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To: Scrappy Salvage Enterprises | From: Executor Ravenna Nagash - Printable Version

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To: Scrappy Salvage Enterprises | From: Executor Ravenna Nagash - Ravenna Nagash - 03-11-2023


┝┅{Sender: Executor Ravenna Nagash
┝┅{Recipient: James Samuel Mulligan of Scrappy Salvage Enterprises
┝┅{Location: Deterrence Sanctum

┝┅{Message Type: Visual
┝┅{Subject: A deal

Signor Mulligan,

Once again, I find myself in need of an independent partner with a reliable history and discretion.

This task has a sense of urgency so I will get straight to the point - I'm interested in procuring a HFX-F1A "Falchion" Border Worlds Fighter in good condition. I am wiling to pay you 50.000.000 credits via intermediaries unrelated to my well-known affiliation:
  • 5.000.000 for the ship
  • 10.000.000 for the speed of execution
  • 35.000.000 for the confidentiality

The ship is to be delivered to Hangar 8B in Freeport 9. I trust you'll have no problem securing it there given the neutral territory and safe haven.

You've proven yourself to be a trusted supplier for a long time so I don't doubt your integrity. Nevertheless, I can't afford to cut any corners in this case. This deal includes no other stakeholders and I've set my system to purge any communication upon completion. I've also similarly instructed a contingency plan should anything happen to me. If there's a leak, it will have undoubtedly come from you. I trust you understand these precautions. I trust the payment matches the level of service required.

Please provide me with an update upon confirmation and completion - the funds will be transferred within 24 hours upon receipt. All records thereafter will be deleted. Reliability will be rewarded as usual in the long term.

Executor Ravenna Nagash


RE: To: Scrappy Salvage Enterprises | From: Executor Ravenna Nagash - Leo - 03-11-2023

... activating transceiver
Logging you in, hang on a second will ya?!
User James Mulligan has logged in.
... Passing Public Key to recipient
... input message below:

Error 404 - Logo Not Found

[Image: xlqbipz.gif]

"Executor Ravenna Nagash"

James Mulligan - "Planet Baden Baden"

RE: A Deal

Encryption Strength:

The sound of muffled thumping can be heard on the other side of the communicator along with a man cursing distantly before a scraggly looking man's face answers behind very bad distortions.

I haven't heard this damn communicator go off in months. Thought I turned it off when I retired. Good to hear from you Executor, but I've got some bad news for ya, I'm retired. Sold off my stake in SSE to a gentleman named Buck Owens and moved out here to Baden Baden to enjoy the last 10 years of my life or so with the proceeds of sellin' my company. Been enjoying the beautiful beaches and the beautiful women here. Haven't had much time for scrapping as of late as you might expect.


The man scratches the back of his head as he looks down the beach deep in thought; his eyes calculating as he does so.

I might be able to help you out. Truth be told I've been getting a little anxious here the past couple of weeks. It won't be easy to put this together. Many Falchion's are upkept pretty well by those who own em. Plus, they're Zoner tech at their core, so they often don't even need much upkeep to begin with. Finding one that isn't scrap won't be easy unless you're willing to have one that was...ah...liberated if you catch my meaning.

I'll see what I can do. Next communication will be the delivery notice. Keep your ears on.

Oh, and Executor? Thanks for givin' this old man something to do. I can only play "pin the tail on the bikini model" so much before I start lookin' for somethin' else to do if you catch my meanin'.

--James Samuel Mulligan
Former Captain of the Anamnesis, Old Fashioned, and Scrap Heap
Former Owner of Scrappy Salvage Enterprises (LLC)

... preparing to send message
... checking for spelling mistakes
Watch out, we got a genius over here...
... priming primary buffer
... Message sent!
... User James Mulligan has logged out

RE: To: Scrappy Salvage Enterprises | From: Executor Ravenna Nagash - Leo - 03-14-2023

... activating transceiver
Logging you in, hang on a second will ya?!
User James Mulligan has logged in.
... Passing Public Key to recipient
... input message below:

Error 404 - Logo Not Found

[Image: xlqbipz.gif]

"Executor Ravenna Nagash"

James Mulligan - "Planet Baden Baden"

RE: A Deal

Encryption Strength:

It wasn't easy, but I got your ship for you. Dropped it at Freeport 9 like you asked. All off the books.

As to where I got the ship...well that's a story best told in person over a drink or ten. I'll let your imagination conjure up heroic measures and what not.

The ship has been scrubbed. All transponders swapped out for brand new, off the assembly line, blank units and wiped an additional couple times for good measure. All the identification numbers on all parts have been replaced with spoofed ID numbers so that it can't be tracked back to you as to where it was obtained. For anyone doing a check, it looks like a brand new ship straight off the assembly line.

As for the cash, keep it. Selling Seward to Mr. Owens made me flush for the rest of my life. I'll just hold onto this as a favor if you don't mind. Never know when I'd need a friend in a time of need.

Be seein' ya.

--James Samuel Mulligan
Former Captain of the Anamnesis, Old Fashioned, and Scrap Heap
Former Owner of Scrappy Salvage Enterprises (LLC)

... preparing to send message
... checking for spelling mistakes
Watch out, we got a genius over here...
... priming primary buffer
... Message sent!
... User James Mulligan has logged out

RE: To: Scrappy Salvage Enterprises | From: Executor Ravenna Nagash - Ravenna Nagash - 03-26-2023


┝┅{Sender: Executor Ravenna Nagash
┝┅{Recipient: James Samuel Mulligan
┝┅{Location: Unknown

┝┅{Message Type: Recording
┝┅{Subject: Successful completion

Signor Mulligan,

Once again you've proven your reliability.

I cannot express enough how grateful I am for your exceptional services in delivering the ship to the designated location. Your expertise in navigating through uncertainties of the Omicrons is impressive, and I commend you for your quick work despite the challenges normally associated with the task.

You've not only met my expectations but exceeded them with your professionalism and discretion.

My offer for compensation still stands should you need it now or at a later time. I'll also be attaching a full report to your file. If you do contact Deterrence at a later date and you have something else in mind, your request will be met with a priority.

Trusted partners are hard to come by in this line of work.

Stay safe,
Executor Ravenna Nagash