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A question about Indi's - Printable Version

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A question about Indi's - rayne - 04-17-2009

Can us indi's post in message dumps of our chosen affiliation or do you need to be a member of the faction?

A question about Indi's - Recoil9000 - 04-17-2009

It would make sense if it was required to be part of the faction, or atleast have a very good RP story posted somewhere in the forum where it states that they have some kind of tie to the faction.

A question about Indi's - casero - 04-17-2009

Ask to the members of that faction.

A question about Indi's - Ceoran - 04-17-2009


Just ask the leader of the faction if you are allowed, I did the same and got the permission

A question about Indi's - rayne - 04-17-2009

Thanks guys

A question about Indi's - Weedalot - 04-17-2009

Some message dumps state that this is for Faction and allies as well. allies will include indi's and allied factions

A question about Indi's - Jinx - 04-17-2009

officially - the independents do not have a message dump ( none of their own - unless you cound the forum in its entirety their message dump ) - a message dump dedicated to a faction is one of the benefits of an officially approved faction.

but all that means nothing, - cause independents ( or i prefer the term "non-playerfaction-players" ) are encouraged to post and participate in the very same message dumps. so even if you re not a member of that faction - and you have something important to tell, - never hesitate to post in a factions message dump ( as long as its inRP and of importance - but then, even a factionmember shouldn t post gibberish just to post something )

in a whole though.... a non-playerfaction-players message dump inRP is the subforum "diplomatic matters" - there you can speak your mind, you can address certain factions etc. - no player is at a disadvantage. - if you like you can even always post your own personal insignia letterhead to each post ( some players always post their portraits )