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Hello there again - Printable Version

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Hello there again - Nepotu - 01-04-2023

Hello there fellas! Anyone missed me? Smile SNAC still not working properly?

RE: Hello there again - Groshyr - 01-04-2023

Welcome back

RE: Hello there again - Couden - 01-04-2023

Snac is shitty as you remember it. Welcome back

RE: Hello there again - Nika - 01-04-2023

Welcome back. No, SNAC doesn't oneshot snubs if that's what you're asking.

RE: Hello there again - Nepotu - 01-04-2023


RE: Hello there again - Major. - 01-04-2023

Why did they unban you?

RE: Hello there again - Nepotu - 01-04-2023

Cuz me iz gut boi

RE: Hello there again - Chronicron - 01-04-2023

that's not a face i expected to see. greetings, fellow SNAC enthusiast

RE: Hello there again - Vennamis - 01-04-2023

*tips fedora*

RE: Hello there again - Reno - 01-04-2023

Welcome back to the pit