First Armada BB repository - The First Armada - 04-26-2023
ID: Liberty Navy
IFF: Liberty Navy
TAG: 1st|
Discord: Join now!
High Command Permanent Residence: Juneau Shipyard, Alaska
Premise: They are an Armada of the Liberty Navy. They maintain state control in systems claimed by Liberty, patrol border systems and assist in law enforcement.
They have absolute belief in the righteousness of all that the Republic of Liberty stands for. The First Armada prefers to rush to the vanguard of all military operations, many would say recklessly, in blind faith of their orders.
They leave no stones and new opportunities unturned in their quest to keep peace and order and enforce the Liberty Law, stop smugglers and assist in the expansion of Liberty's values to new regions. They care more about the principles of upholding the Law rather than the income from monetary fines.
Recent additions to the Armada, are the Raptors, these individuals will hunt out smugglers and also lwa breaking individuals within Liberty territory. Keeping the citizens of Liberty safe and free from contraband smugglers who deal their wares undr our noses. Upholding the law and protecting innocent transports who are preyed upon by Pirates. These individuals do not engage in combat unless they necessarily have to, and will protect any citizen they can and help them to safety. Making sacrifices may be necessary to protect civilians and it is their intention to do so under extreme circumstances. They are lead by an individual who is both passionate and ready to deal with any situation thrown their way, Raptor Commander VANGUARD and will ensure his operatives are ready in any situation.
Another recent addition to the Armada is, Spectre squad.
Thes individuals are ruthless and to put it bluntly wreckless towards individuals who threaten Liberty. All combat scenarios are practiced and training levels of these individuals is nothing short of relentless. Every day setting scenarios and making sure they are ready for anything.
If you come to Liberty to pick a fight, these individuals will be the first responders on light vessels and will also instigate more appropriate vessels if they are needed to back up their mission.
Spectres are lead by an individual, SHOCKWAVE, who like the Raptors Commander, will make sure these individuals are dealt with in a manner that suits the situation. Not every situation will be ideal for these operatives, but as a first response they can assess what assets will be needed to deal with the threat. These pilots have been known to go against many attackers alone and can come out victorious.
Highly trained, highly motivated to succeed at their role. If they are disabled, be warned these individuals will come back for more again one day and will be ready to seek their duel.
Their Commander leads by example, and has trained many of them to be the best of the best, and our other combat trainers are also impressed with their skills.
The First Armada will accept individuals who are ready to train hard and protect Liberty at all costs. There has not been any serious war outbreak in a long time, and improving the Armada is always the first thing on Admiral Van-Leers mind.
Individuals who show promise will be shown the right values to becoming high ranking officers and also those who excel can be put in charge of squads and other areas of the Armada.
The Armada seeks peace, tranquility and safety towards all civilians who visit the borders and enter our systems. Making sure that we can protect, prevail and ensure we give the people of Liberty a place to be proud of, whichever system we may be needed.
Allies: Liberty Navy, LPI, LSF, Liberty Corporations
Enemies: Factions listed in Liberty Law 3.0:Hostile Organizations
You are expected to be taught the basics of duty by our officers. You simply make your first steps in the First Armada and learn, often by mistakes how to advance to the crewman.
So you passed the Naval Academy at West Point and are eager to fly your newly acquired ship.
In this rank, you will experience all you learned in theory on the field. Patrolling, enforcing laws, low-level duty on warships, chasing smugglers, and who knows, if you get lucky you may even get a chance at arresting an actual high-ranking criminal or hostile! (Hope you put some time in the simulator on West Point)
You have been working, patrolling, arresting and chasing criminals all around Liberty.
Thanks to your efforts there are less drugs, guns and slaves in Liberty.
You know how to work the laws in the field and learned the tricks of smugglers and maybe got into a dance with some highly wanted criminals.
Now you are ready to be the backbone of the Fleet. As a junior officer you will take part in direct combat operations, lead and educate crewmen, and be ready to take more responsibility aboard warships.
You have earned your wings. Its is time for you to start feeling like you are really in command. You are starting to take charge of Gunboat class vessels and gain experience as part of the Command Information Centre on our finest warships. As Lieutenant the Admiralty expects you to make smart decisions on the field as this is your exit from Low Command and step into Mid Command of the Armada.
Ensigns are looking up to you and high ranking officers watching and assessing your performance on the field. You are important and your commanding presence can be felt whenever you enter the room. Lieutenant Commander
You are considered a commanding officer. You are starting to be given responsibility for dealing with stakeholders across Liberty - other fleets, corporations and others. This is the role where you start to be the Commanding Officer of warships and squadrons.
Everyone looks up to you. You command multiple squadrons, lead missions you yourself often commission. The Command Information Centre of warships is your frequent home. You take initiative in directing stakeholders in Liberty and are fully trusted by the Admiralty to do so autonomously without much oversight. In wartimes you can even command entire battle groups in the field in case of an absence of higher ranks.
Welcome to High Command. The Captain of the Armada is an experienced pilot who knows how to lead multiple battle groups if necessary. You name is known not only to your fellow heroes but Liberty's enemies too.
Lower ranks admire and look up to you hoping one day to be Captains themselves. You are fully entrusted to speak on behalf the First Armada in all matters but those that really must involve the Admiralty. You are expected to be the Commanding Officer of not only most warships you set foot on, but also everyone assigned to their group.
The Commodore is ready to organize large-scale operations and mold the First Armada. You frequently recruit and promote new officers when you reach this rank, have given out custom awards and are ready to take charge whenever required.
You are the Admiralty. You make the highest-level decisions. In the First Armada, you are not expected to only sit behind the desk. Our admirals unless consumed by their High Command duty are fully expected to lead by example on the front lines. They even perform low level patrols to motivate the officers under their command whenever they can and charge head-on in battle on their commanding vessels.
Vessel Designations:
Fighters, Bombers: 1st|Name.Surname or Codename
Capital Vessels: 1st|LNS-Name
Transports/Liners: 1st|PEGASUS- or 1st|P-
Freighters: 1st|LNF-Name
Office of Naval Intelligence: 1st|ONI-
Divisions and Squadrons:1st| Divisions and Squads Explained
Aiden Pearce
Akagi Kudo
Alex Freeman
Arnold Takeshi
Blake Wayne Van Leer / Hawk Jones
Bryce Walker
Erast Starfield
Felix Gustafson
James Dan
Julius Fox
Johan van Wyk
Jonathan Odgar
Lewis Petrovski
Lewis Williams
Libby Harrison
Lockwood Holloway
Luke Lukas
Lya Robbins
Mahdi Bakeri
Marty Mustaine
Matthew Walker
Miranda Nur
Nineth Legion
Noel Tizona
Preston Cole
Sly Quin / Black Quin
Stanley Colt
Victor Callotis
William Hawkins
William Nelson
CLASSIFIED identity alt roster
RE: Combad Academy Resources - The First Armada - 04-26-2023
(01-31-2024, 07:07 PM)The First Armada Wrote:
SENDER: Genoveve Black
SOURCE: Alaska, First Armada HQ
SUBJECT: Wanted criminal status
Good day,
It appears the record of our previous communication has been lost - my sincerest apologies.
You were marked a wanted criminal over a month ago due to breaches of law 5.1 and lack of compliance - we don't want you to be surprised when you are shot down.
[07.12.2023 16:35:20] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: Cur your engines please
[07.12.2023 16:35:41] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: I repeat, cut your engines
[07.12.2023 16:35:43] Caliban: Mind your own business.
[07.12.2023 16:36:26] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: In pursuit
[07.12.2023 16:36:30] Caliban: Is there something you want, badge?
[07.12.2023 16:36:43] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: You have failed to follow instructions
[07.12.2023 16:36:44] Caliban: You want an autograph? A cookie?
[07.12.2023 16:37:02] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: The fine amount stands at 10,000 credits
[07.12.2023 16:37:19] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: You have 30 seconds to comply
[07.12.2023 16:37:31] Caliban: That's a little harsh for effectively stopping /after/ exiting a Jump Hole.
[07.12.2023 16:37:54] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: "Mind your own business" isn't exactly cooperation
[07.12.2023 16:38:02] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: Fine stands, you have 15 seconds
[07.12.2023 16:38:09] Caliban: No, thanks.
[07.12.2023 16:38:13] /1
[07.12.2023 16:38:13] ERR No message defined
[07.12.2023 16:38:25] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: weapons ready
[07.12.2023 16:39:59] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: have it your way
[07.12.2023 16:40:10] Changing screen mode=windowed
[07.12.2023 16:42:34] Caliban: You want my credits? Work for it. Preferably hard.
[07.12.2023 16:42:34] Swansea: These mox are easily go bad you know.
[07.12.2023 16:42:42] [R]-Hemlocke: I'm aware.
[07.12.2023 16:42:45] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: Weapons ready
[07.12.2023 16:42:49] 1st|LNS-Warden-Beta: CO: Engaging the pirate
[07.12.2023 16:42:49] Changing screen mode=full
[07.12.2023 16:42:56] [R]-Hemlocke: This is a joke, right.
[07.12.2023 16:43:04] [R]-Hemlocke: Seems you didn't kick the bucket yet.
[07.12.2023 16:43:29] Caliban: *****, when did I last hear that voice?
[07.12.2023 16:44:26] [R]-Hemlocke: Shame you're so slow.
[07.12.2023 16:44:41] [R]-Hemlocke: Hard to say, didn't keep track of the time.
[07.12.2023 16:45:14] Caliban: I swear the Badlands were much more welcoming last time I've been here.
