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Maximum Value of Ships - Printable Version

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Maximum Value of Ships - St.Denis - 10-29-2022

Recently we have had a spate of people's Accounts getting banned due to the Total Value of the ship exceeding the maximum allowed or getting very close to the maximum.

The maximum is just over 2.1 billion credits.

Total value is worked out by sell value of ship/gear/cargo + credits held on the ship.

Therefore you can have a low level of credits, but if your Ship is a Battleship + CAUVIII + BS Scanner, then its worth can quickly mount up.

To find the value of your ship + gear + cargo, just type /value.

On a Restart Ship (ie no gear) I find that about 1.9 billion is a comfortable figure and it doesn't appear to cause any issues.

As you get closer to the maximum, it appears that sometimes the Server will ban your Accounts.

So, please don't try to see how close to the maximum you can achieve.

RE: Maximum Value of Ships - g18em2b - 07-01-2023

  1. Can a character that has the cheapest ship in the game (Scanner Drone) and absolutely no gear or cargo safely hold 2142857143 credits (without corrupting the account)?

  2. In the case of a server auto-ban because character credits are getting dangerously close to the limit, what kind of ban is it exactly (IP ban, account ban, character ban etc.)?

  3. Can banned characters still receive credits via the `/gc` command?

  4. In the case of a server auto-ban, can the credits of the banned characters still be used to pay the purchase fee for the Barge?

  5. Does the /gc command check if the receiving character would go over the limit if the transfer of credits would be completed?

  6. What happens to players who maliciously use the /gc command to corrupt the accounts of other players?

  7. Can corrupted accounts be restored?

  8. Can the credits of corrupted accounts be transferred to other characters of the same player?

RE: Maximum Value of Ships - DSE- - 07-01-2023

Just get scanner drones at Beaumont base for 5275 SC. Fly them for an hour. Use a simple name system like Hold-1, Hold-2, Hold-3 etc. Send credits but keep within the suggested credits. Why take a simple thing and make it complicated for the Admin who have to do all the voluntary work to enable you to get a barge?

KISS - Keep it simple silly.