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To: US|, From: AWES - Salt Lake Reinforced Alloy Supply request - Printable Version

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To: US|, From: AWES - Salt Lake Reinforced Alloy Supply request - All Worlds - 04-07-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: noiVEkL.png]

» Sender - Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Universal Shipping US|
» Location - Salt Lake Station, New York system
» Subject - Station Production Supplies Required

Good day Universal Shipping staff,

Another round of production has begun in the equipment manufacturing factories, and already the requisitions for materials are hitting my desk. It has been some time since we offered one of these contracts to Universal Shipping, an oversight we can correct today!

We would like to place an order for these products for delivery to our New York base.

Item Amount Purchase
Closest Location
Destination Sale Price
Per Unit
at Base
[Image: ReinforcedAlloy.jpg]
Reinforced Alloys
30,000 Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania /
Ames Research Station, Kepler
Salt Lake
New York E3

If these amounts and prices are acceptable, you are free to begin deliveries as soon as you see fit and when available. The station is ready to receive these commodities.

We thank you in advance for any help you can provide. Our New York production efforts rise or fall depending on our reliable network of shipping suppliers - keeping some of these contracts in Liberty for Universal Shipping has always been a benefit to business for both factions!


[Image: awes180.jpg]

Rei Dobashi
Salt Lake Station Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: US|, From: AWES - Salt Lake Reinforced Alloy Supply request - US| - 04-07-2023

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

Dear Rei Dobashi,

As per Your contract request

Thank you for choosing Universal Shipping for your required goods.

However, your request for 30,000 Units of Reinforced Alloys has been approved. We'll contact our transport department to immediately to start this contract in effect. Please note all contracts allow for a 48hr push notification. Then you'll see your stocks improving rather well.

I'll be in touch,

Best Regards,

Charles Bell

Universal Shipping Incorporated

RE: To: US|, From: AWES - Salt Lake Reinforced Alloy Supply request - US| - 04-07-2023

[Image: 20110920060754%21USI_Logo.png]

Dear Rei Dobashi,

As per Your contract request

Thank you for choosing Universal Shipping for your required goods.

I have personally seen to this contract to be completed at haste.

Standard Procedure. Job Done.

Till next time friend.

Best Regards,

Charles Bell

Universal Shipping Incorporated

RE: To: US|, From: AWES - Salt Lake Reinforced Alloy Supply request - All Worlds - 04-08-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: noiVEkL.png]

» Sender - Rei Dobashi, Salt Lake Station Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Charles Bell, President, Universal Shipping US|
» Location - Salt Lake Station, New York system
» Subject - Thank you!

Good day Charles Bell of Universal Shipping staff,

We can't thank you enough for your prompt shipments for our supply needs!

Having your company available locally to handle such requests is an incredibly advantageous benefit to Liberty residency!

You can expect more business from our station as production continues!


[Image: awes180.jpg]

Rei Dobashi
Salt Lake Station Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities