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HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Printable Version

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HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Die Schwarzen Herzen - 08-22-2022

[Image: H9Z5mjr.png]
Die Schwarzen Herzen

Guten Tag, Piraten.

We have finished setting up our internal communications infrastructure. This channel is now available for use by all Die Schwarzen Herzen members. Make use of the attached template to send messages through our network. Our encryption is rudimentary but sufficient for our purposes. Don't forget to turn on the video feed with the first line.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Jayenbee - 11-22-2022

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> Incoming transmission <

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From: Maija Niska
Source: HRZ Syriix
To: Alle Schwarzen Herzen
Subject: Ithaca's Supply Issue

[Image: X9opza9.png]

Wake up! It's nearly end of month!

Damn base is falling apart! Who was it that used to own this place? *sigh* Nevermind.

Eighth time this week I've brought the Syriix back here and "We've a fuel shortage." he says. Shortage? SHORTAGE!?

Nobody else care about this base? S'pose to be our lil safeport in this hellsoup!

Anyway, someone might want to clean up my shortage of patience from Hangar Bay Two, I'm off to find a GMG Convoy.

On a positive note, we don't seem to be out of Rum, yet.

Call me for once,
Maija out.

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Luminium - 12-13-2022

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From: Kurt Weinbaum
Source: Ithaca Base
To: Maija Niska
Subject: Re: Ithaca's Supply Issue

[Image: X9opza9.png]

'Sup, Kurt here.

Can't even go for a short cryo nap without everything falling apart here. How long has it been, a few weeks? Did someone drink away our entire cash reserve while I wasn't looking?

Guess it's time to reach into the secret stash... again. I'm opening up access to the emergency fuel supply - it should be enough for our operations until a Junker ship arrives to renew our "subscription service" - or, if we're lucky, we'll get our hands on a corporate shipment. If we're unlucky, well, might as well head into retirement straight out the airlock.

I'm off to get lunch and plan the next raid.

See you around,
Kurt out.

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Jayenbee - 12-15-2022

[Image: Jzfaipf.png]

> Incoming transmission <

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From: Maija Niska
Source: Freeport 1
To: Kurt Weinbaum
Subject: $tuff

[Image: X9opza9.png]

There's my Kurt.

Am I glad to hear from you. A few of the lads were wonderin' if you'd gone and ran on us, or worse, wound up in some Bretonian work camp.

Been gettin' real busy down here in the Omegas. 'Sairs been rolling their fleets about, them Coalition types doin' the same. Ain't seen much Hessian movement, aside from that ... 'incident' we had a while back, hear from them yet by the way?

Ran into an Independent Miner, one of those Guild types, way down in Omega-11. Didn't take much convincin', donated a nice batch of ore. My plug on Freeport 1 says he's a buyer on Fontana, let's hope they don't bail on me like the last time. Just my luck, the Xenos will be crawlin' all over.

The Lady's been knockin' about. Should see what she's up to.

Catch you on the sunrise,

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Luminium - 12-15-2022

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> Incoming transmission <

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From: Kurt Weinbaum
Source: HRZ~Terpentin
To: Ithaca Base
Subject: Mission Report

[Image: X9opza9.png]

Hello, it's me again.

I'm sending this back after docking at the Reason. It's safe to say that this particular raid can be considered a failure, but I will keep this recording anyway. Maybe someone will find it entertaining once I croak. Anyway, on to the report.

I first set out with Maija and her crew towards Cologne, hoping to catch some traffic there. After sitting at the trade lane for a while and watching a fat zero trade ships pass us, we braved the Zurich system.

We found two transports by a station there - a GMS and a Universal Shipping. The GMS ship immediately docked upon seeing us. The other guy - he felt the need to trash talk us while hanging right outside the docking port. We blew him up, of course - but the cargo was gone. Unrecoverable.

We went back and headed to Frankfurt - sometimes traffic goes out to the Omicrons or the odd mining operation happens. But no luck - when we got there, a Rheinland battlecruiser was out on patrol. There was no way to even threaten it with one old frigate and one fighter, so we ran into Sigma-15, past Freeport 8 and into the Omicrons.

