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Project: Anchorage - Printable Version

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Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 07-27-2022

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Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage Overview:
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Project Anchorage: "CV-3 Osiris"

At present, the Flagship for Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith, has been of the Interdictor Class Assault Battlecruiser, the LNS Anchorage. The Anchorage has served Liberty, the Fleet and Kemp-Smith well. Through her service since her commissioning, she has seen many a battle against various groups that would see harm to Liberty, her interests and citizens. The Anchorage, in her finalized configuration, on many an occasion has felt lack-luster in terms of combat capabilities against larger classifications of Battleship or Carrier. She was to primarily serve to allow for smooth Command and Control of local forces, while retaining an offensive element to assist the assets under Martin's command.

The Interdictor Class is lacking the ideal offensive capabilities for ranged engagements, despite the increased maneuverability over that of the Overlord and Atlantis Class vessels. So the proposed, yet unorthodox planned solution, is to utilize blueprints for what is now considered an archaic design and build, from scratch, a CV-3 "Osiris" Class Battleship. While known to be not as heavily armored, nor as offensively capable as the more modern Overlord's, does make up for with a small, sleek design. Packing more of a punch that that of the Interdictor Flagship, but more maneuverable than Liberty's own Overlords; a compromise deemed acceptable for what may prove to be a very capable replacement, given that it can be built to Liberty's specification to suit current doctrine.

It is intended for anticipated crew that will be assigned to this project to undertake joint-training with the Fifth Fleet's serving Osiris, the Akhetaten, which ideally will be overseen by both the Admiralty of the Fifth and Fourty-Sixth Fleet's, respectively. Their insight will prove to be of great value in bringing this project to fruition and it is planned for coordination to occur to see this through to the very end.

This project will be completed in several phases and are outlined below:

Phase I: Acquire Materials
Naturally, as with any ship building and manufacturing, sufficient materials will be required in line with proper manufacturing processes. Appropriate Corporations within Liberty to be contacted to provide transport services to assist in this regard.
Phase II: Begin Manufacturing
Given the nature of this classification of vessel, it would be appropriate to select Juneau Shipyard in Alaska, where the manufacturing and building will commence. Oversight by the Admiralty, in line with engineering and mechanical requirements.
Phase III: Structural and Test Flight
On completion of the build, a test flight will be undertaken to ensure correct functioning of initial systems, flight thrusters and navigation systems.
Phase IV: Weapons Test
A initial weapons test will be undertaken at this stage to ascertain suitability between the installed power core and operational requirements.
Phase V: Auxiliary Systems Test
Auxiliary systems fitted to the CV3-001 will be tested here to ensure full working order and complete all required checks prior to Operational Deployment.
Phase VI: Commissioning
On completion of successful tests across all systems and a brief non-combat deployment, the newly built CV-3 will be commissioned in to the Liberty Navy Forty-Sixth Fleet.
Phase VII: Deployment
Once the Commissioning of the Anchorage is complete, she will assume a non-combat role within the fleet per her doctrine specifications. This will remain until such time as her powercore issues are fully resolved.

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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 08-01-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]
Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage: Phase I
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CV-3-001: "L.N.X Anchorage"

The Forty-Sixth Fleet has been contacted by their counterparts from the Fifth Fleet to coordinate efforts with the respective efforts of the R&D Departments. It has been decided and approved that the Fifth Fleet would build a sister ship to the CV-3-001, to be designated the LNX Anchorage throughout the construction and testing phases of the project.

A open communication was put out to the Corporations of Liberty and an Interspace Commerce Sub-division, All Worlds Enterprises and Security, cordially contacted and offered a contract within the strict budgetary requirements of the Project. Given that Liberty Laws prevent Interspace from entering the Alaska system, or even traversing Zone-21, it has been decided that deliveries will be made to Norfolk Shipyard and the Merchant Marine Division will handle transferring the materials to Juneau for the Construction Phase to commence. It has been scheduled to be built in Drydock Port One of Juneau.

