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Factions and those outside of them. - Printable Version

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Factions and those outside of them. - hack - 04-26-2009

I have noticed a disturbing trend lately on the DiscoveryGC board and it needs addressed. It has to do with factions and what people outside of them want them to do.

The best way I can summarize how I feel about it is this:

"The sole custodians of a factions history, rp, and direction it is going in is the faction itself. Attempts from those outside of it, with the exception of Igiss the mod owner and the admins if the faction is out of line, are null and void"

Don't like a factions play? Join it, change comes from the inside.

Sitting around complaining that you want Faction X to do this, or not to do this, is bogus.

Factions and those outside of them. - Guest - 04-26-2009

Tho i do agree, i would not like an indie to join a faction i am a part of only to change and morph anything we did so far.

Factions and those outside of them. - Linkus - 04-26-2009

This community is not just based on the rules.
If it was then we would have torn this place apart long ago.

The community as a whole, both independants and factions, can complain about groups or individuals even that do not conform to the accepted gameplay.
That complaining then tends to push things towards asking for rules etc, which is where the Admins get involved.

Basically, communities rely upon their ability to voice their issues to survive.
Take that away, oh dear.

Factions and those outside of them. - bluntpencil2001 - 04-26-2009

' Wrote:I have noticed a disturbing trend lately on the DiscoveryGC board and it needs addressed. It has to do with factions and what people outside of them want them to do.

The best way I can summarize how I feel about it is this:

"The sole custodians of a factions history, rp, and direction it is going in is the faction itself. Attempts from those outside of it, with the exception of Igiss the mod owner and the admins if the faction is out of line, are null and void"

Don't like a factions play? Join it, change comes from the inside.

Sitting around complaining that you want Faction X to do this, or not to do this, is bogus.
Um, what if you don't want to play in said faction? You still play with them.

For instance, let's say there is a Molly faction, named 'The Mollys'. Let's say I'm in a BMM faction, named 'BMM'.

If the Mollys don't act as they should, and play badly, for instance, claiming that they are allied to the Gaians or Corsairs, for instance, and do so with well-written RP, should I join their faction, which I dislike, in order to change it, in spite of it harming my fun as my BMM?

Factions and those outside of them. - Othman - 04-26-2009

I would need to join a couple of factions then despite having no time for it. Change comes from inside indeed, it comes from you, yourself and starts from reading the constructive feedbacks retrieved from the other members of this community.

Factions and those outside of them. - Eppy - 04-26-2009

' Wrote:I have noticed a disturbing trend lately on the DiscoveryGC board and it needs addressed. It has to do with factions and what people outside of them want them to do.

The best way I can summarize how I feel about it is this:

"The sole custodians of a factions history, rp, and direction it is going in is the faction itself. Attempts from those outside of it, with the exception of Igiss the mod owner and the admins if the faction is out of line, are null and void"

Don't like a factions play? Join it, change comes from the inside.

Sitting around complaining that you want Faction X to do this, or not to do this, is bogus.


...nah, that's still my job.:lol:But still. I've been trying to work that way for ages, but nobody seems to care that the whole is more important than the individual...

And BS about that feedback BS. You can make a perfectly good suggestion, but if it doesn't work with the faction's doctrine they're not going to change it unless it works in their favor, which is perfectly logical, I might add.

Factions and those outside of them. - bluntpencil2001 - 04-26-2009

' Wrote:And BS about that feedback BS. You can make a perfectly good suggestion, but if it doesn't work with the faction's doctrine they're not going to change it unless it works in their favor, which is perfectly logical, I might add.
Not true.

There were criticisms of Privateers using the Sigmas in the past. We protested against said criticisms, but relented and stopped using them.

That was a change brought about by external criticism, and it went through.

Factions and those outside of them. - Benjamin - 04-26-2009

Yeah this idea would be fine if all factions just sat in their guard systems. Factions all interact with each other, you can't just do what you want when it affects everyone else, and then act all affronted when people bring you up on it.

Factions and those outside of them. - Shaka - 04-26-2009

I feel that each faction is different in how they treat their story and what they consider to be "canon".

In terms of the faction being such a custodian, well that depends. If it's a house military, that's rather straightforward, and they are generally the custodians. But what about factions that are more complex, like the junkers for example. Now outside of what has been defined by the mod storyline, the junkers are pretty loose. They're a collection of clans and individuals. Logically, in RP, how could any one faction hope to speak for all of those voices?

To get to the point, I'm just saying that factions are good. But, factions can't hope to control all of the stories. This is a roleplay server. People aren't going to roleplay the boring people that comprise 99.9% of sirius, people roleplay interesting characters. Characters that are going to redefine the status quo. Joining a faction is good, but If your story's good enough (and believable) who is anyone to tell you that it can't happen.

So long as your story doesn't redefine a faction's entire RP, I don't see the problem.

Factions and those outside of them. - hack - 04-27-2009

' Wrote:I would need to join a couple of factions then despite having no time for it. Change comes from inside indeed, it comes from you, yourself and starts from reading the constructive feedbacks retrieved from the other members of this community.

Constructive feedback is appreciated when left in a factions feedback thread, not by whining and whinging in other threads that X didn't like Y faction having this......