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The Nomad Lore - Slomon K'Hara - 04-19-2009

<div align="right]...One of these ancient files in particulair,
attracted our attention.
One file stood up above all
the other Valhalla files...

Unknown researcher.

The Nomad Lore v1.31

We hope this will aid the community in their Nomad-related endeavours, and that you will enjoy reading it as much as we enjoyed making it. We will update the Nomad Lore occasionaly with new information on the Nomads. Keep checking back!

The Keepers.

The Nomad Lore - Titan - 04-19-2009

For any further comments about the canonity of this document. It was designed to be canon for disco RP server. We don't have official confirmation about it from Igiss yet because it was released too early. However, it was designed as I said, to be canon, and that is why it was made by so many different people. Only a handful of actual writers belong to the Keepers, so that people don't complain too much. For all you who are gonna claim it's not canon can do so, however if we get confirmation to it being canon I expect you all to conform. As for all those attempting to join the Keepers or RPing in faction that are somehow related to us or the nomads, follow this document, read it, and try to adjust your RP accordingly. It was made to improve everyone's gameplay, including our own.

The Nomad Lore - Unseelie - 04-19-2009

I do not consider this Lore Document to be Canon. It is, as any other suggestion, speculation. Perhaps its based on good evidence, such as the design docs, but even -those- are somewhat suspect. Just because at one stage the designers had X idea about Z, and they included pictures or words about it when discussing how they got to the final project, that does not mean that such and thus are actually part of the story. The Nomad lore document, so far as it has any truth, is true only insomuch as it is Keepers Faction RP, and as Faction RP isn't any more canon than Indie RP, or any other faction's RP, the nomad lore can be contested by any other bit of rp information. (which, of course, was adressed)

That said, I'm not making the statement that I'll ignore it, either. Just saying, its existence should not convince anyone that any ideas or rp they've had have any less merit, or inherent truth.

I'm not at all convinced it deserves Canonness. Or even needs it.
And this is the third time in 20 minutes I've c+ved this message.~which seemed necessary to do, as the discussion keeps jumping around.

The Nomad Lore - Titan - 04-19-2009

That's your personal opinion, no need to repeat it everywhere, we saw it just nice the first time too. Either way, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. And you already read through all 40+ pages?

Edit: On a side note, any future application for the Keepers or whatnot, I think Wilde as well, need to be according to the Lore.

The Nomad Lore - Balance - 04-19-2009

In The Downfall after However There Were Others: advisor is spelled with an e but elsewhere with an o...minor spelling nazi note;)

Very, very, very good job. Hyung Soong's diagrams make basic sense but are confusing in that the diagram subjects are vaguely related, i.e., "body", "soul", "mind"...etc.
I'd suggest perhaps either a more broken down example set of specific categories or a more graphically refined presentation. Its difficult to follow (though symmetrical). I work with relational charts and graphs in my business but these just weren't fully intuitive to me. Other than that, wonderful and I haven't done them justice yet with a thorough read--will be doing that today.

I had created a description for my Wild story that I thought was good for describing the interest in the human artifact trade by Nomads and Wild and ask you might consider including it--you may freely modify or discard the idea entirely as you desire. it would make a good "narration" before a chapter for example. Here it is:

Imagine the world's largest jigsaw puzzle. Now imagine all the world's jigsaw puzzles. Put them in a massive box (say several dry ocean beds on several deserted planets) and shake them up thoroughly. Afterward blow the planets up with such force that the pieces of all these puzzles are scattered across multiple star systems. This is the "gift" that the Dom-K'vash left the Slomon-K'Hara...the "Nomads". Near infinite numbers of artifact combinations exist. Like human dna, many artifacts are redundant--safeguards against losing too much information--yet some are more rare and difficult to access than others. It pains the Slomon-K'Hara to see any of them lost or destroyed--these are the gifts left behind to guarantee the future evolution and ascension of the Nomad species. Not even they know the full number or purpose of all the artifacts but within them lie technological and biological knowledge and devices that can in time enable them to subjugate and control the entire known universe. The trade by humans in them as "collectibles" especially disturbs the Slomon-K'Hara. Some artifacts are activated by light or warmth, sound or motion and if their activation is not finalized or completed, the information contained within them is irretrievable lost. Many an artifact has been handled by a human collector who had no idea that it was awaiting a final activation sequence or response. Very few have been successfully accessed by humans and those that have created technological breakthroughs on a scale not seen before in human history.

The Nomad Lore - Titan - 04-19-2009

This version is just the beta, many more things are gonna get added as time passes and we'll be updating the document accordingly. Spelling mistakes well..its a bloody big document, we'll try to correct most of them. It's very hard to be even more clear than we were there, we attempt to make everything as clear as possible but some things are still going to remain hopelessly confusing. You can direct any specific questions you have to me or Exile on skype or via PM on the forums. We'll try to answer them as best as we can, but we simply cannot answer all of them in this thread.

The Nomad Lore - Guest - 04-19-2009

Ahh indeed a fine peace of literature.
But needs more mirrors for the download, oddly i am downloading it with 2kb/s

EDIT: The lore should be pinned for the peeps who wish to make a nommie.

The Nomad Lore - Linkus - 04-19-2009

Have there been any major revisions made in the past 2/3 months?

The Nomad Lore - Crysis - 04-19-2009

Very good piece of work guys, especially for people who wish to apply to make a Nomad character. Along the Lore you have everything you need. Gives people some extra information, well, alot! of information... On the mysterious alien species we may hunt or wish to be friends with, since no one knew much about them before.

Such as the hybrids, dreamers, wanderers things many people including myself had never even heard about.

"Many years after the Nomad's downfall, the Legion tried experimenting on the captured
technology for the first time, and they succeeded. So was born a being that called itself Taurvi,
whose true human name is forgotten." -Quoted from the Lore

A very interesting account nonetheless great job once again.

The Nomad Lore - Exile - 04-19-2009

' Wrote:Have there been any major revisions made in the past 2/3 months?

Yes. However, most of the work done in the past few months was addition of new topics.