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To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - Printable Version

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To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - Shimamori - 02-06-2023

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Tokyo, February 6 829 A.S.

Note of Protest

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari presents its compliments to the Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia and invites their attention to the following matter. The most recent decree by Her Majesty Queen Carina I, Queen of Bretonia, appears to extend territorial rights over the system of Saga, also known as Tau-29, and includes it in the designated march of New Cambria. The Imperial Government of Kusari does not recognises any such assumption or claim by the Kingdom of Bretonia concerning the system of Saga (Tau-29) which is without question are the sphere of influence and a protectorate of the Empire of Kusari. Furthermore, the claim of the system of Saga (Tau-29) by the Kingdom of Bretonia is in contraction to the previous responsibilities undertaken by the Kingdom of Bretonia under the Treaty of Harris as well as the legislation of the Kingdom of Bretonia currently in effect, which does not include the system of Saga (Tau-29) as a royal protectorate.

The Empire of Kusari protests against such a decision as harming the bilateral Kusari-Bretonia relations and calls upon the esteemed Royal Government of the Kingdom of Bretonia to reconsider this decree by excluding the system of Saga (Tau-29) from the decree in question and adhering to the terms of the Treaty of Harris. The Ministry of the Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari also wants to remind the esteemed Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia of the Treaty of Lewis, the provisions of which are threatened by the spirit of the decree discussed above.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari avails itself of this opportunity of assuring the Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia its highest consideration.

RE: To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 02-06-2023

[Image: unknown.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Kusari
From: Foreign Secretary Benedict Thomson, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Esteemed representatives,

It is a most saddening development that the Empire of Kusari has chosen to protest the benevolent move of the Kingdom of Bretonia regarding a peaceful solution to solutionizing the piracy-related issues within the Taus, among which the Tau-29 (Saga) system.

We firmly believe in mutual cooperation and constructing a strong partnership, thus we wish to explain that the Kingdom of Bretonia, and by extent, the marches created by the decree of Her Majesty Queen Carina I, do not intend to create such scenarios that would prohibit the safe organization of commerce between the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Empire of Kusari, and it is not the desire of the Crown of Bretonia to lay claims to systems under the control of the Empire of Kusari or other recognized states within the Sirius Sector.

Further, the Foreign Office wishes to explain to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari that the March of New Cambria has been created solely for purposes of providing the Kingdom of Bretonia with sufficient representation in bordering regions and to conduct meeting with groups relevant to the interests of the signatories of the Treaty of Harris.

Lastly, we wish to invite the Empire of Kusari to negotiate the status of the Taus as per the Treaty of Harris as the Foreign Office holds the opinion that a reform is in great need following such unfortunate changes as the Tau-29 (Saga) military incidents. We hope that any concerns will be addressed in a timely manner and with the utmost of respect towards the interest of both the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Empire of Kusari.

Benedict Thomson
Foreign Secretary
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - Shimamori - 02-06-2023

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Tokyo, February 6 829 A.S.

The Empire of Kusari firmly re-iterates its protests concerning the inclusion of the system of Saga within the march of New Cambria and insists on removing the system from the decree in question. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the benevolent aspirations of the Kingdom of Bretonia to facilitate trade and foster security within the Tau region. Nevertheless, the jurisdiction over Saga system is not of dual nature and is undisputably of the Empire of Kusari. As per the Ministry of Exterior admitting the recognition of the system of Saga under the Treaty of Harris, the Empire of Kusari reminds that all the matters within the system, including commerce, mining operations, piracy and other crimes, control of traffic, military presence, etc. is under the jurisdiction of the Empire of Kusari, and, therefore, the promotion of trade and ensuring anti-piracy security befalls upon the Empire of Kusari with all the resulting costs and responsibilities. The assistance of the Kingdom of Bretonia is always welcome within the Bretonian recognised protectorates in the Taus under the Treaty of Harris, and can be extended to the system of Saga only under per request basis and shall be considered as violating the borders of the Empire of Kusari otherwise. Therefore, the request to exclude the system of Saga, also known as Tau-29, from the territories constituting the march of New Cambria is reiterated. Further insistence on keeping the system within the decree in question shall be construed by the Empire of Kusari as an unfriendly gesture undermining its territorial integrity and ignoring the interests of the Empire of Kusari.

