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Remodel the Necrosis? - Printable Version

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Remodel the Necrosis? - me_b_kevin - 04-21-2009

ok, after going over some of the issues with trying to add some "RAWR!" to the current Necrosis, it seems there's not much that can be done. Also the ship it was originally based on is no longer in the game so, that part of it falls a bit flat.


i'd like to see what the other model makers can come up with. By now everyone should know enough about Mon'Star and the story of how the ship came to be to make a super cool model.

at the end i can just pick which one i like the best or we can put it to a vote.


EDIT: added a link to the current Necrosis

Remodel the Necrosis? - DragonLancer - 04-21-2009

You can still use the old model as a unique vessel from my side.

Remodel the Necrosis? - dr lameos - 04-21-2009

The main problem I have with the current one is the Libertonian texture. Also different colour engines would help

Remodel the Necrosis? - Xing - 04-21-2009

I do not know exactly what Necrosis should looks like, other than fear factor, which we can model out of different ways.

Remodel the Necrosis? - kikatsu - 04-21-2009

I do design some ships in my free time... even made a design for someone else's roleplay before :

I could doodle up some new designs for the Necrosis if you want

Remodel the Necrosis? - me_b_kevin - 04-21-2009

my skills at modeling a ship are doodoo compared to everyone elses. sure it would sadden me to lose the ship i designed myself but if something better can be made, who am i to disagree, right?

we can at least have everyone make their own version and compare even if it doesn't get replaced. but with the skill i see in all the model makers it would likely get replaced with something far better

Remodel the Necrosis? - spec - 04-21-2009

well, you need to change your Avatar to something which suits your character better, perhaps then you'll get a meaner looking ship:)

Remodel the Necrosis? - Eppy - 04-21-2009

Well, it's basically an Outcast Destroyer, for which I still have the original .3ds, soooo I can certainly take a crack at it sometime this week. I'll review the Mon'Star story, but if you want to give me a list of very specific things you want to see it'd probably make my job a lot easier. Also, you may have to bribe a texturer, I'm not very proficient, though I may or may not be able to produce a credible result (albeit when is never a sure thing).

Remodel the Necrosis? - Patriot - 04-21-2009

Already told ya in another thread,put the skin of the slave liner on the Necrosis vessels,thats texture are for ya.Same for the Xeno weapon effect,its defenitly fit the Necrosis 100%.

Ya wish to look very aggressive and dangerous,ya wish to have a vessels who fear us all only by is look,do what i said:D.

Remodel the Necrosis? - Tenacity - 04-21-2009

I think the current model looks fine, but it could use a few aesthetic changes.

-Retexture it to something like the Huntress texture black/dark grey with red electrical lines running through the hull)

-Give it a new engine effect, I would say take the rheinland engines and change the tint to red

-Add the smoke effect some ships in singleplayer have (the damaged ship thing) coming out of the hangar bays on the side as well as the circular thing inbetween the two spikes on the front

Those three changes would make necrosis look quite a bit more intimidating.