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Quick Question - AJBeast - 04-17-2009

Can a Houses police , outside their house systems, like for example in the borderworlds , enforce the houses laws, for example , on carrying contraband?

Basically what im asking is if this RP scenario would be viable:

Police man X is wandering around the borderworlds around his House and suddenly he spots Smuggler X. Policeman X halts Smuggler X and demands the contraband he is carrying and atempts to enforce his Houses fine for such act. Smuggler X says Policeman X cannot demand contraband from him or force him to pay the fine , as he is in the Borderworlds , not House territory and as such , Policeman X cannot enforce his laws.

Any official word on this ?

Quick Question - MrHeadphones - 04-17-2009

I'm not sure how it is in any other area, but in Magellan and Cortez, Policeman X has every right to demand the contraband from smuggler X due to the treaty of Curcao, which allows them to do just that.

Quick Question - hack - 04-17-2009

I will use Liberty as an example:

(Factionalized) LPI policy is we don't go outside of our house space I.E. ZOI. The border worlds currently are not in our jurisdiction, so for the LPI the Treaty Of Curacao has no meaning. We cant go into the Border worlds. I also believe that there are no NPC police patrols outside of their respective houses.

Now, The LN and LSF can go into the border worlds, and may try to enforce the ban on contraband if it is close to entering Liberty Space. I will look up the treaty and read it again, I think it mostly focused on supporting and protecting convoys and shipping.

Quick Question - teschy - 04-17-2009

Usually, house military can patrol their side of the border systems, and take into considerations any treaties, as Sircian said. However, by default, the house police is limited to the insides of their nation.

Quick Question - pbrione - 04-23-2009

Police should be limited to their House systems.

Navies can patrol borderworlds and enforce any treaties in operation there, and I think probably ought to be able to stop certain contraband regardless of Treaties. E.g. If a Navy ship encounters a slave trader anywhere in their ZoI, even a LN patrol in Hamburg, I feel they would be well within their rights to do what they could to stop it, as no lawful body would object to fighting slavery, and laws banning slavery are pretty much universal.

Its only where laws conflict in disputed territories with no Treaties in force that Navies ought to think twice before doing so (such as in Kepler and Gallileo a LN really ought not to stop Hogosha artifact transports).

However, this is a purely RP "ought" - in practice I know of no server rules that would stop the Navy ships from doing so. The risk the Navy faces is instead the inRP danger of a diplomatic incident with other lawful organisations. So a trader should not say "You can't enforce your laws here" OORP, but rather in RP "Your government has no juristiction here, this space is under the protection of x disputed government, they will not tolerate this infringement of liberties etc, etc..."

If you get blown up and feel the navy ship acted outside his authority, file a complaint in the diplomatic centre, rather than an OORP one.