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To: Rheinland Government, Rheinland Police - From: Krüger - Rebuilding Konstanz - Printable Version

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To: Rheinland Government, Rheinland Police - From: Krüger - Rebuilding Konstanz - Arne - 08-20-2022

[Image: kvcK9gD.png]
[Image: nightcrawler-gyllenhaal.gif]

To: Rheinland Government
From: Arne Schnitzel - Mannheim Station - Frankfurt
Subject: A new Station

Guten Tag, members of the Rheinland Government.

We all know still too well the destruction the civil war brought onto our beloved Rheinland.
One of these sad reminders is the Konstanz Wreck in Frankfurt.
It doesn't have to be this abomination left floating in space though.
Krüger Mineralien would like to offer to build a new station near Konstanz.
We want to use it for Aluminium ore storage and processing from the nearby Hausenfeld.

We believe this station will benefit both our company and the Rheinland economy:

- Once processed, the aluminium will be important for the composition of various alloys essential to transportation, construction, and aerospace applications.
- The station will allow us to be closer to Hausenfeld. This will reduce transport costs, cutting a piece of the selling price.
- Allows us to patrol more frequent in the surrounding area and protect our miners against piracy.
- Monitor incoming traffic from the Sigma 15 and Munich jumpgates.
- Apart from ore processing, the base can be operating as a trading hub for alluminium and other sideproducts.
- The Rheinland police and military can use the base for meetings or repairs.
- Civilians and friendly factions can use the future cantina for food and refreshments.

If interested, we can continue negotiations on this communications channel.
We hope to hear from you soon.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Arne Schnitzel
Direktor der Erzbetriebsgruppe

[Image: l9rJoLS.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Government - From: Krüger - Rebuilding Konstanz - Arne - 08-24-2022

Message Pending (1)

RE: To: Rheinland Government - From: Krüger - Rebuilding Konstanz - Rheinland Government - 08-25-2022

[Image: mW2h6On.png]
[Image: Wr1vISy.gif]

► Source:
Reichskanzlei, Planet Neu Berlin
Encryption: port RG-OGL-3XT-T1-C0M
Submitter: Reichskanzler Volker von Koch
Recipant: Arne Schnitzel
Subject: Konstanz Border Station

Guten Tag Herr Schnitzel,

I presented your idea to the Kaiser.
I am here to tell you that he likes the idea. I believe the Polizei likes to see that too. Krüger helping them to restore their Outpost will be a good co-operation to repair this valuable Outpost even quicker.
I would suggest you inform the Polizei of your Plans.
You may proceed in my name.
If you require anything more, please contact me again.

Have a nice day.

Für den Kaiser! Für das Volk! Für Rheinland!

im Dienste seiner Exzellenz und dem Volke,
Volker von Koch, Kurfürst zu Baden
Generalfeldmarschall der Kaiserlichen Rheinwehr

[Image: ZiYB9co.png][Image: InoGvfx.png?1]

RE: To: Rheinland Government - From: Krüger - Rebuilding Konstanz - Arne - 08-25-2022

[Image: kvcK9gD.png]
[Image: nightcrawler-gyllenhaal.gif]

To: Rheinland Government
From: Arne Schnitzel - Mannheim Station - Frankfurt
Subject: A new Station

Guten Tag, Reichskanzler Volker von Koch.

Danke für the trust from you and the Kaiser in our project idea.
I have forwarded this communications channel to the Polizei Sondereinsatzkommando.
I will await their reply here.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Arne Schnitzel
Direktor der Erzbetriebsgruppe

[Image: l9rJoLS.png]

RE: To: Rheinland Government, Rheinland Police - From: Krüger - Rebuilding Konstanz - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 08-28-2022

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: obqQKWG.png]
Nibelungen Polizei Plaza

IDENTIFICATION: Inspekteurin Kara von Thielau
RECIPIENT: Schnitzel,Arne & von Koch,Volker
SOURCE: Nibelungen Polizei Plaza, Planet New Berlin
SUBJECT: Grenzstation Fulda

Sehr geehrter Herr Schnitzel, Hallo Volker!

The Kaiserreichspolizei appreciates your engagement! We are glad to see some initiative from a Rheinland Corporation to aid their Polizei and with this the security of the People of Rheinland.
I will assign officers to assist you if needed, we are ready to send patrols to escort you through Rheinland space.

Since you seem to be willing to help the Polizei, I would have another project for your Company. Please ask your board of Directors if you are capable of building another space station, this however would be a… little bit… larger that a Borderstation.
If Krüger is interested, I will contact you via a separate channel.

That’s all, have a nice day Captain.

Inspekteurin der Polizei Kara von Thielau
[Image: 3TbQEFd.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

K. v. Thielau

[Image: K2AnjKb.png]