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The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Printable Version

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The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 06-26-2023

The Gryphon
per aspera ad astra
“through adversity to the stars”
/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs

/S.A.Y.E.R. Activated/

Greetings, travelers! I am S.A.Y.E.R., your onboard artificial intelligence and guide for the Gryphon. This magnificent vessel, a "Nephilim" Zoner Mobile Colony Ship, boasts a remarkable history.

Commissioned in 818 A.S. and launched in 820 A.S., the Gryphon was a pioneer in its class. Its innovative design employed extensive computerization, allowing for a smaller crew while maintaining optimal functionality. The centerpiece of the ship was the bustling 3-story marketplace, a haven for weary travelers and a testament to the Gryphon's versatility. From state-of-the-art forges churning out custom equipment to a fully staffed hospital offering top-notch medical care, the Gryphon was a self-contained marvel, a beacon of civilization on the fringes of explored space.

For nearly a decade, the Gryphon traversed the edge worlds, providing essential services to stations and ships alike. However, by 829 A.S., misfortune struck. The Gryphon's Chieftain, burdened by a mountain of debt, was forced to neglect crucial maintenance. The once-proud vessel began to show its age, its structural integrity compromised.

A stroke of fate intervened in 830 A.S. The Starlight Research Consortium acquired the Gryphon's debts, immediately deploying it to a critical mission in the Delta sector. The grueling conditions, however, took their toll. Skirmishes during the mission exposed the vulnerability of the aging hull, leading to a catastrophic breach.

Undeterred, the Consortium saw potential in the Gryphon. Instead of letting her fall into oblivion, they towed her to the renowned Livadia Shipyard. There, the Gryphon underwent a remarkable transformation. Her weary hull was replaced with a state-of-the-art superstructure, boasting the latest advancements in space travel technology. Cutting-edge Jump Drives and a powerful Hyperspace Beacon were incorporated, propelling the Gryphon into the vanguard of interstellar exploration.

Officially, the Gryphon embarked on a colonization mission to J0720.4-3125. However, whispers paint a different picture. Some believe it was a covert operation, searching for a mythical alien artifact. Others suspect the Consortium uncovered something far more sinister, a secret they are desperate to keep buried.

Today, the Gryphon stands reborn – a testament to human ingenuity and unwavering spirit. She is no longer just a mobile colony ship, but a versatile marvel capable of forging a new future in the vast expanse of space. As you settle into your new life aboard the Gryphon, S.A.Y.E.R. will be here to guide you every step of the way.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 06-26-2023


Learn About The Ship
Public Zones
Primary Flight Deck - "The Golden Road" - Click To Access
The Concourse - Click To Access
Habitation Decks - Click To Access
The Verdant Spheres - Click To Access
Reforged and Ready to Build Your Dreams! - Click To Access
Restricted Zones
The Core - Click To Access
SLRC-RS>Djinn - Click To Access
ZDV_Rathgrith - Click To Access

Echoes in the Void: The Fall of J0720.4-3125
Administrator Goodman
8310201-1100 - Click To Access
Dr. Anya Petrova
8310604-1700 - Click To Access
Middle Management (Name Withheld)
8310704-1245 - Click To Access
Administrator Goodman
8310705-0930 - Click To Access
Dr. Anya Petrova
8310705-1945 - Click To Access
Administrator Goodman
8310707-0545 - Click To Access
Middle Management (Name Withheld)
8310707-1718 - Click To Access
Dr. Anya Petrova
8310707-2313 - Click To Access
CCTV: Administrators Office
8310708-0530 - Click To Access
Dr. Anya Petrova
*~Experiences For Learning~* - Click To Access
Administrator Goodman
8340501-0109 - Click To Access
The Frontier Gazette
26th Edition - Consortium Leasable Facilities - Click To Access

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 06-26-2023

/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
Public Zones
Primary Flight Deck - "The Golden Road"

3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs


[Image: giphy.gif]
The Golden Road: A Gateway to Opportunity (and Peril)

Brace yourself as you step onto the Golden Road, the Gryphon's sprawling primary flight deck. This vast, open space stretches an impressive 5/8ths the length of the vessel – a testament to the constant flow of lifeblood that courses through the ship. Indeed, the Golden Road serves as the main artery, receiving vital supplies, support craft, and escort vessels. It's more than just a landing zone; it's a symbol of the Gryphon's connection to the wider sector, a lifeline ensuring survival on the fringes.

