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RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Printable Version

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RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 07-29-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-23-13-2-48.gif]

From: RPA Command, Chancellor Jac Yarwood
To: All RPA Members
Subject: Communications Network Online

Dandy day my friends!

My kin and comrades, I am elated to inform you that after some effort, our technicians have got our new communications network online and to full function.

With our comms up and stable, we're in position to begin operations in full, with our various branches and groups now able to communicate with a degree of relative safety.
This network is available for all members, for communications with each other, as well as encounter and mission reports, or any other matters you feel are relevant to the cause of the Assembly!

Stay safe lads, double check your guns and engines before you head out, and always remember and hold close to yourselves;
Despite Everyone and Everything: We are still here!

Your Chancellor,
Jac Yarwood

> End of Transmission <


Please keep comms in primarily normal English, sprinkled words that can be at least guessed from sentence context and the odd phonetic accenting is fine, but don't write out entire posts in barely decipherable phonetic accenting. Most people don't want to try and parse that shit.
Lets keep the Comms easy to read, aye? Not everyone here speaks English as a first language. Save the fancy stuff for character and ship names.

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RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 07-31-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: 3cF0IXE.png]

From: William Harris
To: RPA Command
Subject: There Be Dragons... and Gas Miners


Just wanted to chime in and report a successful supply run. We had three ships total:

Gold Cart

Picked up a load of ore from the lads working the rock shift and made the trip through the Taus towards Kusari. The convoy encountered no trouble as we made our way to the Blood Dragon territory. The Dragons seem like a dour lot. Didn't talk much, but they did let us dock on Kyoto and offload the gold.

The Gold Cart's crew stayed behind to enjoy Kyoto's hospitality for a bit, but we and the Aberdyfi decided to use those credits we got from the Dragons to get some fuel for the fleet. We swung by the Sigmas and the Gas Miners Guild was there to greet us. Seemed a bit on edge, but agreed to do business when we explained ourselves. The GMG seems to be having a go at the bloody Corsairs - got that in common, yeah?

So, we managed to bring back a shipload of Helium-3. No trouble on the return trip either, just Zoners and some freelance traders and the like. Nice and simple.

Any chance to open the pub soon now that we're- I mean, the movement is making some cash? That'd be bril.

For the Republic,
Liam Harris

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 08-01-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-23-13-2-48.giff]

From: RPA Command, Chancellor Jac Yarwood
To: Harris
Subject: RE: There Be Dragons... and Gas Miners

Wonderful work lad. To yourself and the others.

Good to hear the trip went well, my regards to yourself and the others, including our unaffiliated Kin. The Movement is more than just the Assembly after all.

Myself and the rest of Command have had reconnecting with our older allies on the mind, and a sound delivery of the Dublin sparkle should help get things rolling with the Dragons, so you've all done us a fine favour.
The Gas Miners aren't much on our board, but some extra allies and trading partners against the men of Crete might always be good, got a few thoughts on a use for that Helium too, aye...

Don't you worry lad, with the extra cash on hand, we can get Arranmore a touch more lively!
Keep up the good work.

Jac Yarwood

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 08-03-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: 3cF0IXE.png]

From: William Harris
To: Chancellor Jac Yarwood
Subject: Arming Up

Evenin' Chancellor.

Here's a thought: if our plan is to succeed, the lads are going to need weapons, lots of them. More than that, we're going to need all sorts of other supplies, and we'll need to make contact with people who can deliver them for us.

Myself, I've had two occasions where folks supplied us with armaments already, and I wanted to recount them before clearing my ship's log so they aren't lost forever.

First, a few days ago there was this freelance crew that brought weapons for us on their own. We met them by Kilrea, and their ship had Bundschuh markings. It was called ND)-Formorian. The captain, Hargreaves was the name, runs with this group called the New Dawn - apparently, they're drumming up support for Erie Zoners or something. But he offered to work with us, as well.

The second meeting happened yesterday when some of our lads spotted a Zoner transport OSI-Posenia trying to leave the Dublin system carrying Volgograd Ordnance. The captain was really reluctant to leave the protection of Battleship Essex, but in the end, the lads convinced him to turn over most of his cargo to us - for a standard market rate. Not sure how these Zoners had access to Coalition supplies. I left them at Mull for you to decide what to do with. Use them, return them to the Coalition, whatever. The Zoner ship was allowed to leave, in case you decide to contact those OSI folks for something.

Oh, and Civil Servant came by to say hi again and watched us bash some wandering knobhead in a gunboat. He seems kinda shady, but who knows - maybe he can help us.

I'm attaching all the logs for your review.

For the Republic,
Liam Harris

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 08-12-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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From: Henry Cobbler
To: RPA Command
Subject: Death and Taxes

Alright, lads?

Just had me a sortie into the gold fields with some of my mates, and you know what I found?

A whole mining op! A BMF miner plus some AWES haulers, ferrying away our bloody gold. Reasonable lad that I am, I explained to them that they can't do that without cutting us in, yeah? Of course, they were smart chaps and didn't mention BAF or the crown or any of that nonsense.

So like, when we just about agreed on a price, you know what happened? A Corsair frigate showed up! And started shouting about us being in Corsair territory! In Dublin! Why, if got my hands on that captain alive, I'd break his legs and kick his face in. But we had to make do with breaking open his ship instead. Ah well.

At least those miners got a show for their money's worth. Still, they mentioned their efforts were going towards stocking Ulster. You know, that ugly base by the jump gate? I dunno what we can do about that, but I reckon you'll find that information useful somehow.

Henry out.

P.S. Seems I was short-changed by one of the haulers. Oh well. I'll just charge him more next time I see him.

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 08-13-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-23-13-2-48.giff]

From: Chancellor Jac Yarwood
To: RPA & Mollys
Subject: Still got its shine.

Dandy evening lads.

I know, i know, i've been out of o'touch for a little bit. You know how it is, the Dolaucothi's a busted up old girl, and communications get a big sparky while plying the fields.
Took some of the shine, brought back a few tonnes of clean arms. Good black market stuff.
Got some of the Arranmore lads organised and armed up. Some of the boys even look like proper Marines, how about that!

Anyway, good to see you've all been keeping people out of our territory, keep them reminded that this isnt just some Bretonian border territory. I'll be trying to catch up on things in the Rhodri's War Room - Not a place i'm very at home at, as you know. But its best to keep the eyes trained for it.

Keep up the good work my boys.

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - RepublicanProvisionalAssembly - 08-20-2023

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: MOSHED-2023-6-23-13-2-48.giff]

From: Chancellor Jac Yarwood
To: All Mollys
Subject: An unusual opportunity.

Alright lads, listen up.

It's not often we get much help for anything nor anyone outside, but an unknown source we have reason to believe is truthful has revealed to us an opportunity.

Now, the RPA lads might not be able and about to catch this aristocrat, but the rest of you might, regardless.
That being said, the Assembly's going to make this a sweeter piece of work for you.

If you lads can capture this lord alive - Disable the freighter and take him and any supporting medical equipment and personnel - then theres 20,000,000 credits for every participating member of the strike team.
If you kill him, well, we'd rather have him alive, but if the man ends up dead, there'll still be 5,000,000 in it for each of you involved.

We'd reckon on trying to catch them at Leeds, but you've all got discretion to do as you wish.

If none of the Assembly's pilots are present, just make sure you get yourselves some evidence of your presence at the intercept, and of the dear lord arriving at Arranmore - Or being vaporised.

Safe flying Mollys.

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 08-21-2023

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: 3cF0IXE.png]

From: William Harris
To: Chancellor Jac Yarwood
Subject: RE: An unusual opportunity.

Alright, boss?

The job's been bungled. Dunno about you, but if I was this Benefactor twat, I wouldn't feed intel about someone I wanted off the board to a bunch of different orgs - unless I wanted them all to fail while clawing at each other. Now it seems the lordly arsewipe has managed to get away. Here's what happened.

As planned, I had some lads gear up and took them aboard the mining rig we've refitted into a dropship. With me were Cedrik Cadigan and Gold-3, providing us with cover. We headed into the Leeds system with the idea of taking position by Stokes Wreck and waiting for the target.

