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To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - Printable Version

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To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - The Republic Of Liberty - 04-18-2023

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Minister Leandres;

A pleasant day to you. I believe this is the first time I have had the pleasure of speaking with you, or for that matter, anyone from Gallia on an official level.

Our houses don't share much history besides violence, and begrudgingly we allow civilian traffic from our respective houses to come and go to some extent, but to say our relations are frigid would be an understatement, and your merchants are aware as that just as much as ours. To that end I've come to extend an olive branch of sorts, hoping to sweep away these bad feelings, and attempt to usher in greater prosperity and cooperation between our nations. We've had a lengthy discussion, those of us amongst the cabinet, and while there's always a few misgivings, we agreed that it's time to officially call an end to the now-dead war between our houses. And with a little luck, see what we can offer each other in the field of commerce.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you soon, Minister Leandres, and potentially working with you too.

With regards.

- Sam Worthington, Secretary of State

RE: To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - The Gallic Union - 04-19-2023

Planet New-Paris, Île-de-France
19th of April, 746 AGS

[Image: uvcxums.jpg]

[Image: avatar_23336.png?dateline=1636124588]

Sender: Marceau Leandres, Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Gallic Union
Recipient: Sam Worthington, Secretary of State of Liberty
Subject: Discussion

Monsieur Worthington,

Bonjour, first and foremost. I must admit that this communication was unexpected et comes as a big surprise to me. I don't believe I, or any of my predecessors had the opportunity to discuss any matters on an official level with your people either, this would certainly be an important first step towards a new era of cooperation between our two great nations.

I agree the conflict was long, costly and exhausting, and I believe it is time to put an end to it and look towards the future. Unfortunately, I believe we share a common problem, if I can call it that, and that is mixed feelings in this regard from other officials. While some are still mourning over their losses, I learned to leave it behind because it was not up to us to stop something we could not control, ultimately leaving us to live with the consequences of the actions by Rogue elements in leadership and political management. However Gallia does not need to be portrayed as a "bad guy" anymore, I trust you believe so too otherwise I do not believe you would be reaching out, again, surprisingly.

So, needless to say, we are open to ending this conflict and turn the page to a new chapter that comes with benefits for us both. I also believe my own cabinet would like to know the reason for this change of heart, after all it is very unusual for people to change their opinions they formed on our whole nation, let alone wanting to collaborate with us after the unfortunate event of Leeds created by the aforementioned Rogue elements, I hope you do not get me wrong.


- Marceau Leandres, Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Gallic Union.

End of Message

RE: To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - The Republic Of Liberty - 04-19-2023

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Minister Leandres;

A pleasure to hear from you, mister Leandres.

Liberty has had its share of conflicts, and we don't hide the fact we had a particularly bloody one with Rheinland some years ago, so we understand that things change. Indeed, with the upheaval in Gallia following the calamity that befell Leeds, we understand many of those responsible for this action were held accountable, and the rest either have gone missing, or are assumed dead. Our intelligence agency, the Liberty Security Force, has been quite thorough with their investigations of Gallia, and feel confident that you are not the same House that you were at the start of the war, as much as their personal opinions of you may think otherwise. I won't share too much detail, but despite what they think, they always answer objectively to our inquiries. If we were to hold every person in your borders accountable for what happened at Leeds, it's only asking for more conflict and death.

What brings Liberty to you is much the same as it is for the other houses. We see an opportunity for growth, economic and diplomatic, and believe you have as much to offer us as we do to you. It's no secret that Liberty is rather dependent on the imports of raw and intermediate materials and the export of our finished products. Not only that, we've the largest tourist economy in the sector, both incoming, and outgoing. With even just modestly warmer relations, trade and the movement of people between our houses would surge, and just by the fact people like to visit new worlds would see the beginnings of economic growth.

We would like to make it public that Liberty and Gallia are looking towards a new relationship, and while we have no specifics at the moment as we're currently querying our great corporations, there would undoubtedly be many trade deals in the near future, either between us, or our respective corporations giving each other a call. Another topic that was being passed around was the potential development of the Tau regions by Gallia, an endeavor we would support, though that's a proper discussion for another time.