The blueprints held at Juneau Shipyard report the required materials as requiring:

Project Anchorage: Stage I Deliveries

The Stage I material supplies have been completed by All Worlds Enterprises and Securities. The Norfolk Quartermaster has confirmed the same, also. The Merchant Marine Division of the Fleet have been given orders to transfer the supplies through to Juneau Shipyard.

The engineers and technicians aboard, along with Divisional Staff of both the Forty-Sixth and Fifth Fleet's Research and Development teams are on standby, ready to begin the construction of the superstructure.

Project Anchorage: Stage II Deliveries

The Stage II material supplies have been completed by All Worlds Enterprises and Securities. They have since been transferred to Juneau by the Forty-Sixth's Heavy Transport Division and continuation development for the Primary and Auxiliary Systems will be details in its respective dossier.

Project Anchorage: Stage III Deliveries

The Stage III material supplies have been confirmed to also have been completed. The Merchant Marine Division have acted promptly to ensure they have been transferred to Juneau as the final batch required to get the CV3-001 space faring.

This marks the completion of Phase I, per the Project's specification dossier.

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 08-07-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]
Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage: Phase II

It has been confirmed by the Forty-Sixth's own Heavy Transport Division, Merchant Marine, that the Stage I materials have been delivered to Juneau. The R&D teams stationed to Juneau for the duration of Project Anchorage have been instructed to commence work in building the superstructure right away. Given the nature of the CV3-001, LNX Anchorage having a smaller chassis that that of the newer, more developed Overlord Class, it's anticipated that this should be completed in a mere matter of a few days.

All Worlds Enterprises and Securities continue to deliver materials for Stage II and Stage III, but developments will be delayed until completion of the Osiris' structure has been built.

Project Anchorage: Superstructure Completed
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CV-3-001: Superstructure Constructed

The combined efforts of the Fifth and Forty-Sixth R&D Departments, as well as Naval staff assigned to Juneau, have completed a very important milestone in Project Anchorage's development. The CV3-001's superstructure is built and is moored proudly at Juneau as a symbol of the coordinated efforts of the Liberty Navy. The navigation lights and ship's running lights have all been activated and changed from the blueprints defaults, being red as are normally set.

All World Enterprises and Securities have confirmed all deliveries for the required materials for Stage II have been completed. So work will now focus on the installation of both the Primary and Auxiliary Systems, as indicated in the Project's Developmental Plan. This will include all navigation systems, targeting sub-systems and scanners.

Coordination with the joint Project between both the Fifth and Forty-Sixth Fleet remains strong and both are making great strides in their undertaking. Installation of the Primary and Auxiliary Systems in estimated to take a few days. The current Flagship, the LNS Anchorage is to be moored at Juneau at this time for decommissioning and stripping of all weapons, systems and auxiliary systems for transferring to the CV3-001.

Farewell Anchorage
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Interdictor: Anchorage Returns to Juneau

In light of the strides in the building of the CV3-001 "Anchorage" and the superstructure being built, it has been crucial to recall the Interdictor Class back to Juneau. This will allow for the stripping of essential components, which will be installed within the sub-systems and primary technological infrastructure of the Osiris Class. These will be listed below for reference and allow a detailed specification sheet to be drawn up at a later date.

The transferring of such systems will be on-going, along with the armour transfer, which will be bolstered by the Stage III deliveries and subsequent plating being attached to the various hull panels. With the majority of the systems being installed on the CV3-001 coming from the now moored Interdictor Class, this may take some time. Once this stage has been completed, it will be time for a live structural test in space. This will be to ensure the hull is capable of safely operating in space, ensure airlocks are working per specification and for the safety of the crew.

The Project is rapidly approaching an inevitable weapons test, providing things continue to move smoothly. A requisition order has been put in to the Quartermaster on Salt Lake Station to ascertain if there is any potential weaponry in storage that may be of use on the upcoming CV3-001 platform. Given that the Forty-Sixth has never before operated such a vessel, this will inevitably be a trial-and-error process.

