratic Directorate of Auxo
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Frankfurt System

05.07.829 A.S.

[Image: oqGGxgP.png]

Respected Navarch Valentine,

I am pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Paul Botzler and I am the Leader of the New Resistance Movement within the Bundschuh.

I am sorry to confess that I have no information about your grouping. I was not aware that the VWA had contact with you, however, secrecy among factions in the Bundschuh is no great surprise.

Planet Nuremberg is unfortunately lost. The dark matter storm has penetrated too far and is cutting off any attempts to help on the planet's surface. The Rheinland government has ended its efforts, having evacuated its capital-producing machinery and goods. The Bundschuh was able to get most of the people to safety, but many lives fell victim to the disaster. Another blight on the countenance of our nation. Now only some adventurous disaster aficionados are to be found there.

Be that as it may. Would it be possible for you to be more specific about the intentions of your organization so that we can get a better picture of who we are dealing with? Perhaps there are other ways for us to cooperate. I would be grateful for an answer.

Paul Botzler

No files attached.

End Message

RE: »TO: NWB - Kauket - 07-10-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


We can arrange a private meeting to talk more with ease. Are you interested? If so, we could meet in one of the borderworlds.


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RE: »TO: NWB - Shelco - 07-11-2022

Message Received

[Image: oDSVBqf.png?dateline=1653909148]
Recipient: Navarch Valentine of the Technocratic Directorate of Auxo
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Frankfurt System

05.07.829 A.S.

[Image: oqGGxgP.png]

Respected Navarch Valentine,

I was about to suggest the same. The Sigma-15 system is secluded enough for us to not be bothered by shady individuals. I will make my way to sector E-5 as soon as possible and await your arrival.

With kind regards,

Paul Botzler

No files attached.

End Message

RE: »TO: NWB - Kauket - 07-17-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


I have sought an audience with the Directorate, they have agreed to some of the terms and have proposed the following:

Quote:In light of the expansion of the scientific networks and interests within the Rheinland region, the Directorate has acknowledged that peace and prosperity is an imperative in the increasingly unstable political scenario of the Sirius Sector. Although isolationist and neutrality stances are sought with preference, it is an imperative to reach a basic understanding with the native organisations across the sector. The hostile birth of the Imperialistic regime of Rheinland standing to this day has not been noted as a bygone, and the efforts of the Technocracy's assistance of the Federal resistance against the state were not forgotten, we believe that the Monarchy's regime directly impacts the drove of atrophy to Rheinland's sociostability. Subsequently, this instability affects the effective ability to maintain, defend, supply and operate scientific facilities of study, endangering them. In light of securing a stable future of studies against the growing danger of Dark Matter storms appearing across the Sector, we must seek diplomatic avenues.

The Directorate will offer the following to the Bundschuh party in discretion:

- Discreet underground access to the Saarbrucken Colony for emergency purposes only, including access to medical care.
- Trading rights with Technocratic stations
- Assistance against the Corsair and Core menace, whether through logistical, humanitarian, military or technological solutions aid.
- The Technocracy enters a non aggression pact with the Bundschuh party
- Insight on Munich Dark Matter studies and subsequent alert of potential ecological disasters.
- Will maintain neutrality with Order elements around Bundschuh bases, unless in self defence.

The Directorate inquires the Bundschuh for the following terms:

- Discreet Trading Rights
- Access to the Dark Matter Clouds in Munich for active studies.
- Mutual assistance against Corsair and Core elements in Rheinland
- The Bundschuh Party enters a non aggression pact with the Technocracy.
- Will not allow the Order to directly stage attacks from Bundschuh base to operate against Technocratic facilities. Note that this is not forbidding the Order to operate out of the Bundschuh facilities.

Directorate signatures of authorisation:
Strategos Navarch - Archon of TAF, Advisor Vasilios Zerveas - Research - Ministry of Science, Archon Artyom Gavrilyuk - Research - Physics Bureau, Archon Kachusov Ilyich Vissarion - Research - Ministry of Science, Advisor Jaanika Kirsipuu - Technocratic Civil Council

Please let us know if you have any thoughts.


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RE: »TO: NWB - Shelco - 07-20-2022

Message Received

[Image: oDSVBqf.png?dateline=1653909148]
Recipient: Navarch Valentine of the Technocratic Directorate of Auxo
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Frankfurt System

20.07.829 A.S.

[Image: UL1txg4.png]

Respected Navarch Valentine,

We have reviewed your agreement internally. First, we would like to note that the New Resistance Movement cannot speak for the entirety of the Bundschuh. Our movement is in a constant political tussle for the leadership of the Bundschuh Party, so we do not presume to apply our diplomacy to the rest of the Bundschuh.

On the whole, we would like to agree with your points officially. However, the last point of the agreement concerns us, regarding the Order. While we understand that it is not the intention of your organization to ban the Order from our installations, you should know that we may not be aware of why members and agents of the Order are present on our stations. Accordingly, we cannot guarantee that the Order is not planning attacks against you that were planned from our facilities.

However, we will contact the Order to inform of our agreement and to kindly ask them to avoid any activities against the Technocracy of Auxo. We can also guarantee that the New Resistance Movement will not assist in any way in the planning, nor the execution of activities against the Technocracy. We will send a message to the entire Bundschuh to inform them about this.

I hope you can accept this small discrepancy. It is not in our interest to endanger you through any bureaucratic back door, however, we ask you to take an understanding of our internal processes that are often driven by disunity and disagreements on the ideal way to operate.

I eagerly await your response.

With kind regards,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance Movement

No files attached.

End Message

RE: »TO: NWB - Kauket - 08-02-2022

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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


Perhaps it could be bartered that a non-aggression pact within Rheinland could be proposed, but we do not expect them to be... diplomatic. Negiotations with those who insist on our genocide based upon political ambitions is a tricky subject indeed. Contrary to the Order's belief, we are not bringers of war, we only defend our interests. Perhaps it is anticipated certain hostilities and backlash from the Order may be reciprocated. Inform them at your own will.

There may be another way to achieve peace, but for now, it cannot be foreseen as of yet. We are more than happy to accomodate with your concerns, you do not know what they utilize your fuel and munition for, but - we are more implicating the host of a literal invasion, ie such as several warships or bomber wings, when we attempt to define your facilities as being used for hostile intentions.

I agree that it is a grey area, but the nature of such was the indirect assistance of acting against our people. Collaboration, most say, is a tool of hosting such atrocities. This was a voiced concern with some of our subordinates, fear of betrayal who wished for their fears to be expressed. Some of our people wished for assurance of neutrality, though, for now, we must work with the caveat of ambiguity of peace.

But for now, we will agree with this stance you offer. We can drop the line, but we will need to eventually work something out for the sake of easing any potential future tensions. Lest we desire future diplomatic headaches, can't say that you appreciate paperwork either.

Are there any resources your movement requires in particular?


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RE: »TO: NWB - Shelco - 08-03-2022

Message Received

[Image: oDSVBqf.png?dateline=1653909148]
Recipient: Navarch Valentine of the Technocratic Directorate of Auxo
Sender: Paul Botzler, Leader of the New Resistance Movement
Origin: Frankfurt System

03.08.829 A.S.

[Image: UL1txg4.png]

Respected Navarch Valentine,

we are of course concerned about this overall situation. It is not easy to stand between two hostile parties. Naturally, we will do our utmost not to stir up any conflicts between your organization and the Order in Rheinland. This nation is the theater of another conflict, which we do not want to burden with internal fighting similar to that we experience within the Bundschuh.

With the abandonment of this last point, we would like to agree to your accord. Ideally, another amendment will not be required in the future. We assume that the Order will exercise composure in this regard. Provided your word is true, the planned operations on the part of Auxos in Rheinland are in no way contrary to the plans of the Order. We will, of course, contact you about any possible alterations.

I also thank you for the question about resources. Fortunately for us, our Chairwoman Ms. Merryweather arranged a major initiative a while ago to supply our movement, which should be finalized by now. So the New Resistance Movement is ready to meet the challenges of its goals and objectives in the time coming.

So I hereby submit to you the contract with our signatures.

Quote:In light of the expansion of the scientific networks and interests within the Rheinland region, the Directorate has acknowledged that peace and prosperity is an imperative in the increasingly unstable political scenario of the Sirius Sector. Although isolationist and neutrality stances are sought with preference, it is an imperative to reach a basic understanding with the native organizations across the sector. The hostile birth of the Imperialistic regime of Rheinland standing to this day has not been noted as a bygone, and the efforts of the Technocracy's assistance of the Federal resistance against the state were not forgotten, we believe that the Monarchy's regime directly impacts the drove of atrophy to Rheinland's sociostability. Subsequently, this instability affects the effective ability to maintain, defend, supply, and operate scientific facilities of study, endangering them. In light of securing a stable future of studies against the growing danger of Dark Matter storms appearing across the Sector, we must seek diplomatic avenues.

The Directorate will offer the following to the Bundschuh party in discretion:

- Discreet underground access to the Saarbrucken Colony for emergency purposes only, including access to medical care.
- Trading rights with Technocratic stations
- Assistance against the Corsair and Core menace, whether through logistical, humanitarian, military or technological solutions aid.
- The Technocracy enters a non-aggression pact with the Bundschuh party
- Insight on Munich Dark Matter studies and subsequent alert of potential ecological disasters.
- Will maintain neutrality with Order elements around Bundschuh bases, unless in self defense.

The Directorate inquires the Bundschuh for the following terms:

- Discreet Trading Rights
- Access to the Dark Matter Clouds in Munich for active studies.
- Mutual assistance against Corsair and Core elements in Rheinland
- The Bundschuh Party enters a non-aggression pact with the Technocracy.

Directorate signatures of authorisation:

New Resistance signatures of authorization:

Leader of the New Resistance - Paul Botzler, Intended Chairwoman of the Bundschuh Party, Coordinating Activist - Claire Merryweather, Activists - Steve Harlow, Felix Linke, Albin Eisen

If this is agreeable to you, a reply with the intended signatures should suffice. We would like to keep this channel available for future communication between our parties.

With kind regards,

Paul Botzler
Leader of the New Resistance Movement

No files attached.

End Message

RE: »TO: NWB - Kauket - 08-04-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


The Directorate has agreed to your terms. Here is the provided signatures.

Bundschuh - Technocrat Treaty 829 A.S. Wrote:In light of the expansion of the scientific networks and interests within the Rheinland region, the Directorate has acknowledged that peace and prosperity is an imperative in the increasingly unstable political scenario of the Sirius Sector. Although isolationist and neutrality stances are sought with preference, it is an imperative to reach a basic understanding with the native organizations across the sector. The hostile birth of the Imperialistic regime of Rheinland standing to this day has not been noted as a bygone, and the efforts of the Technocracy's assistance of the Federal resistance against the state were not forgotten, we believe that the Monarchy's regime directly impacts the drove of atrophy to Rheinland's sociostability. Subsequently, this instability affects the effective ability to maintain, defend, supply, and operate scientific facilities of study, endangering them. In light of securing a stable future of studies against the growing danger of Dark Matter storms appearing across the Sector, we must seek diplomatic avenues.

The Directorate will offer the following to the Bundschuh party in discretion:

- Discreet underground access to the Saarbrucken Colony for emergency purposes only, including access to medical care.
- Trading rights with Technocratic stations
- Assistance against the Corsair and Core menace, whether through logistical, humanitarian, military or technological solutions aid.
- The Technocracy enters a non-aggression pact with the Bundschuh party
- Insight on Munich Dark Matter studies and subsequent alert of potential ecological disasters.
- Will maintain neutrality with Order elements around Bundschuh bases, unless in self defense.

The Directorate inquires the Bundschuh for the following terms:

- Discreet Trading Rights
- Access to the Dark Matter Clouds in Munich for active studies.
- Mutual assistance against Corsair and Core elements in Rheinland
- The Bundschuh Party enters a non-aggression pact with the Technocracy.

Directorate signatures of authorisation:

Strategos Navarch - Archon of TAF, Supreme Navarch Hachette - Military Arm, Advisor Vasilios Zerveas - Research - Ministry of Science, Archon Artyom Gavrilyuk - Research - Physics Bureau, Archon Kachusov Ilyich Vissarion - Research - Ministry of Science, Advisor Jaanika Kirsipuu - Technocratic Civil Council

New Resistance signatures of authorization:

Leader of the New Resistance - Paul Botzler, Intended Chairwoman of the Bundschuh Party, Coordinating Activist - Claire Merryweather, Activists - Steve Harlow, Felix Linke, Albin Eisen


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RE: »TO: NWB - Kauket - 08-24-2022

...neural.uplink detected...
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identified: Navarch Valentine

[Image: ojmBL3n.png]


An operative of ours under the Rubezahl department - the ones operating within Rheinland - wishes to make a request for you.

The operative in question, AX-0335, has claimed to captured a Corsair pilot who is disinterested within the regime of the Corsair Empire. They have their pod and are asking for your help to ensure this detainee's independence from the Corsairs. Asylum. Refugee and witness protection.

You may have the full disclosed interrogation log upon this Deterrance pilot in question. His name is Angelo Montalbano, and he considers himself to be the family disappointment. Perhaps he could be convinced to go independent?

Regardless. AX-0335 has informed that they are arriving to Bruchsal to deliver the unconscious pilot. They still stay around to communicate with you in person, if you do not mind it.


Be warned that the Hessians will likely be furious at this discovery, at least the Blitz will be.


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