Discovery Gaming Community
To: The Liberty Rogues (All IDs) | From: Fiorella A. de Marco - Printable Version

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To: The Liberty Rogues (All IDs) | From: Fiorella A. de Marco - Fiorella de Marco - 11-20-2022

Trasmissione in arrivo...

[Image: Maltese-5-final.jpg]
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco
Recipient ID: The Liberty Rogues
Subject: Xeno Relic Smugglers


It came to my attention that the black market in Liberty is starving for Xeno Relics - a key source of income for my distant relatives, the Corsairs. I do not concern myself with such matters in Liberty directly - yet - if you happen to rob, hijack or destroy the smugglers carrying Xeno Relics, I am willing to thank you with 15,000,000 Sirian Credits as long as my wallet allows it.

I will, naturalmente, require adequate proof and an account where you wish my thanks. In addition, I do not care if you decide to sell any intercepted Xeno Relics for yourselves as long as you teach these smugglers a lesson they will not forget.

I have no doubts that this will help your own operations as well.

Cordiali saluti,
Fiorella A. De Marco.

Interruzione della trasmissione.

RE: To: The Liberty Rogues (All IDs) | From: Fiorella A. de Marco - Fiorella de Marco - 11-30-2022

Communication Link: Terminated.