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When scanner is showing green - moondust - 04-20-2009

To all,

Last time I was flying in a trader with one of my chars in Omega 3 system on my return to my homebase in Omega 7.
Nearby ?land Station I saw that a player (I do not remember the name) was approaching me.
I thought by myself: "No worry, scanner shows green, so it must be friendly".
But that player hailed me on a not so friendly way: " Baroness, halt!". "One million, please".

Hmm, friendly, asking me to stop, demanding money from me. :huh:
Incoming missles, warnings, more missles... :(

Then a second player came along, named Rusty Bucket. This player was white on my scanner so it could be an enemy. And I was right, "Halt, 3 million please!".

Luckely I could dock on ?land Station after some difficult moments. Here I made repairments and so on.

But here is the question which I have...

Can anybody who is green on your scanner demanding money from you?
In my opinion not because then it does not make any sence when the other player is green, white or red on your scanner.
Ofcourse I can be also wrong.

But it would be nice when some one could give me an answer about this. And if I am wrong can anybody explain why.
Thank you in advance.

When scanner is showing green - Trogdor - 04-20-2009

If he's green on your scanner and pirating you, you probably have the wrong rep for what your ID says you are.

When scanner is showing green - Cosmos - 04-20-2009

Basically what trogdor has said, But if you both have the same ID/IFF or a Friendly faction ID/IFF it would be considered OORP from his side.

When scanner is showing green - Sand_Spider - 04-20-2009

Yes. Just because someone is "green" to you, doesn't mean you won't get pirated by them. Sure, they are green to you, but only the NPC's are, and they don't know that you are "green" to them. Even if you told them you were, there is no way for them to tell. Henceforth, they still pirate you. It would be ooRP for them to pirate you though if, say, you were smuggling artifacts, and a corsair pirates you.

When scanner is showing green - DragonLancer - 04-20-2009

moondust your own reputation on that char does not matter roleplay.
It is about the ID and the roleplay of your fellow player what matters.

And if you got a problem please be more specific but do not post any character names.

When scanner is showing green - William Frederick Cody - 04-20-2009

If you see someone green to you, that doesnt mean, that you are green for him. What YOU see, is the mirror of your rep-board (F8). If you are a trader, and green to corsairs, you can be pirated by them. Again, the corsair maybe see a red trader.

Kill NPCs to become hostile with pirates.

When scanner is showing green - carlabrams - 04-20-2009

Unfortunately, this is one of the unintentional side effects of the automatic adjustment of your rep.

For example, my trader has had so many bad encounters with Hessians that first he was white, then he was green with Corsairs. With the exception of Miguel Horne, I'm still just as likely to get pirated by player Corsairs as not. (The reason not so much with Miguel - when I see him in system, I just hail him and offer him a donation automatically - there's a couple of LWB guys that I do the same thing to as well. I'd much rather pay a voluntary vig and RP with players than run into the '3 million or dai' crew.)

Either way - I'd be looking in system chat and see who is there with you. Failure to do so can be painful to your wallet.

When scanner is showing green - Heartless - 04-20-2009

if someone is green to you then you might not be green to them, you could be red to them. Check their tag and ID to see what faction they belong to.

When scanner is showing green - ophidian - 04-21-2009

Stay away from ships Green Red whatever, when you have cargo on board hehe.

Most of the ID/TAG things are a bit messed up especially with non-factionized players due to NPC engaging and rep setting. So you may encounter Corsairs being hand to hand with Ourcasts on radar while they are on each other's throats in reality or Hunter ships loving Order over the scan.

Just press O, see the ID, run or love is the solution. And what I said about having a cargo is also very reasonable hehe.

When scanner is showing green - JakeSG - 04-21-2009

All that has been said so far, with some advice. Try and find a way for them to see you personally as green. Maybe when dealing with Corsairs, keep a small stash of food in amongst your cargo, something like that.