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Phone Call to: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron (2) CC: TBH - Printable Version

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Phone Call to: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron (2) CC: TBH - FallenKnight - 12-18-2022

|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| TRANSMISSION READY FOR SNACK |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|

[Image: Kyl3YV1.png][Image: ezgif-com-gif-maker-1.gif][Image: vFtzjqP.png]
[Image: xjoLqww.png]

Carrier ID: Pita "La Aspiradora" Ladron | Carrier: Open Corsair frequency | Description: Hunger

Mucho empty refrigerador

*Moving with dignity and strength closer to a rheinland battleship desperately trying to turn the proper side to check who knows how many hessian bombers are tickling its main engine before opening fire at them with a flurry of colorful ballons* left me here in this god forsaken apartment ALL alone for what...3 years? *claps slowly with her macheta hands - creating huge waves inside her glass of juice, most of which splashed on the ground, as well as disturbing the video signal for a brief moment* Very good paternidad...mucho macho Ladronish as well! Tell you what...your monthly double rations of baby burritos and Nutella box once per a week were stored in my big refrigerador, *glancing at it* which to be honest is not so big at all, anyway... you can do the math twelve months multiplied by three years makes thirty six months. Each month's got four weeks, so that's *trying to count on her fingers* one hundred and forty four weeks, BUT you promised double rations SO we multiply all that one hundred and forty four weeks by two and there we go the final conclusion - two hundred and eighty eight food donations. *tired of doing math she drinks whats left from the juice, leaving an empty glass* Long story short I am not dead and even managed to survive...without loosing weight as well! Perhaps you wonder how could I? Simple - I am Ladron, remember? *burst laughing making a small hurricane, blowing away one of the bread slices in front of her*

Papito...I call you now because no rations were delivered since one week! This is all that's left! Two *observing the plate where two slices of bread were present but there is only one now* slice of bread and one juice *observing the empty glass - empty like Ladron's cave on Creete* wrong again - no juice at all! I hope you did not scratch me on your "Family Calendar" with improper images, you know the one you keep behind your Titan's seat containing all your siblings currently dead or alive...You wouldn't dare...or I will dare YOU! Now hurry up and bring me more food or I will blow away this tiny door and come stealing your meal!

*With anger reaching the famous Ladron mass-produced comm button located even on this god forsaken apartment. Button was SNAC-ed immediately and breaks over leaving a small trail of smoke. Button's soul thinks "Damn Ladrons, trying to exterminate all buttons!*

[Image: BlEzH6z.png]

|X| - |X| - |X| - |X| TRANSMISSION CONSUMED |X| - |X| - |X| - |X|

RE: Phone Call to: Pepe "El Comisario" Ladron (2) CC: TBH - Tuareg - 12-18-2022

{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§} Transmission Incoming {§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}
[Image: XNA58gq.png]

Sender-ID: Imam Ibrahim Al-Banna
Receiver-ID: Pepe's little blossom
Subject: news from Pepe
Priority: minimum
Encryption: Շատ խիստ կոդավորված կոդավորման

Salam Alaikum! *nods*

My name is Ibrahim Al-Banna, a mere tool of the Gods. I contact you on behalf of our amigo Senor Ladron.

*bows deeply, showing a great respect*

Senor Pepe always been a good friend of us and often came spend time with our tribe in the desert. Maybe our way of living a simpler life found a way to his heart. Nonetheless, few months ago, he came to us again as he was looking to find himself like he said. Our people do alot of pilgrimages in the desert...Sometimes for days, weeks or even years.

Your father left with some of my men into the desert looking to find himself and the inner peace. It's seem that he left all his communication devices and our men don't carry any of your technology when going into pilgrimage. I'm sorry to inform you, at this moment, that i can't tell you his wereabouts. Unless he got any communication device with him and some obsolete relays in the desert still working, we can't give you any time frames for his return.

Sorry little blossom. It's all we know but soon he reach enlightment and come back, i'll make sure he get your message or fly back to you. We don't want to risk that a returning slim Ladron eat all our food.

*bows with respect until screen blacks out*

My respect,
Imam Ibrahim Al-Banna

{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§} No Carrier {§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}●{§}