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To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - Printable Version

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To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - All Worlds - 02-13-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: noiVEkL.png]

» Sender - Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Deep Space Engineering Transportation department
» Location - Salt Lake Station, New York system
» Subject - Station Production Supplies Required - Iridium

Good day Deep Space Engineering transportation department staff,

My name is Rei Dobashi, appointed Administrator at the Salt Lake Station near Baltimore Shipyard in New York.

Our new All Worlds Enterprises & Securities Headquarters has been setup successfully to enter the equipment markets with products made right here in Liberty! It is our hope these achievements will now spurn great amounts of activity throughout Sirius, as we now have the demands of the never-ending hunger of the industrial machine!

Today, we reach out to our fellow Liberty corporation, in the hopes that your access to Omicron systems from our home space can provide us Edge World commodities!

We would like to place an order for this product available in the Omicron Delta system, for delivery to our New York base.

Item Amount Purchase
Closest Location
Destination Sale Price
Per Unit
at Base
[Image: Iridium.jpg]
30,000 Freeport 11 or
Nauru, Omicron Delta
Salt Lake
New York E3

If these amounts and prices are acceptable, you are free to begin deliveries as soon as you see fit and when available. The station is ready to receive these commodities.

We thank you in advance for any help you can provide. With our station achieving our desired fully renovated status, you can expect more orders from Liberty as production ramps up!


[Image: awes180.jpg]

Rei Dobashi
Salt Lake Station Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - All Worlds - 02-24-2023


RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - Deep Space Engineering. - 02-24-2023

[Image: DseLogo.png]

Incoming Transmission
To: Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
From: Deep Space Engineering
Topic: New Contract
Encryption: High


This is Eng. Jack Wilson head of the new DSE team in New York, We would like to start some business with AWES team so we are glad to accept your offer, we will start the shipping immediately.

Thanks and have a good day,

Jack Wilson

End of Transmission

RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - All Worlds - 02-24-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: noiVEkL.png]

» Sender - Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Jack Wilson, Deep Space Engineering
» Location - Salt Lake Station, New York system
» Subject - Station Production Supplies Required - Iridium

Good day Jack Wilson of Deep Space Engineering,

It is a pleasure to meet you and we thank you for pursuing this contract with us.

We have informed our docking staff of your upcoming arrivals and look forward to see more DSE ships around our station's immediate area.


[Image: awes180.jpg]

Rei Dobashi
Salt Lake Station Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - DSE|= - 02-24-2023

[Image: 0GDbcPu.png]

ATTN OF: ..........
Rei Dobashi,
Salt Lake Station Administrator,
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities.

SUBJECT: ..........
Iridium Deliveries.

Greetings Miss Dobashi.

We have been considering your request for delivery of 30,000 cubic metres of Iridium. We have done a cost analysis, including a full profit-over-loss evaluation. Based on potential projected cash flow we consider the offer marginally profitable but the price you offer is fair.

As you know our corporate structure is made up of individual owner-operators working in a form of a franchise.
We are pleased to state a number of owner-operators are keen to do the long haul and we therefore accept your offer.

I assume it is cash on delivery?

Kind regards,

[Image: tWIBU1Pb.jpg]
Cliff Hunter
Deep Space Engineers

RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - All Worlds - 02-25-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: noiVEkL.png]

» Sender - Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Cliff Hunter, Deep Space Engineers
» Location - Salt Lake Station, New York system
» Subject - Station Production Supplies Required - Iridium

Good day Cliff Hunter of Deep Space Engineers,

Excellent! We are happy to see yet another supplier for our great need for this distant product!

To answer your question, yes, dock pays per load on station, so individual operators can directly receive immediate pay.

Given this uptick in interest in supplying this commodity for us, we've increased our capacity to handle this item, should both independent operators wish to supply 30k each as separate contracts instead of shared. We leave it up to your company to decide what works best, but the option is there, because so is the demand!


[Image: awes180.jpg]

Rei Dobashi
Salt Lake Station Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - DSE- - 03-05-2023

[Image: 0GDbcPu.png]

This is Jack Wilson from DSE. As requested, we delivered 30,000 unit of Iridium to Salt Lake Station in New York.

Attachments: #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6

Please feel free to contact us again if you need any supplies.

Jack Wilson
Trade Manager

[Image: 0092ZOe.png]

RE: To: Deep Space Engineering, From: AWES - Salt Lake Station Iridium Supply Request - All Worlds - 03-05-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: noiVEkL.png]

» Sender - Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Jack Wilson, Deep Space Engineering
» Location - Salt Lake Station, New York system
» Subject - Thank you!

Good day Jack Wilson of Deep Space Engineering,

Thank you for the great efforts to obtain these harder to reach items for us.

We will definitely have more work to send to DSE's offices as production continues at a rapid pace onboard!


[Image: awes180.jpg]

Rei Dobashi
Salt Lake Station Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities