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Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Printable Version

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Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Mr.Jamison - 10-26-2022

From: David Jamison, Owner & CEO of Redline Inc.
Character Bio
To: All affected parties

Subject: Potential New presence in Sigma-15

The opportunity to secure a small base in Sigma-15, which lies along the lines of travel with respect to our routing of Iridium ore, has been presented to us, to which I have provisionally agreed.

It has come to my attention in the interim that there may be complications with this project.
It seems that there are potential conflicts with both the GMG and the Rheinland Military regarding the location of this base.
Additionally, there appears to be some contradictory assertions regarding the status of the area in which the base is placed, which has arisen from the fact that Sigma-15 is both considered Rheinland space and GMG space (without specific boundaries) by various sources. The Zoners also have a presence nearby.

It is not the policy of Redline Inc. to cause conflict with our business activities, and
we hereby invite public discussion
with any parties having an interest in the subject.

For the record, the only intended use of the proposed station would be as a collection and storage point for Iridium ore coming out of the Omicrons, and as a resting point for our pilots engaged in this endeavour. From this location, the ore would be parcelled and shipped out to other Redline Inc. properties for resale.
We have no intent to place factories at this location, and no business reasons to advance the capabilities of this location beyond Core 3, for storage capacity only.

If the existence of this base is allowed by those judged to be the valid legal authority of the location in question, but it is otherwise found to be out of compliance with that authority, Redline Inc. shall make any required modifications to comply with the specifications of that authority as soon as possible.
If the existence of this base is disallowed by those judged to be the valid legal authority of the location in question, Redline Inc. shall desist from it's planned activities and seek such services as needed to disassemble and scrap the base in question.

For the record, Redline Inc. acknowledges that base location lies in close proximity of both Rheinland Military and Rheinland Police bases, and recognizes their claim of local authority by default, pending the outcome of any competing claims that may arise during public discourse.

Thank You All for your Attention to this matter,

[Image: Ho8IBQK.jpg]

RE: Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Mr.Jamison - 12-05-2022

From: David Jamison, Owner & CEO of Redline Inc.
Character Bio
To: All affected parties

Subject: Potential New presence in Sigma-15, UPDATE

Greetings to All,

Having had a suitable amount of time for public discourse on the subject of the presence of
the proposed new base in Sigma-15 without receiving neither any input nor objections, the
preliminary construction has proceeded to the point where it is now a functioning Core1 base.

Furthermore, we have received no objection to our logical statement of position that the area
in which this base was built lies fully within the Zone of Influence of the Gov't of Rheinland, in that
it has bases attributed to both the Rheinland Military and the Rheinland Police in close proximity.

In as much as our statements and assertions on this subject have not been challenged by the other factions with potential claims to the contrary, we consider the matter settled and closed, and hereby submit ourselves to the Authority of the Gov't of Rheinland with respect to laws and regulations regarding the conduct of business at this location.

We would be happy to receive guidance on these matters from the relevant Agencies of the
Gov't of Rheinland.

With Best Regards,

[Image: Ho8IBQK.jpg]

RE: Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Mr.Jamison - 03-22-2023

From: David Jamison, Owner & CEO of Redline Inc.
Character Bio
To: All affected parties

Subject: Continuing construction of this Base.

The ongoing improvements of Redline Depot E in Sigma-15 toward making the base capable of
increased metals and ores storage are continuing in the form of a Core Upgrade which increases
our flexibility in that regard.
Upon completion of these upgrades, we hope to initiate talks with representatives of the local government and surrounding facilities centered upon the possibility of installing an Ores Refinery at this location intended to refine both iridium and uranium ores into their respective metals for export from this location.

As we grow, our ability to make a welcoming and safe environment for regional miners and ore traders to conduct their business moves closer to reality, and we look forward to providing this service very soon.

With Best Regards,

[Image: Ho8IBQK.jpg]

RE: Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Mr.Jamison - 04-12-2023

From: David Jamison, Owner & CEO of Redline Inc.
Character Bio
To: All affected parties

Subject: Base construction update.

With the assistance of our Universal Shipping transportation affiliate JGDco and their massive transport Jormungandr, we have assembled all but the last few loads of construction supplies for our base expansion.
We expect that this expansion of modules capacity will physically begin in the next few days, with additional storage modules following immediately. We are looking to double our storage ability in the next few weeks, giving us the space to begin the storage of the ores and other supplies which we intend to import into the interior of the Sirius systems with our sister base in Tau-29 being the first recipient, intended to service western Kusari and Bretonian bases with these important products.
We also anticipate serving Eastern Kusari and Rheinland bases from our Sigma-15 location.
The future may also include our being able to complete a closed circle of service locations with an additional base in the Omega systems.

We here at Redline Inc. look forward to serving our neighbors very soon to our mutual advantage.

Wishing everyone a safe and prosperous future,

[Image: Ho8IBQK.jpg]

Shortly after this communication was sent, the last of our construction supplies were loaded
into the base. We await only the official final approval of our blueprints to begin the actual

RE: Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Mr.Jamison - 04-18-2023

From: David Jamison, Owner & CEO of Redline Inc.
Character Bio
To: Sirius-wide Businesses

Subject: Base Construction has been Completed..

The Construction and updates to our base in Sigma-15 have been completed, with only minor details to be ironed out, meaning we hope to have Redline Depot E open for business in the next few days.
Meanwhile, the importation of ores and commodities intended for sale at this base will commence being collected immediately in anticipation of doing business with regional miners and transportation companies by the end of the week.
Our sister base in Tau-29, being further along in the construction schedule, has been awaiting this moment to begin operations in tandem with our Sigma-15 personnel and stands ready to begin the transportation of goods specific to Eastern Sirius into the Sigmas and vice versa.

Base owners are invited to contact my office regarding which base supply commodities they are most keen to see available post haste.

With Best Regards,

[Image: Ho8IBQK.jpg]

RE: Redline Depot E, Sigma-15 - Mr.Jamison - 10-06-2023