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To Executor Ravenna Nagash of the Deterrence - Printable Version

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To Executor Ravenna Nagash of the Deterrence - MickeyHAHA - 07-23-2022

Secure Transmission begins....Standby

[Image: bYCCNne.png]
Ave, Deterrence.

This message comes from Caesar Salazar and Antonius Sirianus, Pontifex Maximus and Consul of the Roman Praetorian Prefecture of Sirius respectively.

We have began the process of constructing Roma Invicta, a new space station colony with the purpose of sending expeditions into unknown space, and also to serve as a center of cultural rebirth.

Naturally, since your people seem to be the more influential group, we've assumed you have concerns you wish to voice, and likely some form of demands.

The exact coordinates will be sent by Antonius himself, while I await your demands and concerns.

Gloria Omnibus Roman!

RE: To Executor Ravenna Nagash of the Deterrence - Ravenna Nagash - 07-26-2022


┝┅{Sender: Executor Ravenna Nagash
┝┅{Recipient: Roman Praetorian Prefecture of Sirius
┝┅{Location: Planet Crete

┝┅{Message Type: Recording, Visual
┝┅{Subject: New station in our borders

Caesar Salazar and Antonius Sirianus,

I believe introductions are in order. My name is Ravenna Nagash and I'm the Executor of Deterrence. I appreciate you reaching out to us. I believe proactivity and initiative are the precursors of good relations. Unregistered stations in our borders are customarily treaded as a priority target for destruction as per standard operating procedure. I've read a report on your operation already, from what I understood, you are a new subsect within our Corsair Imperio? Deterrence is keen on working together with other factions for the benefit of our Imperio. It would be good to understand more about your organization and its goals.

With that in mind, I don't have any particular concerns over the building of such station at this time. I would be remiss if I didn't warn you that our enemies take every opportunity to attack any weak areas of our defense. I would guard your operation carefully from any hostile interlopers. Generally though, we are interested in long-term relations and business opportunities.

Therefore, I believe it to be of mutual interest, that we work together:
  • Your base can serve as a forward perimeter. Our vessels should be able to freely dock with your station at any time.
  • Surveillance and basic maintenance would be quite useful for both factions, particularly a Reconnaissance Module at the station, to keep track of "traffic" and any anomalies. Please report any findings routinely and frequently to our Deterrence Sanctum so that we can relay across the Imperio. It would allow our nation to react appropriately to any threats or unforeseen events unfolding.
  • Given that we ensure the peace in the region, a token of 100 million per month seems reasonable for the continued re-armament of our military.

I will send additional details over a more secured channel and you can also notify me of the exact location of the station. An answer here at your earlier convenience would be appreciated on whether these terms seem acceptable to you. Looking forward to work with you both in the future.

Hasta la próxima,
Executor Ravenna Nagash


RE: To Executor Ravenna Nagash of the Deterrence - MickeyHAHA - 07-26-2022

Secure Transmission begins....Standby

[Image: bYCCNne.png]
Ave, Executor Nagash

You are well met, Ravenna. Our hope for the Corsair Empire is a reform of culture and spirit, returning to our nobler roots from ages long lost.

Quite so, we believe in the pursuit of enlightening one's soul through art, culture and philosophy.

We'll create a manifesto as well as a bigger source of information soon..

In regards to the station, I've sent a messenger for you, he has the coordinates on a sealed parchment.

We find the terms acceptable, and we will begin the construction process soon.

To the Rebirth of our glorious people!

Gloria Omnibus Roman!