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To: Corsairs, DTR- | From: SBPV - Printable Version

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To: Corsairs, DTR- | From: SBPV - Shiloh - 12-02-2022

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[Image: zkYQzQY.png]

Sender: Zoé, from the Syndicat Beaujolais de Production de Vins
Recipient: Corsair Empire
Subject: Problematic Corsair pilot encounter, headsup

Esteemed representatives of the Corsair Empire.

I am Zoé, from the Syndicat Beaujolais de Production de Vins (SBPV).

I have asked one of my colleague, Karl, to pick up the personal ship of our boss, from Frankfurt and to bring it into House Territory, but by passing by the Omicrons.

Karl has been greeted by one of your pilots, Angel.Lorenzo, who questioned him. Despite telling him multiple times that we already helped the Corsair Empire with what we could, he has been attacked anyway - not pirated or anything, simply attacked, and the personal ship - a Limited Edition Very Heavy Fighter, modified even more to fit my boss' demands, has been damaged for the third time this day. Karl did not return fire against the Corsair pilot, in an attempt to continue proving his unwillingness to destroy a Corsair vessel, and let the Corsair pilot, "have fun".

I am not asking for a repayment or anything, don't be mistaken, and we want to continue doing business with Deterrence and the Corsair Empire as a whole. But this puts us in an awkward solution. We are still working on the soil samples and this might compromise our research. I hope you can at least give this trigger-happy pilot, some sense into him.

We're looking forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards
Zoé, for SBPV.

Transmission terminated.

RE: To: Corsairs, DTR- | From: SBPV - jide - 12-02-2022

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[Image: unknown.png]
Id: Elder Alberto Rodriguez
Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Subjet: re: Problematic Corsair pilot encounter

encryption: HyperMacho

Senora Zoé,

Let's make this straight right away. What indenpendant corsairs do on their spare time doesn't matter much to us. When it come to this senor Lorenzo, we have no issue what so ever with his actions toward you. The brotherhood won't sanction nor discourage one hombre to earn a living the way he see fit especially when it's in Delta. Furthermore, having a deal with Deterrence and any other non affiliated corsairs group won't protect you from this kind of encounter.

As far the brotherhood is concerned, you won't get any special treatement nor ye amigos will. You complain is concidered nil and non relevant. *He laugh at the poor lady then hang up*

Elder Alberto Rodriguez.

RE: To: Corsairs, DTR- | From: SBPV - Shiloh - 12-02-2022

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[Image: zkYQzQY.png]

Sender: Zoé, from the Syndicat Beaujolais de Production de Vins
Recipient: Corsair Empire, Elder Alberto Rodriguez
Subject: RE:RE:Problematic Corsair pilot encounter, headsup

Greetings, Elder.

Well, that's a shame, since it was originally in Omicron Gamma. My colleague was forced to flee to Delta, while trying to resolve the situation peacefully.
It's a shame indeed, that you think so little of people and organizations sympathetic to your cause. I hope the Deterrence group will think of this otherwise.
I wonder what they would have done, these hundreds of Corsairs without the supplies we have delivered. Especially the very seldom found luxury food and wine from Gallia. Again, entitlement strikes again it seems.

It was merely a heads-up, not an accusation. This, "senor" was not trying to earn a living. He was on the offensive. I doubt damaging a costly ship is "earning a living", as it ended up being towed again by us and repaired at the very same shipyard again, courtesy of the Zoners.

Laughing is also just as disrespectful, to people, once again, sympathetic to your cause, outside of your system. This is a disappointing reply. But I hope the Brotherhood will consider the SBPV as potential partners however.

We're looking forward to hearing from Deterrence now.

Zoé, for SBPV.

Transmission terminated.

RE: To: Corsairs, DTR- | From: SBPV - jide - 12-02-2022

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[Image: unknown.png]
Id: Elder Alberto Rodriguez
Location: Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
Subjet: re: Problematic Corsair pilot encounter

encryption: HyperMacho

Senora Zoé,

Ye are a funny one. Let's get this straight to you. Your "little" organization deliveries are a waterdrop in the vast ocean of supply we receiving from far more bigger organisation and better organized than you. Contacting us, squealing and ratting like you did is simply unacceptable. You know what they say in prison right? Snitches get Stitches. And when it's come to Deterrence, they represent only themself as we reprensent ourself.

So if you don't want more stitches, i suggest alot less snitches, do your business and don't bother the empire with such puny things.

Elder Alberto Rodriguez.

RE: To: Corsairs, DTR- | From: SBPV - Shiloh - 12-02-2022

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