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Secure Channel To Liberty Government Officials - Printable Version

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Secure Channel To Liberty Government Officials - Doc Holliday - 06-02-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Planet Erie
To: Liberty Government Officials (President, Congress, Senate and so forth)
Encryption: Extreme

Good Afternoon,

For those of you who do not know me, I am Dr. John Holliday, founder of Med Force Enterprises and one who has a residence on Planet Erie. I am also someone who has in the past has been on both sides of the law. Now I choose medicine. Anyone can take a life but not all can save one. I take pride in that.

I come before you to discuss recent events on Planet Erie and in the Pennsylvania system itself. Both have been home to Zoners since it was founded and for the most part, we have lived here peacefully going about our daily routines and doing our work. We consider ourselves stewards of the planet as we do our best to keep it relatively unspoiled minus a city here and there. Years ago, I personally purchased a large chunk of land containing a large lake and ecosystem to keep it that way. My home here is of an old world design in respect to the land and the life the lives on it. I even catch my dinner quite often in that lake. If you have never had smoked Lake Trout, you do not know what you are missing! While some Zoners live a more commercial life, many of us prefer things more simple.

I have monitored recent events in the system with the recent downing of a satellite and the operation to find Insurgents. I have also monitored the hostility of Zoner cruisers in the system. I do not condone their actions but I do understand why they committed them as the memory of Bretonian aggression and the loss of Gran Canaria has not gone unforgotten by any of us. Many vowed not to let it happen again. Now I am not one to resort to fighting as a first action so I choose to reach out to all of you.
I have spoken to Admiral Alan Jones and Admiral Blake Van Leer, the latter of the two I have worked with before when the crews of one of my Med Force mobile hospitals visited and provided medical training to the staff and troops of the 46th. It was a rewarding time for us all and friendships were forged. They are both good men but they do not have the authority to hold negotiations with me. That is where you all come in.

I have been authorized by the CEO of Omicron Supply Industries to act on behalf of Zoners everywhere to discuss continued peaceful relations and re-negotiate the old Treaty of Bethlehem as the original signers, the IRG, have long disbanded. As the Liberty government has continued to honor this treaty, we at Med Force Enterprises would like to assume responsibility for it and re-negotiate it. Elements of it are still good but some are outdated, for example, Freeport 2 was destroyed a few years back. It is something we would all need to sit down and discuss to make current. The fact that the Liberty Government still honors it has earned my respect. The Bretonian Crown, by contrast, would have voided it entirely when the signers have disbanded.

So I seek a chance to have an audience with the Liberty government. Overall, we have a good relationship with Liberty and would like to keep it that way.
I thank you for your time and look forward to working with you.

Most respectfully,
Dr. John Henry Holliday
Founder, Med Force Enterprises
Zoner ambassador

RE: Secure Channel To Liberty Government Officials - Doc Holliday - 06-09-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Planet Erie
To: Liberty Government Officials (President, Congress, Senate and so forth)
Encryption: Extreme

I am still wanting to discuss things with you all. I patiently await.

Dr. John Henry Holliday
Founder, Med Force Enterprises
Zoner ambassador

RE: Secure Channel To Liberty Government Officials - The Republic Of Liberty - 06-12-2023

[Image: 220px-Flag-liberty.png]

Doc Holliday;

Allow me to introduce myself; I am Robert MacKay, Secretary of Defense for the Republic of Liberty.

I appreciate you reaching out during such unsettling times for the Zoners within the Pennsylvania system. Much of this could have been avoided by not providing a safe harbour to traitors of the House, namely, the Liberty Insurgency. As I'm sure you know by now, a satellite was deployed in orbit of Erie to monitor both ground and space traffic. This was, unfortunately, destroyed. Neither the various leadership elements on Erie admitted to such an action - and the same was true of Insurgent elements known to be sheltered on the planet.

In response to this, Operation Pesticide was launched and what ensued could possibly have been avoided - had there been a more clear line of communication. Instead, we were met with silence and a defensive task force of Zoner Capitals. I appreciate that yourself and your fellow Zoners express concern for your own security - but do be mindful that we are protecting Liberty and her interests, at all costs.

There will be no negotiation done on behalf of myself, nor this office. The Zoner Capital vessels in system are invited to leave and return to the Omicrons, or will be held by the full extent of Liberty Laws. Ground forces may coordinate and cooperate with deployed Liberty Forces planetside, and any known positions of Insurgents relayed. Failure to comply with this will mean continued conflict. A stern reminder, Doc Holliday, Zoners may call Erie and surrounding stations home, but the responsibility for the systems defense lays solely in the purview of Liberty.

- Robert McKay, Secretary of Defense