After that, we've decided we had enough for one day and returned home.

I'm attaching the relevant recordings as well - maybe someone will have a laugh. Maybe that someone will be me in a few years. Time to rest, refuel and try again.

Kurt out.

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - DragoonArcanum - 12-17-2022

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> Incoming transmission <

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From: Abandoned Reason, Captain
Source: Abandoned Reason
To: All Die Schwarzen Herzen
Subject: Base Location and Code Change

[Image: X9opza9.png]

Attention all Die Schwarzen Herzen

Following a small uptick in Kaiserliche Rheinwehr activity in the Omega 11 system, and in the interest of avoiding any potential upset should our presence in the system by discovered by the Red Hessians, the Abandoned Reason will be repositioning to a deeper section of the Omega 7 Nebula.

All Die Schwarzen Herzen will as of this move switch to Sequence 6 on your physical code sheets. Attempted communication with the Abandoned Reason under the prior code sequence will not be acknowledged and the Reasons precise location will not be given. If one or more of you have lost your physical code sheet again - You know who you are. - then remain at Ithaca base until such time as a more organised member can come and pick you up. At which point you will clear your ship out until you find that sheet.

Logistics Addendum;
To those it may concern, the Abandoned Reason's canteen is currently out of both Kusari Sake and Rheinland Rheinbier.
In addition, supplies of fresh food and rations are down to 36%. Within two weeks we will be down to Synth Paste.

Resolve these at your own convenience.

Abandoned Reason,
Returning to Radio Silence.

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - DragoonArcanum - 12-18-2022

[Image: Jxv1gpG.png]

> Incoming transmission <

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From: Lady d'Aubigny
Source: Ithaca Station
To: Kurt Weinbaum, Maija Niska
Subject: Corsairs, Condiments and Claymore Cannons.

[Image: X9opza9.png]

Bonjour mes amis

Todays excursions brought quite the hussle, non~? Alas, i did miss most of the entertainment. I only caught the call on the tail end of a return trip from Cretan space.

Speaking of Cretans, it amazes to find one in so blatant proximity to a Coalition base, n'est-ce pas? Alas, all the more that they would sooner throw their lives away than pay a meagre sum to be allowed to remain within our sphere of illegitimate activité.
But i confess, seeing a Cretan gunship disassemble itself under a trio of vessels assailment is quite pleasant.
[Image: 9iS2mwY.png]

On other matters, one of you simply must attend to resupply soon. I would rather starve than degrade myself to... Synth Paste... I shall be leaving shortly for Gallia to attend to stock of certain connoisseurs goods for the canteen, not that i expect you to understand, pauvres Sirians que vous êtes. And please, pour l'amour des dieux... Somebody tell the mechanics aboard the Reason to check the Claymores cannon before i get back. The last time i fired it the wiring fried and spewed sparks into the cabin...

It was not funny, tu piques.

P.S. Mon dieu... i... believe my code sheet was lost, destroyed or slipped down som... merde. If one of you might oblige... I... might be in need of your lead to the Reason.

Le tien en Noblesse
Madame et Capitaine Éléanor Véronique d'Aubigny

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Luminium - 12-18-2022

[Image: 8kYl4eb.png]

> Incoming transmission <

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From: Kurt Weinbaum
Source: Ithaca Base
To: Die Schwarzen Herzen Pirate Council
Subject: Mission Report #2

[Image: X9opza9.png]

Well, this has been an eventful day.

First, we were patrolling our territory in Omega-7, when we picked up a Freelancer transport. He seemed empty, so my pilot let him go. But I had a hunch he might be back, so I had my pilot wait near the jump hole to Omega-11. Turns out, I was right. He came back to Omega-7 with a cargo hold full of diamonds. So my guy went up to him with the usual line, and he agreed to pay the tax.

The guy mentioned working for the Coalition - but there was no way to know if that was true or not. I've never even heard of this Iskra base until today. To be honest, I forgot about this incident as soon as the money reached our accounts. We rallied a few ships together and started organizing a raid into Rheinland when the distress call came.

Even with the coordinates, the installation was not easy to find. By the time we got there, we were too late to save the transport. Regrettable, but we could still avenge it. To his credit, the Corsair pilot seemed unafraid, despite our numerical advantage. He completely ignored our demands and opened fire. But in the end, he could do nothing.

We spent a few minutes picking through debris to recover the Freelancer pilot - but it seems he was already rescued by the personnel of Iskra - which was shooting at us the whole time. So we called it a day and returned to port.

This incident might have complicated things for our organization. Sure, we destroyed a Corsair raider. But we also taxed a transport that had apparently been supplying a Coalition installation - something we didn't know existed prior to this that could affect the present negotiations with the Red Hessians. But if the Coalition wants their suppliers to be untaxed while going through Omega-7, they can damn well reach out to us with some kind of treaty. We'll see if this can be smoothed over.

Kurt out.

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Luminium - 12-25-2022

[Image: 8kYl4eb.png]

> Incoming transmission <

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From: Kurt Weinbaum
Source: Ithaca Base
To: Black Hearts' Pirate Council
Subject: Rogues and Regulations

[Image: X9opza9.png]

'Sup, Kurt here.

Just gonna recount our latest trip into Liberty. Me and Maija were going to use a spot pointed out to me in California to refuel and continue on to Bretonia, but we encountered some Rogues. Fun bunch - I've met Mollys who were friendlier than these guys.

Anyway, the Rogues were more interested in giving us new kids on the block trouble than engaging in anything productive. Even brought out their cruisers - of Red Hessian make. Funny how being a Rheinlander is a point against you until you own a shipyard.

Had to feed them the line about wanting to do business together - didn't feel like discussing our goals with all the unknowns about. They laughed it off, but seemed to take it seriously enough. I don't actually think they're worth bothering with - they certainly seem territorial, and not particularly interested in helping us out. I ain't about to grovel in front of their boss for some recognition, either. Still, they let us go unimpeded, a rare courtesy these days.

Notify your crews that we'll steer clear of Liberty core space for now. It's a shame - but we do have to respect their territory if nothing else. We'll play this straight, see if they change their tune when we're a bit less of a mess and a bit more recognized. Then we'll reach out to 'em.

Kurt out.

PS: Met another one of those Technocrats today. Was apparently following us. Watch out for these guys - I have a bad feeling about them.

[Image: DAHUh0r.png]
End of transmission.

RE: HRZ~ Die Schwarzen Herzen - Message Dump - Sally - 12-26-2022

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From: Wilson "Willie" Pierce.
Source: Omegas.
To: The Council
Subject: Rheinland Buro's business

[Image: jT9oYs9.png]

Alright folks, I've found something interesting...

I was poking around Omicron Xi looking for the usual artifact smugglers, and i was successful finding one for once jumping to Munich, i hoped everything would move along as it should... y'know, get some info on their contacts, routes, the usual talk i go around with. Unfortunately some captain with higher crew numbers than brain cells had to show up in one of those ugly Bismarck battleships and scare the smuggler away, so i had to get things rushed someplace else in Munich with that fella. And this ain't even the interesting part by the way, now comes the good stuff. One of those fancy Rheinland Intelligence snubcrafts shows up out of nowhere, probably lurking around the whole time while using a cloak or something, interrupting my f*cking deals yet again. So i just end the chat with the smugglers and let them keep movin'. Expected the intel pilot to just do what they usually do, shooting around like monkeys with little care about involved parties and civilized debate, but far from true... Instead the pilot offered a deal to our respectable team!

Basically they started talking about Bretonian diplomats and politicians moving the threads in Rheinland to ensure the Imperial government in Rheinland stays that way, which the intel agent didn't like, and then said that if we can get things messy in Omegas with whatever convoy moving Bretonian diplomats into Rheinland, the Buro can reward our effort, and not with just cash.

I'll post some logs later about the chit-chat, you guys tell me what you think, i personally think it's worth a try, we already cause a mess around the place without need of someone asking us to, so this may be a plus.

Die Schwarzen Herzen

[Image: xUmT3rK.png]
End of transmission.