It didn't work out that way. We reached the AO alright and got into position. We then saw a freelancer ship with Zoner markings fly past us towards Leeds without saying a word, possibly tipping the target off. At least the tracker seemed to be working. Unfortunately, about ten minutes later a large group of Gallic Royalist strike craft showed up from the Tau-31 direction. They were too much for our three ships, and to make matters worse, a BAF scout dropped out of the Leeds trade lane, took one look at us and fell back.

So there we were, stuck between an overwhelming force and a target convoy that was fully aware of our location and intent. We decided to pull away through the LD-14 lane and have another go. We started picking up combat chatter from both sides soon after, and the tracker was showing the transport attempting to bypass Stokes. So we had the idea to come around through Edinburgh to Tau-31 and ambush the convoy from the other side of the jump gate while Bretonian and Gallic Royalists were busy with each other.

That kind of worked - the transport dropped out of the gate with a light escort and was very surprised to see us, but of course, refused to stop. We pursued, gunning for his engines and disrupting every trade lane ring along the path. The chase led us to Holman Outpost, where the Gallic Royalists caught up to us. Seems BAF didn't manage to distract them for long. Apparently, they were after the same transport and wanted it intact - or at least that's what I gathered from the pretentious nonsense they were spouting over the comm.

My ship was damaged and Cadigan's fighter was disabled in the brawl. Meanwhile, the target got away in the confusion, with the Royalists in pursuit but far behind it. From there, it was clear that this was a colossal bloody cockup and we were lucky to be alive, nevermind getting another chance at the target. Gold-3 and I retrieved Cadigan and what was left of his ship and headed back to Dublin.

The boys in the hold made it back safe and sound, but they're well pissed off about how the whole thing went. Wouldn't wanna be cleaning the pub after that lot.

Liam Harris

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 08-31-2023

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
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> Incoming transmission <

Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: 3cF0IXE.png]

From: William Harris
To: Chancellor Jac Yarwood
Subject: Gold Mining Bases

Morning, Mister Yarwood.

It turns out there's several unregistered independent facilities that launch mining operations into our gold fields. Previously we thought Ulster Station was the only one, but last week's recce flights have found two more.

Ulster, of course, we've known about for a while. It's right next to the gate into New London and well protected by Battlegroup Essex.

Then there's Goldgeist - odd name, by the way - sat in the F2 sector right on the edge of the Independent Gold Field.

The third one's in New London, near the Cumbria Asteroid Field not far from the Dublin gate. It's called Fortitudine.

We don't know for sure if they've ties to the Crown, but I suspect they do, since the Crownies have not demolished them. In any case, they're trading in our gold without giving us our cut. Now, I'm not saying we need to make a move on them yet, our forces being committed to you-know-what. But it's good info to have filed away for later, yeah?

I'm uploading the coordinates of each station to your terminal in case you feel like contacting them to say hi.

For the Republic,
Liam Harris

> End of Transmission <

RE: RPA| Republican Provisional Assembly - Internal Communications - Luminium - 09-03-2023

[Image: cBJ6ymo.png]
[Image: Vr5dqKn.png]

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Source: "Maguire" Comms-Net
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[Image: 3cF0IXE.png]

From: William Harris
To: Chancellor Jac Yarwood
Subject: Trade Mission Rejected

Evening, Chancellor.

I'm pleased to report that our lads have managed to dismantle the so-called "Ro" station that someone has propped up in our gold field to obstruct our mining operations. That was a really dumb spot for it.

Not all the news is good, though.

One of our gold transports has recently reported getting turned away by a Blood Dragon patrol before it could finish its trade mission. The lads had to chart an alternate route and find another buyer for the gold so they could still purchase the fuel from GMG.

It seems we have some outdated information in our banks concerning the Blood Dragons, both regarding the location of their headquarters, and their attitude towards outsiders. They seem especially protective of their territory now. Whatever cooperation took place in the past is not relevant anymore. Perhaps those ties can be re-established, but we'd have to tread carefully while we look for the way to do it.

I've ordered all trade missions to divert to Noshima Freeport until the situation with the Blood Dragons is cleared up, just as a precaution. I'm also attaching the Luimneach's record of the encounter - maybe you can make sense of it. They never fired on our ship, but their tone was borderline hostile. Suppose our boys were lucky to get out alive - and to have a polite captain.

For the Republic,
Liam Harris

> End of Transmission <