[07.12.2023 16:45:26] Caliban: Well, I'm lying. They never were to begin with.
[07.12.2023 16:45:33] [R]-Hemlocke: Was gonna say..
[07.12.2023 16:46:09] [R]-Hemlocke: Got some whorespawn chasing me in a gunship though, the usual for liberty.
[07.12.2023 16:46:20] Caliban: Warden Beta?
[07.12.2023 16:46:34] [R]-Hemlocke: Guessin' that's who you were yelling at.
[07.12.2023 16:46:39] Caliban: Yeah, well. I owe that one 10.000 Credits now. Apparently.
[07.12.2023 16:47:02] [R]-Hemlocke: [There was an amused chuckle] They're taking up piracy now?
[07.12.2023 16:47:10] Caliban: Leads me to believe that one particular Navy fleet will be on my ass for a while.
You may still pay the 10,000 fine to 1st|Bank and confirm you understand and will comply with the Laws of Liberty to have your status removed.
Kind regards,
Genoveve Black - Enlisted Clerk - The First Armada ![[Image: 1st-endof-color.png]](
RE: Combad Academy Resources - The First Armada - 04-26-2023
SENDER: Genoveve Black
SOURCE: Alaska, First Armada HQ
Good day BDM|Zauberer, BDM|U-605, BDM|LV-Borkum, BDM|S-441 pilots and crews
It seems that you have been caught breaking the following laws:
5.1. Obstruction of Justice - fleeing from an officer
6. Piracy - disrupting traffic
7. Assault - cruise disrupting an officer
9.3 Foreign agencies - Intelligence agency in New York and Texas
You are to
1) Transfer 400,000 Credits to 1st|Bank
2) Reply with confirmation that you understand and will abide by the Laws of the Republic of Liberty when in our space.
[28.01.2024 18:00:27] BDM|U-605: See you later.
[28.01.2024 18:00:28] 1st|Gold-California: Cut your engines at once MND
[28.01.2024 18:00:35] BDM|S-441: Only in your dreams
[28.01.2024 18:01:02] BDM|Zauberer: Eat my dust.
[28.01.2024 18:02:40] 1st|Gold-Texas: Please hold
[28.01.2024 18:02:51] BDM|LV-Borkum: R: 441 - I assume you have this under control.
[28.01.2024 18:02:56] BDM|S-441: I do.
[28.01.2024 18:02:57] 1st|Gold-Texas: Cut your engines and hold position
[28.01.2024 18:02:58] BDM|LV-Borkum: R: Let's move on.
[28.01.2024 18:03:07] BDM|S-441: Move on Kameraden.
[28.01.2024 18:03:12] BDM|S-441: What's the problem here?
[28.01.2024 18:03:26] 1st|Gold-Texas: Cut your engines at once
[28.01.2024 18:03:32] BDM|Zauberer: Negative.
[28.01.2024 18:03:42] BDM|U-605: You can cut yourself.
[28.01.2024 18:04:09] BDM|S-441: What's the problem Gold-Texas.
[28.01.2024 18:04:19] BDM|S-441: I don't think this is your business right here.
[28.01.2024 18:04:21] 1st|Gold-Texas: You are breaking the law, and break more laws as you go
[28.01.2024 18:05:17] BDM|S-441: Typical navy. Video evidence of assault and piracy can be provided upon request.
You have 72 Hours to comply, or you will face consequences.
Kind regards,
Genoveve Black - Enlisted Clerk - The First Armada ![[Image: 1st-endof-color.png]](
RE: Combad Academy Resources - The First Armada - 04-26-2023
(04-30-2023, 09:38 AM)The First Armada Wrote: Targets: These lawbreakers have failed to comply with Law, fled from the First Armada, and ignored our notice(s)
Bounty Amount: 500,000 One-time bounty on each. (750,000 for Aegis vessels)
Claimable by: Freelancers, Bounty Hunters, Mercenaries of any kind
Who cannot claim: Any entity previously on the wanted list. Granite Mercenary Company, Steven Howard and all their vessels.
Claimable where: Sirius and Gallia wide
Evelyn Summers and/or Wayward.Wanderer
BDM|Zauberer + any BDM vessels assisting them
BDM|U-605 + any BDM vessels assisting them
BDM|LV-Borkum + any BDM vessels assisting them
BDM|S-441 any BDM vessels assisting them
Charlie Jukins - claimed
Maggie - Outcast Battle Transport. - claimed
bhfdch- Claimed
Star.Way - Claimed
Canis-Majoris- Transport - Claimed
Who can add targets: First Armada Officers, after contacting the perpetrators that didn't comply with on-site demands via comms channel and at least 24 hours have passed with no reply, or if the perpetrators explicitly stated they refuse to pay a fine on site.
Simply reply with the target name with linked communication and the bounty will be live, the amount paid by First Armada upon completion.