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To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - Printable Version

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To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - All Worlds - 05-10-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
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[Image: qB6I6t2.jpg]

» Sender - Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Dr. John Henry Holliday, Med Force Enterprises
» Subject - Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Dr. John Henry Holliday,

This is Jeremy Birch from All Worlds Enterprises & Securities in the Scientific Programs section, based out of our HQ at Salt Lake Station in New York.

I was very pleased to see your offer of medical support services reach my desk as a result of our last contract supply your Baffin installation. It arrived at the most opportune time for us, as we are investing more resources into our headquarters to ensure our installation is a living, breathing, 'green' example of how sustainable space development can be achieved.

We hope to eventually implement a final product that will enhance the livability for all aboard the station by way of better locally produced foods, and clean, filtered, and renewable oxygen and water production. We are just at the beginning of our process, seeking knowledge from experts in these fields as well as the medical profession for best health directives to strive towards.

We would love to host you and your team for a visit to our installation to review our existing systems, their impact on the health of station inhabitants, and our plans for renewables in onsite food production, oxygen and water manufacture and filtering. Even a brief report from a medical authority such as your group goes a long way towards ensuring our project is headed in the right direction, as well as providing endorsement for these upgrades when we are asked by other groups looking to our project for guidance with their own efforts.

We look forward to any and all further collaboration we achieve! Thank you in advance for your efforts.

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess,

[Image: awes180.jpg]

Jeremy Birch
Scientific Programs Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - Doc Holliday - 05-16-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force General and Research, Baffin
To: Mr. Jeremy Birch
CC: Med Force Channels

Mr. Birch,

I apologize for my tardy response. Being a surgeon, I always have patients wherever I go. I just answered a message from Miss Rachel Bradford from your organization. In short, we will be sending a team to Salt Lake Station in a couple of days. I will be present as will my right hand, Dr. Jill Xi.

Yes, this all does come at a good time. Being able to train new people is always a plus as is sharing knowledge about new procedures and medicines we try. There is never a dull moment in Med Force Enteprises. I look forward to seeing what you all have at Salt Lake.
I look forward to meeting you.
Dr. John Holliday
Med Force Enterprises

RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - Pennyfield - 05-18-2023

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Mr. Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
CC ..................... Med Force Channels
Subject .......... Re: Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Mr. Birch,

My name is Jill Xi and I am the director of the Med Force General Academy in Omicron Theta. Besides being a unique training facility for medical professionals, rescue crews and medical security staff, the academy also has a Base Certification Program (BCP).

The BCP was created to boost healthcare and medical station personnel as well as ensure that the facilities on station are up to par with what patients may need during their travels. Also, the BCP helps station owners more easily obtain the necessary permits for expansions and base development. As you may very well know most houses and governments require a significant amount of station safety prior to allow it's owners to be issued with the permit to expand. This way BCP helps both the owner of the station as well as it ensures that the healthcare and emergency facilities needed to treat patients are according to standards.

For this the BCP consists of several assessments done on-site by a Med Force Enterprises team:
  • Emergency medical facilities
  • General medical facilities
  • Out-patient (visitor) medical facilities
  • (Medical) personnel training
  • On-station safety including safety equipment
  • Station emergency procedures including evacuation & life-pods
  • Station emergency equipment
  • Docking safety procedures
  • Emergency docking procedures

The outcome of the BCP shall be in the form of a written report. This report can include one or more recommendations which may result in either a 'pass' or a 'fail'. Should all assessed points be at a 'satisfied' level or above, Med Force Enterprises shall issue both a written report as well as a certificate to validate that the station has passed all assessments successfully. This certificate can then be used to apply for a base expansion and development permit or to boost the trustworthiness of the station in the region. To this date Med Force Enterprises has not received any complaints regarding the certification from both those issued with one nor from any official institution. Furthermore, we have seen that the clients whom received a report which not instantly led to a certificate, were able to improve and after re-assessment all received their certification.

Please let us know if the BCP suits your needs.

Kind regards,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - All Worlds - 05-24-2023

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[Image: qB6I6t2.jpg]

» Sender - Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Jill Xi, PharmD, Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
» Subject - Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Jill Xi,

Nice to meet you and thank you for advising us of the Base Certification Program (BCP) to ensure our base is operating as safely as possible.

