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Old Friends New Beginnings - Printable Version

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Old Friends New Beginnings - Kalhmera - 07-08-2022

Captain Fatima Guevara seemed rather comfortable as her ship, the C.N.S. La Santa Maria a Murmillo Battleship entered Unioner space, the independent world of Bering. The system has seen better days but suprisingly the Unioner Base Pacifica seems to be remarkably untouched. Either the unioners take pride in their work or they do a good job of concealing it. Fatima gave the order to moor with one of Pacifica's many dry docks. The Dockmaster seemed very polite and she docked without any issue. Captain Guevara gave strict orders to her XO "Refuel and rearm the ship, I want everything ready for when I return" she said. Fatima was then instructed where her room was after she provided the code Director Hollywood gave her. "9K8-50J-61U" she typed into the consol. The door opened and Fatima got comfortable.

Later on she would send a message to one of the Unioners working on her floor. "Please tell Director Hollywood I am in my quarters and to inform me when he is done with his meeting." The Unioner obliged and without delay went to go deliver the message. She now awaits Director Hollywood.

RE: Old Friends New Beginnings - Diaz - 07-08-2022

Director Wolff resting in his quarters when suddenly loud speaker informing him about guest arriving. " Director Wolff guest have arrived, they have been stationed in their quarters." a loud beep ending transmission. He enter a long hallway of Pacifica base where he met with his friend Director Hollywood who also attending a meeting. "Ah Hollywood good, right on time lets not make our guests waiting" They proceeded to the office where they will wait for guest to show up.

RE: Old Friends New Beginnings - Kalhmera - 07-09-2022

Captain Guevara received a message that Hollywood and Wolff where ready for her. She looked in the mirror and touched up her make up and made sure she looked presentable. She left her room and started heading towards the office she was told where the meeting will take place. She opens the door and greets Wolff and Hollywood, "Amigo Wolff and Hollywood! How are you? Its great to finally meet you face to face! May I take a seat?" she said.

RE: Old Friends New Beginnings - UN]- The Unioners - 07-10-2022

The direktor smiled politely showing his white teeth. He spoke, as he made a slight bow-like motion with his head, “Miss Guevara, welcome to our humble home.” After he finished the sentence he extended his arm in hopes of a handshake with the guest. With the motion, he accidentally revealed his worked-up hands, full of old healed blistered and dried skin which cracks were visible from the guest's perspective.
"It saddens me to deny you a sit but we won't talk here." James said, with his hand still in expectance of a handshake.

RE: Old Friends New Beginnings - Kalhmera - 07-11-2022

Captain Guevara moves close to Hollywood and extends her hand out for a hand shake and says"Ah where our my manners! Im just so excited It just leaves my mind sometimes!" She also extends her had out to Wolff as well and says "Nice to meet you! if we are not having the meeting here then where shall we go?" she says and smiles!

RE: Old Friends New Beginnings - Diaz - 07-12-2022

Guest arrived at office and shake hands with Director Hollywood since they know each other, her hand reach to Wolff. "Captain Guevara i am Director Wolff pleasure is mine, well it is up to Director Hollywood looks like our private office will be suitable for this conversation" Directors move out of office with guest heading to private office.

RE: Old Friends New Beginnings - Kalhmera - 07-13-2022

Captain Guevara follows Wolff and Hollywood with excitement! "Well you sure have me fooled, I figured the office we were in was suitable. Lead the way! She said enthusiastically!