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V is for Val - Printable Version

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V is for Val - Darius - 03-02-2023

Happy birthday, monsieur!

RE: V is for Val - Jeuge - 03-02-2023

Bon anniversaire
HM Master

RE: V is for Val - TheDoctorXI - 03-02-2023

Happy Birthday Val! May your desync remain strong and your HM's crippling.

Have a good one!

RE: V is for Val - L1ght - 03-02-2023

Happy birthday !

RE: V is for Val - Chronicron - 03-02-2023

happy birthday to my favorite balance dev

i can't thank you enough for making the razors viable

RE: V is for Val - Thunderer - 03-02-2023

Happy 21st birthday! In 3 years you are expected to capture Toulon. If there's no more Little Gibraltar, remember there's still the big one.

RE: V is for Val - Traxit - 03-03-2023

may you live to 120 years

RE: V is for Val - Novascova - 03-03-2023

Happy birthday Smile

RE: V is for Val - Moonwalker - 03-03-2023

Happy Birthday ! Cool

RE: V is for Val - BloodMoon - 03-03-2023

Happy Birthday and best wishes.