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To: Clement de Chevin - Printable Version

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To: Clement de Chevin - Swifty - 08-31-2022

[Message encrypted]
Accuser, Burgundy
31 Août , 745 AGS

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[Image: JQwZMZb.png]
Sender: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Recipient: Colonel Clement de Chevin Gallic Royal Navy
Subject: Proposal

Bonjour Colonel Clement,

Firstly i would like to apologize for being so silent over the last few days, i took the liberty to commence a reconnaissance task through our core systems all the way to Zurich in hopes to find any older acquaintances that could aid our movement or possibly recruit to our group. I'm afraid i did not have any luck whatsoever, it seems everyone is either hiding, presumably dead or outside of Gallia. However while in Zurich, i remembered one important thing - Our relations with the Rheinlanders used to be very close et it is safe to assume they might have changed to neutral at worst due to our lack of reach. So allow me to propose you a task that might if not potentially work well in our favor considering the circumstances.

Dispatch a diplomatic group which consists of a Freighter with a few Sunbeam escorts et give them the task to fly to New Berlin to find out what their actual stance could be towards our group et perhaps begin some negotiations that could be beneficial to us, if of course, it is permitted by the stance.

Think about it, et tell me your what your conclusion may be before making any moves. We can not afford to make unnecessary mistakes without proper advising first.

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Groshyr - 08-31-2022

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R.N.S. Gevaudan, Roussillon
31 Août, 745 AGS

[Image: JbhESIH.png]

[Image: 26iahzN.png]
Sender: Colonel Clement de Chevin, 27th Royal Regiment of the Gallic Royal Navy
Recipient: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Subject: RE: Proposal

Mon Maréchal,

I will assign one of the Auxiliary ships to the task, supported with civilian-grade ships to show respect to the Empire of Rheinland and our trust. The time we could use hard power is gone - we need to place soft, smart and slip to make our potential allies to believe we are ready and looking forward equally and mutually beneficial relations. Rheinland is a major player, even despite the ruination brought to it by the civil war and constant raids of the Hessians, Corsairs and other filth, however I must to ask if there any approach you'd like us to take or we are free to pick whichever suits the case most?

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Swifty - 08-31-2022

[Message encrypted]
Accuser, Burgundy
1 d'Septembre, 745 AGS

[Image: m33Rupb.png]

[Image: JQwZMZb.png]
Sender: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Recipient: Colonel Clement de Chevin Gallic Royal Navy
Subject: Re: Proposal

Monsieur Clement,

You have the clearance to take any necessary measures to ensure this operation as a success, however keep in mind it might not be a safe trip to the destination if we take in consideration the hostile activity in both Rheinland et Gallia so make sure you select well trained personnel for this matter. For starters, i'm more interested in how they would feel about aiding us with the necessary needs et how they really feel about us knowing the unfortunate situation we are in right now, as it is hard to trust anyone these days, people might give the impression that they feel pity for you et wanna help your cause with one hand et betray you with the other, we must stay on high alert until we know for sure the trust is obtained et acknowledged. Approach with caution et don't let yourself intimidated if you happen to be in a situation where it may appear that your presence is not wanted or misplaced. Keep in mind we have been out of reach for quite some time et it may come as a surprise to them at first, the rest i leave onto your capable hands.

Also, use this channel to report directly the results of the task or to get in touch with me for any other matter. Bonne Chance Colonel.

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Swifty - 09-02-2022

[Message encrypted]
Accuser, Burgundy
2 Septembre , 745 AGS

[Image: m33Rupb.png]

[Image: JQwZMZb.png]
Sender: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Recipient: Colonel Clement de Chevin Gallic Royal Navy
Subject: Investigation

Colonel Clement,

Something urgent has come to my attention et i require you to investigate the depth of this matter.
Our men at the Accuser intercepted this transmission which appears to be directed to one of the old Marechals, monsieur Lusignan of the Royal Navy, who is presumably dead. I need you to make sure this isn't yet another trick they believe we would fall for, et find out exactly who is behind this transmission et what their motives could be for reaching for us. Perhaps there is something i'm missing but i will wait for your results before taking this matter in my hands. If i forgot to give you any details about what i need you to do, do not hesitate to say so.

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Groshyr - 09-04-2022

[Message encrypted]
R.N.S. Gevaudan, Roussillon
4 Septembre, 745 AGS

[Image: JbhESIH.png]

[Image: 26iahzN.png]
Sender: Colonel Clement de Chevin, 27th Royal Regiment
Recipient: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Subject: RE: Investigation

Mon Maréchal,

We will launch our investigation upon this case, perhaps an extraction for interrogation of the sender, if it be possible. However, your permission is required for the latter: the Comte title could have give him immunity if he would not affiliated to the Union, and a tearful story about how much he disappointed in the monstrosity Gallia became is not enough to get trust of those who remained loyal to the true regime and true Gallia. I will await your further instructions for making it so.

We cannot confirm or deny death of Lusignan: no evidence, no buried body or else to confirm death, neither is opposite. The only chance to confirm the rumors of the traitor's end is to interrogate a person that often been near him on publicity: there a few of them, I will prepare a list and send it later, giving highlight to all knowledge we posses regarding these individuals. Bear in mind, we are not specialists in reconnaissance and intelligence; assault, guerrilla warfare and counter-logistics operations are our specialization; chances of our failure on field barely known to us higher than if you'd send specialists from the GRI or ONI.

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Swifty - 09-04-2022

[Message encrypted]
Resurgent, Roussillon
4 Septembre , 745 AGS

[Image: m33Rupb.png]

[Image: JQwZMZb.png]
Sender: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Recipient: Colonel Clement de Chevin Faction
Subject:Re: Investigation

Colonel Clement,

A man in his posture, if it really is what he claims to be, will be hard to reach so capturing him for interrogation perhaps is not ideal to our cause. An operation like this will take some time of thought before we can launch it. Surely there must be someone we could hire instead, that may be able to pass a message for us directly to this Comte, instead of taking terrorist-like measures that could harm our reputation even more, or worse, the Comte himself.

Nevertheless, we should probably postpone this matter for a while et focus on what we must do taking small steps to each goals we set. In the meantime i will begin yet another reconnaissance operation of my own et see what other chances do we have so that we don't have to depend on people who may turn on us for a higher amount of Francs. For now, you do what you have to do to ensure the success of the diplomatic operation in Rheinland, i will search for candidates who will deliver a clear message to the Comte without bringing problems in return. I will contact you as soon as i find get some results.

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Groshyr - 09-06-2022

[Message encrypted]
R.N.S. Gevaudan, Roussillon
6 Septembre, 745 AGS

[Image: JbhESIH.png]

[Image: 26iahzN.png]
Sender: Colonel Clement de Chevin, 27th Royal Regiment
Recipient: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Subject: Subject "Kishar"

Mon Maréchal,

A person of most likely noble origin, well familiar with history of Gallia and its internal intrigues is requesting permission to data regarding the Royal Heir's searching. The said madame is willing to share an important, as she claims, information regarding the nobles willing to provide their assistance to our cause. Providing you access to our communication channel and requesting your permissions to share our progress with this person, risking reveal for the sake of possible breakthrough in our current task.

Transmission End

RE: To: Clement de Chevin - Swifty - 09-06-2022

[Message encrypted]
Accuser, Burgundy
6 Septembre , 745 AGS

[Image: m33Rupb.png]

[Image: JQwZMZb.png]
Sender: Maréchal Ferdinand Mounier, Gallic Royal Navy
Recipient: Colonel Clement de Chevin Faction
Subject:Re: Subject "Kishar"

Colonel Clement you caught me just in time,

I was about to depart from the Accuser to resume my task. So i will keep this one short; I'm giving you "6C" security clearance et you will have access to classified information, computer systems or restricted areas to share the progress from here on out with only my approval on the selected people the information may be provided to. You may share the progress we've made this far as it appears we must offer something ourselves in order to receive any helpful information for our cause, it seems only fair if we wanna build trust between us et those who will aid us. Do not hesitate on asking for information about a certain Contre-Amiral Guillaume de Bertinont, Comte du Morvan, of the Gallic Defense Authority as well. Any information provided to us that could ease the reconnaissance task is welcome so that we can proceed to the next step sooner than we anticipated. The Risk is Moderate (Non-Critical Sensitive), the information leaked to outside sources may only delay our objectives however it will not affect the success of them, so fear not monsieur Clement. I will not be far et when i return i will gladly meet you et this acquaintance of yours for further discussions.

Transmission End