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characters recover - Printable Version

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characters recover - Pirana - 04-21-2009

hi all!

i have instaled again freelancer game after several months, and wanted come back to discovery server.

first of all, tell i already read this Pinned topic about Freelancer ID . I have restored my old ID and i checked it works because i played often in other server and characters i played with, are still there.

i have come back to discovery server and i dont have those charactarers. Names were Sun.Tzu, Sun-Tzu, Piranha and.. eeh.. well.. i dont remember more.

could them be restored, please? :unsure:

Thank you!

characters recover - Fellow Hoodlum - 04-21-2009

That is another one you need to read, I'm afraid. They no longer exist.


characters recover - Pirana - 04-21-2009

oh.. i understand. Then my chars were deleted for a good reason.

thanks for confirm it.