Regardless of the explanations invoked to justify the inclusion of the system of Saga in the march of New Cambria, the Empire of Kusari sees it as an unfriendly move by the Kingdom of Bretonia. An inclusion of any system within an administrative system of any sort by an entity construes a territorial claim ipso facto. As previously stated, the Empire of Kusari does not recognise any such territorial claims.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari aspires to resolve this matter diplomatically in a spirit of amity and understanding that the Houses of Kusari and Bretonia have managed to build despite previous differences. The intentions of the Kindom of Bretonia to provide sufficient representation to the bordering regions is recognised and appreciated. However, such representation should be extended only to the systems that are recognised as under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Bretonia in accordance with the interstellar law and all corresponding bilateral and multilateral agreements. Pursuant to the spirit of amity between the two Houses, the Empire of Kusari is open to revision of the Treaty of Harris but shall not consider any attempts to dispute its jurisdiction over the system of Saga.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari avails itself of this opportunity of assuring the Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia and his Excellency Benedict Thomson its highest consideration.

RE: To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 02-06-2023

[Image: unknown.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Kusari
From: Foreign Secretary Benedict Thomson, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Esteemed representatives,

The Kingdom of Bretonia stands vehemently in support of finding diplomatic solutions to any raised concerns. We strongly hope to continue concrete partnership with the Empire of Kusari and extend a formal apology for the incident. It is not the desire of the Foreign Office, nor the interest, nor the mission, to conduct diplomacy that collides with the interests of partners in matters of economy and military alike.

The territory of the march of New Cambria will be reorganized such that it shall no longer include the Tau-29 (Saga) system as per request of the Empire of Kusari. We repeat our utmost interest in maintaining amiable relations with the Empire of Kusari in coming years and as such we shall act at earliest to remedy the problems brought to our attention. The decree will be amended in the coming hours so that the clashing claims may be solved.

We are highly pleased that the Empire of Kusari reiterates the desire to continue strong cooperation in the tumultuous border regions and wish to submit a request to address the Treaty of Harris in a manner that will allow the Kingdom of Bretonia and the Empire of Kusari equal and undisputed rights to conduct anti-piracy operations and present opportunities for organizing broader trade agreements between corporations of either Great House.

The Kingdom of Bretonia remains by the side of the Empire of Kusari and is willing to discuss any other matters that may be deemed of relevance to the Taus.

Benedict Thomson
Foreign Secretary
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies

RE: To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - Shimamori - 02-06-2023

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, New Tokyo, February 6 829 A.S.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari is delighted to receive the news on the decision of the Kingdom of Bretonia to revise the decree concerning the institution of the march of New Cambria in the Taus and welcomes the return of the bilateral relations to a friendly track. Readiness of the Kingdom of Bretonia to listen to the concerns of its partners is a reassuring for the further development of the relations with the Empire of Kusari and a credit to the the adherence of the Kingdom of Bretonia to the duty of upholding interstellar law and responsibilities under bilateral agreements. The Empire of Kusari extends its gratitude for the reconsideration of the stance towards Saga system and resolution of the matter in a diplomatic manner. Once the provision regarding the system of Saga is excluded from the decree in question, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall consider this matter resolved. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is always ready to discuss the matters of the cooperation in the Taus and beyond and work on joint projects under the Treaty of Lewis.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Empire of Kusari avails itself of this opportunity of assuring the Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia and his Excellency Benedict Thomson its highest consideration.

RE: To: Ministry of Exterior of the Kingdom of Bretonia - The Kingdom of Bretonia - 02-06-2023

[Image: unknown.png]

Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Buckingham
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Empire of Kusari
From: Foreign Secretary Benedict Thomson, Foreign & Commonwealth Office

Esteemed representatives,

I want to transmit that the amendments discussed have been introduced to the charter offered to the marches. The decree, as it currently stands, no longer includes the Tau-29 (Saga) system.

We hope to continue bilateral talks concerning the Taus within the coming weeks should the Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcome such negotiations. We thank you for the timely responses and once more apologize for the unfortunate situation created.

Benedict Thomson
Foreign Secretary
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
Kingdom of Bretonia

Open for Replies