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Most Misunderstood ship - Printable Version

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Most Misunderstood ship - The_Dealer - 12-01-2006

ok's another question for ya. What do u think is the most misunderstood ship in the game?......

Personally I think the Bret HF's/VHF's take the cake on this one. They're fishbowls with wings but they're not bad ships...especially for beginners and ppl in SP...

.....maybe I'm talikin too much....

so what do u think?

Most Misunderstood ship - Malaclypse 666 - 12-01-2006

The_Dealer,Dec 1 2006, 09:57 AM Wrote:ok's another question for ya. What do u think is the most misunderstood ship in the game?......

Personally I think the Bret HF's/VHF's take the cake on this one. They're fishbowls with wings but they're not bad ships...especially for beginners and ppl in SP...

.....maybe I'm talikin too much....

so what do u think?

I think I'm kinda tired of doing other people's homework for them..

Most Misunderstood ship - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-01-2006

Misunderstood ship? Im not sure what you mean but you keep making these things and they keep getting weirder.....

Most Misunderstood ship - BestFlyerHere - 12-02-2006

U mean ppl thought it was bad and it was really good?

Most Misunderstood ship - Alpha 429 - 12-02-2006

*sigh* Dealer the mod is called Discovery, go and discover it for yourself.

Most Misunderstood ship - The_Dealer - 12-02-2006

sorry guys....guess it kinda got outa hand.... :(

just tryin to break the ice since I've been gone for so long...guess I crushed it instead...[sigh]

ok...I'm gonna shut up now.... :$

Most Misunderstood ship - nekokinryoku - 12-02-2006

Don't do that, i know where you're coming from here. I think the most misunderstood ships are the LF type. I know some people go stright for the huge ships and firepower which leave you as such a huge target for anyone. But with the LF you can do so much. They can evade missiles ever so easily, a skilled pilot can twist and turn and hardly ever get hit by weapon fire ~nya.

Yeh, so they may not have the firepower of a cruiser, but cruisers are so easily hit with torpedoes, missiles and mines. And because they cause quite alot of damage, it's not nice being a cruiser captain when a bunch of enemy fighters show up brandishing supernova torpedoes or whatever they're called, and cannonball missiles and some kind of mine thingy ~nya

Most Misunderstood ship - Qunitinius~Verginix - 12-03-2006

I argee, My faction has never been a big playing the the cap ship thing. Some other clans are always having like three capships per person and Helghast are starting to move to wards mainly figthers in our fleet.

My Personal Favorite Fighter is the Scimitar. Very Nice ship!

Most Misunderstood ship - Ant - 12-03-2006

Difficult question. Many ships are misunderstood and put aside.
I think the Zoner Juggernaught would be the most misunderstood... from my PoV.
It has absolutely zero ability in an asteroid field. It looks ugly and has no real effectiveness.
What more can I say? Is it a misunderstood ship?

Most Misunderstood ship - Koolmo - 12-03-2006

hmm, i think the purpose of Gunboats and cruisers is misunderstood, many ppl seem to think that the idea is to kill larger capships with them, even though they are far more sutied to fighting in their own weight class. I do agree that LF's are misunderstood.