Memores Sumus Te

Both the R&D staff and local technicians assigned to Juneau have confirmed the the former Flagship, Anchorage, has been duly stripped of auxiliary systems hand have been successfully installed to the Osiris Class Battleship in preparation for her first test flight. This marks the completion of the Phase II and the project will now move swiftly in to Phase III - Structural and Test Flight.

The Interdictor's long service to the Liberty Navy, the Forty-Sixth Fleet and the crew assigned to her under Kemp-Smith's lead since commissioning in early 828 A.S. She will hold a special place in their hearts and her service will always be remembered.

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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 08-08-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]
Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage: Phase III
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CV-3-001: Airlock II

With both Phase I and II of Project Anchorage complete, the focus now shifts to operational requirement, space faring flight and auxiliary thruster tests. These, in turn, will ensure that the CV3-001 will be fit to become an operational capable vessel of the Forty-Sixth's main, deployable fleet. This will further ensure the safety of the crew assigned to her under the same command, yet allow a brief familiarisation period as far as deck layout, all emergency procedures and all tactical requirements that the Osiris Class demands.

The built Osiris has been carefully released from dry-dock and towed very carefully with auxiliary support craft. She has been cautiously manoeuvred out of Juneau's second dry-dock installation hanger, just bow of the station and pivoted on her axis to the starboard flank and coaxially attached via the starboard beam airlock. Operation supplies are being loaded first in to various storage areas built in to her deck and hangar, in preparation to receive what will become her assigned ship's company.

During this time, both Kemp-Smith and his crew are in lecture and simulations to safely conduct test flights prior to the live drill.

Anchorage Takes Flight
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CV-3-001: Clearing Port

It has all come down to this. This very moment. A culmination of joint collaboration, a sense of goal, direction and purpose. The efforts of what has become to local work-force assigned to Juneau for the duration of this Project between both the Fifth and Forty-Sixth Fleet's of the Liberty Navy. The men, women, officers, technicians, ship-fitters, engineers and civilian supporting administrative staff.

The CV3-001 "Anchorage", fitted with everything she needs to be deemed worthy of operations, with exception to her armament. Awaiting this trial to ascertain her worthiness in space. To primarily ensure all hull panels and subsequent armour keep the decks pressurized. The crew are tense, as is her Commanding Officer, Martin Kemp-Smith, but they stand ready in the trust they have built aboard the former Flagship.

The call goes out and the airlock is sealed. The self-sealing bridge to the starboard beam airlock retracts and the mooring fixtures detached, withdrawing to Juneau. The order goes out within the bridge and auxiliary manoeuvring thrusters slowly push the Anchorage away from Juneau's airlock and they clear. She moves forward at half speed while performing an about-turn to move to the start of the Trans-Alaska Corridor and does a full stop. A full recap of the brief is given over the intercom, which recalls the chartered path for navigation. It would only be a short flight to Prudhoe Skunk Works under impulse speed, a brief respite to check systems in both manned and un-manned desks, about-turn and return to Juneau under cruise speed.
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CV-3-001: Return Leg

All systems, pressure sensors and gravitational fields across all desks remained within operation parameters throughout. The return trip was imminent and began at impulse before charging up the cruise engines to test it's function. Given the status of the Osiris on the outward journey, the crew and Commanding Officer were more than confident and settled at this point. The cruise engines charged up and there was a momentary brace for the inertia but nothing proceeded to falter, this magnificent accomplishment navigating the confines of space under her own power. There was a further announcement announcing the successful completion of Phase III met with a thunderous applause.

The new, yet archaic Anchorage returned to the perimeter of Juneau and requested permission to moor. Where she would remain and awaiting the delivery of the armament from Salt Lake Station, Headquarters and home of the Forty-Sixth Fleet.

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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 08-10-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]
Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage: Phase IV
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CV-3-001: Broadside Battery to Port

The R&D teams have been working hard to install the Anchorage's experimental offensive and defensive weapon batteries. With the Osiris being an archaic design by today's standards, certainly in the shadow of the Mitchell Class Overlord's of a modern Liberty Navy Fleet, it has been decided to adapt a very unorthodox approach to selection. Though, this has been done deliberately given the doctrine that will be followed, given the requirements laid out in the initial project plan.

