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To: Deterrence Fleet, Reincarnation Station administrators - Printable Version

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To: Deterrence Fleet, Reincarnation Station administrators - Petitioner - 04-17-2023

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identified: Juba Kakuzo, SV Shirahige Maru

[Image: eOgN6x6.png]

Konbanwa, honorable representatives of the Corsair Empire.

I am Kakuzo Juba, the captain of the Samura Vessel 'Shirahige Maru'. Our corporation and your people have long had a friendly business relationship, along with our mutual friends in the Hogosha. We have brought you food and industrial supplies in exchange for your assistance in procuring your wonderfully beautiful artifacts and various other rare and valuable materials. I would like to seek your permission for my vessel to traverse Corsair space in pursuit of furthering this relationship, and most especially to purchase the unique artifacts found in the fascinating environment of Planet Knossos from your outpost there.

If there is anything your people find themselves in need of, the 'Shirahige Maru' is more than capable of procuring it for you. Of course, we have full intent to follow the hallowed laws and regulations set forth by your honorable Council of Elders, to comply with any and all directives your pilots may issue us, and, naturally, all our transactions would be conducted with the utmost discretion. I look forward to setting my vessel at the service of your most noble people.

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RE: To: Deterrence Fleet, Reincarnation Station administrators - Aingar - 04-17-2023


┝┅{Sender: Administrator Achates Galatas
┝┅{Recipients: Kakuzo Juba
┝┅{Location: Deterrence Sanctum, Orbit of Planet Crete, Omicron Gamma
┝┅{Subject: Entry Permit

Saludos, Senor Kakuzo.

My name is Achates Galatas, and I'm in charge of overseeing all matters related to our excavation operation within Knossos Atmosphere, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Samura vessels have for the longest time been welcome within El Imperio, and I highly doubt that will change anytime soon. The only requirements that I will insist are followed to ensure your safe passage are as follow:
- Your vessel must be entering our space carrying something of value to trade with the Corsair Empire. Food, Consumer goods, various machinery or electronics are all of use for us. I will note however, that I've developed a taste for Kyushu Rice, so I would be most grateful if some could make its way into your hold.
- Your vessel must obey any demands made by any pilot flying under Corsair banner, be it Deterrence or otherwise. Should any such demand put you at a loss, contact me on this channel por favor so I can handle the situation amicably.
- Your vessel must be leaving our space with at least some artifacts with your hold, ensuring The Empire profits both ways.

As long as Shirahige Maru obeys these simple rules, we guarantee your safety within our borders. You are also more than welcome to request escort and/or assistance from any of our vessels in the vicinity.

Oh, before I forget: While Reincarnation will happily purchase any Water, Oxygen and Food that you'll bring along, the quartermaster has been expressly instructed to redirect any Kyushu Rice shipments directly to Crete.

In case of any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to me.

Message end.