To: Maltese Council of Dons | From: Fiorella Arianna de Marco - Fiorella de Marco - 02-09-2023
Trasmissione in arrivo...
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco
Recipient ID: Council of Dons
Subject: Acquisition of the Amalfi
Esteemed Council of Dons
I would like to formally purchase the former MNS Amalfi into my own, private ownership. My plan is to further modify the vessel for my own purposes - mainly my diplomatic and business duties - which is incompatible with the original purpose of the vessel. The reasons I want to buy Amalfi are quite simple - it is a smaller, more agile and safer alternative to a true luxury yacht during my travels through remote Sirius, which would require more resources and crew for maintenance alone, not to mention possible repairs.
Of course, I do not come to you asking for this vessel empty-handed and I am willing to pay Malta and our armed forces the value of this vessel several times over - 500,000,000 Sirian Credits is my first offer for this vessel.
Cordiali saluti,
Fiorella A. De Marco.
Interruzione della trasmissione.
RE: To: Maltese Council of Dons | From: Fiorella Arianna de Marco - BobMacaroni - 02-12-2023
Malta Hyperspace Starfleet
Incoming Transmission
From:Alejandro Harabero
To:Fiorella Arianna de Marco
Subject:Selling A Cruiser
Buenos tardes.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am Don Alejandro Harabero, of the Hyperspace Starfleet. I believe you have met some of my own before. I have some questions before I agree to this offer. You should know that I must ask some questions. Storta destroyer are not constructed easily. Our engineers and technology are advanced, however, the time taken interferes with our ever encroaching enemies. Why must you need to use a Storta, instead of a lighter, less detectable vessel such as a freighter?
Most importantly: How may this purchase benefit Malta. Will you still be assisting Maltese forces. Our struggle for the growth of the Orange Dream can use all the vessels we have available. However, if this benefits our Dream more than a Storta shall, I would like to know.
Until next time, De Marco.
Alejandro Harabero - Explorador Alfa
RE: To: Maltese Council of Dons | From: Fiorella Arianna de Marco - Fiorella de Marco - 02-12-2023
Trasmissione in arrivo...
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco
Recipient ID: Don Alejandro Harabero
Subject: Acquisition of the Amalfi
Caro Don Alejandro Harabero
A cruiser like the Amalfi provides me with the comfort of a second home and the security not possible with any other ship. It is a well-armed ship with reasonable manoeuvrability and compact dimensions. It is capable of accommodating several fighters in its hangar for my own needs and last, yet not least - it is also capable of powering the experimental Rift Drive I received as a gift from a group of freelancers known as the Starfliers. All of the above features and capabilities make the Amalfi destined to be an ideal ship for my business, diplomatic and intelligence interests. And while the Amalfi will not be a raiding warship anymore, I am still an Outcast and the safety of Malta will always be my priority as, after all - there is only one Malta and without my family and my clan, I am nothing.
As for my contributions to the spread of the Orange Dream - while it is true that Signora Valdez from the Maltese Legion was the one who started the theoretical negotiations with the Xenos, it was I who brought them to a successful conclusion and signed the Kepler Accords with the Xeno Alliance. The trade agreement with them not only provided us with a new network of potential customers that were beyond the reach and influence of the Junkers, but it also served as a Plan B in case our current intermediaries in Liberty decided to fire on our people and ships once again. After all, they do not have as much leverage over us now as they once did and any theoretical attempts to enforce a 'New Orange Deal' will not only lead to their economic suicide, but with the Xenos potentially richer and more heavily armed - a physical one as well.
With this agreement, I have made our distribution network in Liberty more robust and capable of functioning in the event of further significant damage or destruction to Rochester due to Junker inaction or incompetence. And as icing on the imaginary cake - I have managed to antagonize the Xenos and Technocrats, which will ultimately weaken these misguided traitors to humanity in and around Liberty.
I am currently working on making another such agreement with Unione Corse to expand our Product to Gallia as instructed by Signor Alarcón, but negotiations are lengthy and I will probably have to turn to the Gallic Brigands instead.
All important documents are attached below. Have I answered your questions to your satisfaction, Don Harabero?
Cordiali saluti,
Fiorella A. De Marco.
Author: Fiorella A. de Marco
- 1. Introduction
The purpose of this report is to map and evaluate the current state of our Network as of 05/829. The report contains mainly information based on communications from our Network's intermediaries and a few other individuals and does not contain hard economic data, and the economic side of things should be considered separately by more in-depth economic analyses.
- 2. Bretonia and Gallia
Bretonia and Gallia currently remain outside our Network primarily due to the absence of any credible local intermediaries. This is mainly due to the very low local demand for Cardamine, which gives little incentive to potential intermediaries to join our Network there.
In Bretonia, our distribution network operates to a limited extent at Trafalgar in the hands of the Junkers. However, due to the low demand so far, the trade is of limited importance. Gen'an Chrysanthemums also conducts its limited trade as they have a limited access to Bretonia.
- 3. Kusari
The Cardamine trade in Kusari is entirely in the hands of Gen'an Chrysanthemums, who take over our product from Cali and also take care of the final distribution. The Kusarian society is very conservative and has an aversion to Cardamine as to any other foreign influences, however, Gen'an reports a steady increase in demand as well as their growing influence among the younger women population. Gen'an is also actively seeking other markets for their expansion, but except for their limited trips to Liberty, without significant success.
The biggest obstacle for the Gen'an in Kusari is the local naval forces with large capital ships, against which our intermediaries have limited options, and so the Gen'an have expressed a desire for increased presence of Maltese capital ships in Kusari.
However, for all the problems with the local forces, at least according to our mediators, the distribution Network itself remains virtually untouched by the local forces.
- 4. Liberty
Liberty remains our most important and complicated market. Paradoxically, our obstacle in the region is not the police, who are easily bribed, but the Xenos and their hatred of the Junkers, the very end of our current Network in Liberty.
Our strongest intermediaries in Liberty are the Liberty Rogues, who have recently reinforced the line from Kusari with another station and increased their shipment volume through the Xeno infested Colorado. The Texas route has not experienced any major difficulties and Cardamine volume through it is increasing.
The biggest problem for us here remains the vulnerable Rochester. The Xenos have grown stronger over the last two to three decades and have also acquired new weapons, as they demonstrated last year with their battleship.
In the words of Signor Hemlocke, the main problem is the Junkers' alignment with the forces of law and that is why Rochester cannot host a significant Rogues garrison. Unless the Junkers themselves have taken their own precautions, which they have not commented on as yet and I have observed no such thing around their base, it is very likely that the station may be disabled again or even destroyed.
The Lane Hackers have not been very helpful either. The Inner Circle seems to have lost a lot of its influence and it is getting harder and harder to contact them or track their influence in Liberty. Alongside them, a new group of hackers have emerged, calling themselves SIGNET, who seem to be in ideological conflict with the Inner Circle and pose as freedom fighters. They seem to be outside the main focus of Xenos and it is questionable to what extent they will be a hindrance to us in the future.
- 5. Expansion
- 5.1. The Mollys
The theoretical candidates for our expansion in Bretonia are the Mollys, who are at war with Bretonia for independence and could benefit from additional funding and influence through Cardamine in Bretonian society. They are also at odds with our ancient enemies, the Corsairs.
However, they are also known for their pride and bluntness. Any successful contact with them should be done carefully and cautiously so that they do not feel that we are trying to use them unilaterally.
- 5.2. The Brigands
The least successful criminal elements in Gallia might also have a potential interest in distributing our product, but the problem remains the dominance of the Unione Corse in the Gallia black market and Brigands' theoretical dependence on our rival. There is also the chance that any distribution know-how could reach the Unione Corse and be used against us and our intermediaries.
- 5.3. The Xenos
Although the Xenos are one of our biggest obstacles in Liberty, they themselves have a strong interest in becoming members of our Network as they will need stable financial resources for their 'Liberty Free Republic', at least according to Cobra, and they do not care what happens to the rest of Liberty.
The Xenos have tried to negotiate a distribution deal with Malta in the past and negotiations have gone nowhere much further. They are currently offering a cease-fire once the official negotiations begin. They are also willing, once they become a part of our Network, to hunt and destroy any artifact and xeno relic smugglers in Liberty to further weaken the income of our ancient enemies, the Corsairs. They could also hunt down the Junkers' carrying these goods as well.
The Xenos quite understandably skip the Junkers for distribution of their goods, so they could serve as an alternate flow for Cardamine to penetrate the places where the Junkers have no access.
- 6. Conclusion
Currently, our distribution Network is working, and is growing dynamically in areas like Liberty and Kusari as our intermediaries gain influence in Liberty and Kusari. Rather than law enforcement, our Network is being threatened by other criminal elements vying for their share of influence in the black market and by the various mercenaries.
