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Registering a Capship - Printable Version

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Registering a Capship - reavengitair - 04-25-2009

Well, I've come across people more and more who want to buy order carriers. I found about 3 hopefuls today that wanted to buy one. I told them Go ahead, buy what you want, but barely any of them wanted to register them, and some of them I couldn't convince them to. What are the benefits of being registered? (at first I told one of them that you would be treated like a spy and everyone will kill you, and then he said AWESOME!)

Registering a Capship - Tenacity - 04-25-2009

Exile, get on harbinger and camp these guys, please >.>

Registering a Capship - JakeSG - 04-25-2009

Basically it shows you have some minimum ability of cooperation. Saying 'no i dont wanna' is pretty well proving yourself to be a lulwut. Then... I'm a cap-less faction-whore.

Registering a Capship - Divine - 04-25-2009

You can say to them, that we are all playing on a Roleplay-server and that registering their newly purchased capship is the first step to gain communities trust that they are able to act properly with that sort of ship.
You can also say to them on a side-note to that, that refusing to register isnt that huge issues, but could make 'established palyers' looking more suspicious at them.

It also helps others to recognize and idendify his ship ingame, so they are able to roleplay accordingly with him.


Registering a Capship - Guest - 04-25-2009

When it comes to Rogues, then registrating you prove you can Rp, you are willing to take part of RP. Also, we know who is NOT a lolwutter. Also, lets us switch from our alts sometimes to give the peeps some good RP in NY.

Very interesting to do when, say, XA is on.

Registering a Capship - Linkus - 04-25-2009

I've never registered on any of these lists but yet, from what I can tell, I can RP and am not a 'lulwut' capwhore.

It provides some more information on your ship to others and basically encourages co-operation though. So it does have it's benefits.

Registering a Capship - Jinx - 04-25-2009

initially - registers were introduced to make people come to the forum. - once on the forum, it usually catches you like an illness and you keep reading stuff.

other than that - registering a ship only means that you attempt to participate in the community of those that consider themselves to be THE community.

the problem is - that we also have some bad examples of registering. - people made the step to register their ships - and were then told to get rid of it .. "or being camped by others to make them loose it". - so of course some players prefer to remain "anonymous" - which is a better protection against harrassment sometimes.

once you register and you get replies like "you capwhore, you have no right to pilot this ship, henceforth i will consider your ship to be a rogue / stolen ship" - these people ask themselves "why have i registered in the first place then?" - cause it wasn t always help they received, but sometimes outright hatred.

the very idea of a register is that those that register that are NOT inline with the canon RP or the commonly perceived "good" roleplay ... are being helped by the veteran RPers. ( helped in really giving them a hand, not patronizing them ) - thats an advantage that players would receive for a register - or ought to be the advantage.

Registering a Capship - Scrapmetalsinner - 04-25-2009

When you register it gives Tenacity the feeling of having purpose.

Registering a Capship - Heartless - 04-25-2009

It gets people into the forums, it teaches them about the factions and how things work, the current rp, rules etc. and factions know who the ships are and don't have to worry about "stolen" ships or anything.

Registering a Capship - Xing - 04-25-2009

It get them to actually be seen as something more than undesirable elements of the server.