I look forward to hearing from you again.

- Sam Worthington, Secretary of State

RE: To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - The Gallic Union - 04-20-2023

Planet New-Paris, Île-de-France
21st of April, 746 AGS

[Image: uvcxums.jpg]

[Image: avatar_23336.png?dateline=1636124588]

Sender: Marceau Leandres, Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Gallic Union
Recipient: Sam Worthington, Secretary of State of Liberty
Subject: RE:Discussion

Monsieur Worthington,

It is a refreshing breath of air for us to be able to have this conversation, we are just as pleased as you.

I am aware that each nation must protect it's values and interests when the people appointed to come with peaceful and reasonable solutions to their cause fail to provide them, and so ultimately they go to war. The people of Gallia are being held accountable to this day for the unforgiving crimes against humanity decided by the few who still believed they fought in the name of the King even after they lost, while the guilt is still thrown on the whole nation and everybody forgets the brave efforts of The Council to help on the fronts while standing in a difficult position inside Gallia themselves. So we are past trying to justify ourselves to those who will only see the worst in us, and keep hoping for the best things in the future.

Gallia itself is virtually not dependent on importing materials, but I can say exporting our products has been a low priority for the successive governments and corporations, especially after Kusari unexpectedly invaded us and cut all ties in this regard, and their expansion in the Taus will certainly make finding any routes for our Corporations towards Liberty somewhat difficult, unless Kusari owns up to their mistakes. As for tourism, we have our very own paradises that I'm confident your people would enjoy visiting and exploring.

With this being said, I agree that there are more specifics to talk about when their time come, perhaps we could establish an Embassy in Liberty for those too. We will be happy to let a Libertonian Embassy in Gallia in return. This is, I believe, the logical next step in our bilateral cooperation.

For now we will seal the outcome of this communication and let the people know our conflict is officially over, as well as the doors for a economic and development cooperation between our nations have just opened. I'm sure these news will make the people happier.


- Marceau Leandres, Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Gallic Union.

End of Message

RE: To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - The Republic Of Liberty - 04-21-2023

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Minister Leandres;

A pleasant evening to you Minister Leandres.

I'm glad we found very little obstructing our path towards greater understanding of each other, and already we're looking for an excellent location to set up an embassy for your people on Manhattan. I do believe a private landing pad and a view from up high is in order. We'll let you know when we're ready to receive you, and likewise, I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready to accept our own diplomats.

With regards.

- Sam Worthington, Secretary of State

RE: To: Marceau Leandres - Gallic Union Foreign Affairs - The Gallic Union - 04-22-2023

Planet New-Paris, Île-de-France
23rd of April, 746 AGS

[Image: uvcxums.jpg]

[Image: avatar_23336.png?dateline=1636124588]

Sender: Marceau Leandres, Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Gallic Union
Recipient: Sam Worthington, Secretary of State of Liberty
Subject: RE:RE:Discussion

Monsieur Worthington,

Indeed, the sentiment is shared here in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well.

We are glad that, at the very least, have started again on new grounds, and that all future partnerships that will bloom thanks to the understanding of both our Houses, will benefit greatly from it.

We have found a building available to be used for your future embassy on Planet Nouvelle-Paris. I have also found that a lot of Gallic delicacies are available nearby, and a personal favorite of mine - a bakery just in front. I hope your diplomatic mission will enjoy their stay in Nouvelle-Paris.

Our diplomatic mission is getting ready to go to Planet Manhattan. Naturally, we thank you again for the thought. Once they will be ready, they shall be on standby, ready to go when you give us the go signal. The same will be done here.

Also, when you are ready, we would like to do a joint press conference to announce to Sirius and to the Gallic Union, that our war is officially over, and that we are on the way to cooperate.

Bien cordialement.

- Marceau Leandres, Foreign Affairs Ministry of the Gallic Union.

End of Message