It is through the steady efforts of the Liberty Rogues and the Gen'an Chrysanthemums that our Distribution Network is expanding, while the Junkers and the Lane Hackers may prove to be weaknesses, or in the case of SIGNET, outright problems in the future.
Expanding our Network to include the Mollys or the Xenos, in addition to increasing the flow of Cardamine and our revenue, could also directly help us in our fight against the Corsairs and their revenue. The Brigands remain our only, but not very reliable, option within Gallia.
Maltese Representative: Fiorella A. de Marco
Xenos Representative: Damien Morreti
- 1. Introduction
The Kepler Accords is a preliminary trade agreement dealing with the Cardamine trade and other related matters between the interested families and clans of Malta, represented by Fiorella Arianna de Marco, and the Xenos Alliance cell from the LFR, represented by Commander Damien Morreti.
The agreement was verbally concluded on 11th of May, 829 A.S., and confirmed in writing on 16th of May, 829 A.S.
- 2. Contents of the Agreement
- 2.1. Mutual Non-Aggression
Both Parties shall cease offensive actions against each other and shall open fire against each other only in self-defence.
- 2.2. Trade Route
The trade route itself will run through California and Ontario to Ouray base in Colorado, where the cargo will be unloaded and resold to the Xenos for the final distribution.
- 2.3. Base Access
The Xenos bases, with the exception of Fontana Freeport, will remain inaccessible to Maltese ships at this early stage of the trade. Maltese freighters and their escorts directly involved in trade with Cardamine will have the necessary access to Ouray base in Colorado.
- 2.4. Cardamine Exclusivity
The Xenos pledge to be directly involved only in the distribution of Cardamine and not to serve as intermediaries for Malta's enemies, especially the Corsairs. This condition does not prohibit the Xenos from selling contraband obtained from destroyed or hijacked ships as this is not direct distribution, but a sale of the captured loot to fuel their further activities.
- 2.5. Dealing with Rivals
The Xenos pledge to disrupt the business activities of Malta's rivals, especially the Corsairs, and to suppress physical and economic influence in Liberty. The Xenos pledge to compete with their rivals so as not to disrupt the overall distribution and consumption of Cardamine.
- 3. Future of the Agreement
The Kepler Accords is currently only a preliminary agreement establishing the first economic ties between Malta and the Xenos, and may be superseded or supplemented by other agreements regulating relations as the importance of mutual trade grows and relations become more cordial.
- 4. Termination of the Agreement
The Kepler Accords may be cancelled by either or both parties and will terminate within seven days of notification.
- 5. Signatures
Fiorella Arianna de Marco, Maltese representative
![[Image: signature.png]](
Commander Damien Morreti, Xenos representative
![[Image: Damien_Morreti.png]](
Interruzione della trasmissione.
RE: To: Maltese Council of Dons | From: Fiorella Arianna de Marco - BobMacaroni - 02-14-2023
Malta Hyperspace Starfleet
Incoming Transmission
From:Alejandro Harabero
To:Fiorella Arianna de Marco
Subject:Selling A Cruiser
Buenas tardes.
You have made your point. Your record speaks for itself. And I believe you have earned the right to use this cruiser for your own capabilities. As for replacing it, we may use the credits to fund construction of another, as well as advances in any Storta in construction. I trust you know what you are doing, De Marco, and that this will be worth it. While I am cautious of the deal made with the Xenos, I believe advances toward spreading the market through lesser known areas may prove worthy. Our partners have been getting too high a view of themselves, and if we may proceed into uncharted territory, this may compensate and bring success to Malta.
We will be watching your movements, and may help you if deemed necessary. Do not stray too far away from our goals, and we can spread the Orange Dream to the best of our capabilities. Unless there is anything you must adress, I believe that is all. I trust we may proceed this to advance the might of Malta.
Until next time, De Marco.
Alejandro Harabero - Explorador Alfa
RE: To: Maltese Council of Dons | From: Fiorella Arianna de Marco - Fiorella de Marco - 02-14-2023
Trasmissione in arrivo...
Sender ID: Fiorella Arianna de Marco
Recipient ID: Don Alejandro Harabero
Subject: Acquisition of the Amalfi
Caro Don Alejandro Harabero
Grazie mille - I thank you very much for this opportunity. With this reply from you, I have taken the liberty of transferring the credits to the account you specified.
Until we speak again, Don Harabero.
Cordiali saluti,
Fiorella A. De Marco.
Interruzione della trasmissione.