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Rise and Fall of Constellation Express - Printable Version

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Rise and Fall of Constellation Express - New Horizon Industries - 10-05-2022

Rise and Fall of Constellation Express
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╠══════════════╣ New Horizon Industries ╍ Historical Database Entry ╠══════════════╣
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[Image: ConEx-NHI.png]

[Image: Con-Ex-Logo.png]

Constellation Express (ConEx) began its way as a subdivision of Universal Shipping.
On June 7th, 828 A.S. the subdivision parted ways with the Universal Shipping conglomerate due to disagreements with the management, and began functioning as a standalone shipping company.
A year later, in 829 A.S. the activity of ConEx has fallen to a halt, so the company's CEO decided to get rid of all company assets and retire.

[Image: Con-Ex-Bases.png]

On February 7th, 829 A.S. the Contellation Express HQ, located by Cordova Shipping Platform in Magellan, was acquired by New Horizon Industries for the price of 1 Billion Sirius Credits. Thus, finalizing a merger of all remaining ConEx assets into NHI. The assets are intended to be repurposed for the production of specialized technology designed by Vecesco Trebitti. The blueprints are said to be based on otherworldly technology he brought along from "way back home", making for unique and highly efficient space transit technology.

A few months later, on October 5th of the same year, the renovations on both facilities have begun. The transformation into a production facility are expected to end about a month later. As part of the transformation and transfer of ownership, the facilities have been renamed to "Elcano Manufacturing Complex" and "Elcano Storage Appendix" accordingly.