A weapons test was conducted to ascertain the reliability and sustainability of the ship's core, in line with operation requirement and for each battery type. At present, the core cannot sustain fire of most of her batteries for more than 15-20 seconds, depending on the weapons being fired. This is currently being worked upon, but until a satisfactory resolution can be achieved, the CV3-001 will be heavily restricted to being a reconnaissance and command and control platform; being the majority of her intended operational doctrine anyway.

The Anchorage's arsenal is as follows:

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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 08-14-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]
Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage: Phase V

Project Anchorage: Cloaking Device Test
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CV3-001: Cloak Test

The time had come to begin operational tests of the auxiliary and support systems installed to the CV3-001, Osiris Class.

Both the fitted scanner and docking bay were fully functioning and were excluded from direct testing at this stage. The scanner was passively monitored by the crew during the test flight and was reported to be fully operational. The Anchorage's hanger was signed off as being clear and the hanger bay doors were reporting as fully operational, also. It was advised that she would be fully capable of housing either a fighter, bomber or a combat/support freighter.

The cloaking device was tested fully and all systems showed green, both on cloaking and decloaking. Shields continue to drop during it's charge time and activation, as well as a brief period after decloaking while the core diverts power back to them. This is nothing out of the ordinary with the cloaking technology in use, so business as normal.

Project Anchorage: Hyperspace Matrix Test
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CV3-001: Hyperspace Matrix Test

After the cloak test was concluded, it seemed prudent to immediately test the Hyperspace Matrix. It should be noted that there was no jump-capable ship present to supporta full test of this system, though a hyperspace activation was made and reported to be fully functioning.

If there was a ship fitted with a Jump Drive Mk IV, it would have been able to program their jump drive to synchronize with our location and jump to within 2000m of our position. The Hyperspace Matrix had been used on several occasions while fitted to the Interdictor Class, so we are certain that it will be used on many an occasion in the future.

With that said, should an opportunity present itself where we can fully test the system, then it would be worth while conducting such a test to ensure there are no issues for other ships to lock on to the Anchorage's beacon. Whilst being entirely satisfied with the local integration to the ship's systems, it would be a fool's gambit to ensure the reliability for other vessels to accurately and safely jump to her position.

Project Anchorage: Jump Drive Test
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CV3-001: Jump Drive Test

Following successful tests of both the cloaking device and the hyperspace matrix, the Anchorage took a short flight to the New York System. The purpose was three-fold: firstly, to further test the navigational equipment onboard and secondly, to show face. Due to the nature of shipbuilding and initial tests required for such a project, the Anchorage has spent her entire time, to date, at Alaska. Finally, it was concluded that a jump drive test from Zone-21 back to Alaska would be the safest way to perform such a test.

Granted, the drive had been uninstalled directly from the Interdictor Class before her, but it was unanimously decided that a shorter jump would be best. Given that should anything go wrong during or immediately after the jump, Juneau would prepare and launch immediate assets to provide support, if needed.

The Anchorage had made it to the vicinity of Chadwick Station, the local Liberty Security Force base. The drive was spooled up and charged within the prescribed time and the order was given to jump. Much to everyone's relief, the jump was successful and arrived within 20km of Juneau. The Anchorage has returned to the Fleet's Headquarters, Salt Lake Station, ready for the Commissioning Ceremony.

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Liberty Navy 46th Fleet

RE: Project: Anchorage - Liberty Navy 46th Fleet - 10-29-2022

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]
Project: Anchorage

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet
Security Clearance: < CLASSIFIED >


Project Anchorage: Phase VI

Fleet Admiral Martin Kemp-Smith has received a communication from the Secretary of Defense, Roberty McKay. The Anchorage now has a licence to operate within Liberty Space, despite her original design originating from the Liberty Navy.

In light of this, the CV3-001 is hereby re-commissioned as the LNS-Anchorage, removing the Project designator from the official records from this point on.

[Image: 46th-logogif.gif]

Liberty Navy 46th Fleet