We would be happy to obtain this BCP certification and submit our base at Salt Lake Station for review.

As to our initial communication, we are also hoping for a general health review of life support - namely biofilters, any recommendations on filtering containments found in the oxygen or water systems, as well as the healthiest alternatives for food supplies in the region to maintain our crew without negative effect from low nutritional value options.

Please let us know when you arrive and we'll give your team the grand tour!

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess,

[Image: awes180.jpg]

Jeremy Birch
Scientific Programs Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - Pennyfield - 05-27-2023

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Mr. Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
CC ..................... Med Force Channels
Subject .......... Re: Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Mr. Birch,

A pleasure to make your acquaintance.

We can surely accommodate a review of life support systems. In fact, it is one of the few items we included in the BCP yet have decided not to disclose prior to the assessment.
MFE has planned to visit your facility coming Monday, 29th of May, Sol 830. We would kindly ask you to allow the vessel named [MFE]Schweitzer to dock at your station.

The costs for the BCP procedure are 45m SC. We kindly ask you to pay 4.5m SC up front as to cover our expenses and the remainder shall be billed when the BCP has been done. Should you wish to pay the full amount in advance. You can pay the full amount to [MFE]Bank and as we are a non-profit organization we always welcome a donation as to help us as to bring hope to those where little may exist.

Yours truly,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - All Worlds - 05-30-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
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[Image: qB6I6t2.jpg]

» Sender - Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Jill Xi, PharmD, Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
» Subject - Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Jill Xi,

My apologies for the lateness of this reply - I trust your access and visit to Salt Lake Station yesterday went ahead without incident. We are usually pretty open on docking for those friendly IFFs out there.

That is great news that such Life Support Systems review is included. It will go a long way towards helping us refit our base to met the healthy ideals possible for all living and working onboard.

The payment for these services, plus a donation for your charitable works, has been wired to MFE's bank accounts.

Thank you again - we look forward to seeing how well we score in all areas of the report!

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess,

[Image: awes180.jpg]

Jeremy Birch
Scientific Programs Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities


RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - Pennyfield - 05-30-2023

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Mr. Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
CC ..................... Med Force Channels
Subject .......... Re: Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Mr. Birch,

Thank you for the swift payment and donation. The BCP team made it back to the academy in Theta this morning. As always I asked them about their findings yet all they shared was that it was a pleasurable experience and that they enjoyed the hospitality. Suffice to say, my own staff does not share the details with me until the final report is completed. The burden of having a well-trained and thorough staff, or so to say.

The BCP team promised me their report would be ready by coming Friday morning. Once I have the report on my desk I will share this with you and schedule a moment whereby we can discuss the findings. This of course, can be done remotely.


[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - Pennyfield - 06-02-2023

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Mr. Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
CC ..................... Med Force Channels
Subject .......... Re: Interest in Medical Expertise for Station Project

Good day Mr. Birch,

Let me be the first to congratulate you with your BCP assessment. Your station has passed all requirements as to obtain a certificate.

Your certificate can be found below as an attachment yet having said that, the certification team was somewhat worried by the slight deterioration of your station. While minor deterioration is disregarded when it comes down to a BCP evaluation, we would like to point out that a well-maintained station is essential for crew and visitor safety.

I am sure you will do your very best as to ensure your station is safe and will comply with both the expectations of MFE as well as local government laws.

We look forward to a re-evaluation within a year from now.


[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: To: Med Force Enterprises, From: AWES - Medical Assessment for Base Project - All Worlds - 06-11-2023

[Image: awes1-1.png]
[Image: awes2.png]

[Image: qB6I6t2.jpg]

» Sender - Jeremy Birch, Scientific Programs Administrator, All Worlds Enterprises & Securities
» Recipient - Jill Xi, PharmD, Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
» Subject - BCP certification

Good day Jill Xi,

Thank you for your review and assessment of our facility!

We will display the certificate proudly in our offices to ensure all visiting know that we strive to reach the highest standards of station operations, in the healthiest way possible!

No great discovery was ever made without a bold guess,

[Image: awes180.jpg]

Jeremy Birch
Scientific Programs Administrator
All Worlds Enterprises & Securities