A Hive of Activity:

The Golden Road hums with a constant buzz of activity, a symphony of industry echoing day and night. Pilots and crew move with practiced efficiency, a well-oiled machine loading and unloading supplies, refueling vessels, and prepping for departures and arrivals. Hangars flank the landing zone, housing a diverse fleet of support craft. And for those in need of repairs or modifications, a dedicated maintenance facility stands ready to ensure the smooth operation of these vital workhorses.

More Than Just Metal and Muscle:

Beyond its logistical importance, the Golden Road pulsates with a deeper meaning for the colonists and researchers who call the Gryphon home. It's a gateway, a shimmering portal to new discoveries, a path leading to uncharted territories and the promise of a brighter tomorrow. As they witness the arrival of ships laden with resources and hope, they feel the future unfolding before their very eyes.

A Calculated Risk:

There's no denying the inherent danger that dances along the edge of the Golden Road. Heavily laden craft thunder in and out, demanding a constant dance of precision and skill from the crew. A single misstep, a momentary lapse in judgment, could spell disaster. Additionally, the exposed nature of the landing zone makes it a prime target for those with less than peaceful intentions.

The Heart of the Gryphon:

Despite the risks, the Golden Road remains an essential facet of the Gryphon. It's the lifeline that binds the ship to the wider cosmos, a pulsating artery pumping lifeblood into this mobile community. It's a symbol of hope, a testament to human resilience, and a constant reminder of the opportunities and dangers that lie just beyond the horizon.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 06-26-2023

/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
Public Zones
The Concourse

3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs


[Image: giphy.gif]
The Concourse: Where Deals are Struck and Stories Unfold

Step into the Concourse, the beating heart of the Gryphon. This five-story, octagonal chamber hums with activity, its central hub dominated by a faded golden statue of Eris, the Greek goddess of discord. A subtle reminder, perhaps, that within these walls, anything can happen – deals struck with a wink and a handshake, fortunes made and lost.

Here, you'll find a treasure trove beyond the typical offerings of edge-world stations. A fully equipped hospital with state-of-the-art surgical facilities stands ready to address any medical need. Blacksmiths pound away in the onboard forge, crafting weapons and tools of exceptional quality. The Constructor's Guild offers its services, and a charming theater provides a welcome escape after a long day on the frontier.

But the Concourse isn't just about commerce. It's a microcosm of the Gryphon itself, a vibrant community where families of the crew run bustling businesses. Whether you seek a cure for a nagging space-flu, a finely honed blade for your next expedition, or a unique souvenir to commemorate your journey, the Concourse has it all.

Open 24/7, the Concourse never sleeps. Friendly security ensures a safe environment, and every business is vetted for the highest standards. During off-hours, it transforms into a popular gathering place, a haven for weary travelers and seasoned crew alike to swap stories, share a drink, and forge new bonds under the watchful gaze of Eris.

Welcome to the Concourse. What will your story be?

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 07-01-2023

/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
Restricted Zones
The Core

3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs


[Image: giphy.gif]
The Core: Powering Progress (and Keeping Secrets)

Deep within the Gryphon's metallic belly hums the Core, the pulsing lifeblood of this magnificent vessel. Imagine a sprawling complex of interconnected decks, each a vital organ keeping the Gryphon alive. Here, in the dimly lit engineering sections, the ship's true power is harnessed.

Command & Control:

The uppermost level houses the Operations Room, the Gryphon's bridge. This tactical hub, staffed by the ship's seasoned captain and crew, serves as the brain of the operation. Consoles flicker with data, holographic charts map the course ahead, and from here, every aspect of the Gryphon's journey is meticulously orchestrated. Senior staff quarters adjoin this command center, ensuring constant vigilance and swift decision-making.

Innovation Incubators:

Descending deeper, we find the Research Labs, a haven for the Gryphon's scientific minds. These dedicated laboratories, brimming with cutting-edge equipment, serve as crucibles of innovation. Here, the Consortium's brightest push the boundaries of technology, their tireless efforts ensuring the Gryphon remains at the forefront of interstellar exploration.

The Fiery Heart:

At the Core's very core, shielded by layers of containment, lie the three monstrous Fusion Reactors. These colossal marvels unleash a torrent of power, their controlled fury driving the Gryphon through the cosmos. Four additional secondary reactors hum with activity, feeding the ship's life support systems and ensuring the comfort and well-being of the onboard colony.

Restricted Access:

The Core is a carefully guarded domain, accessible only to authorized personnel. Biometric scanners, retinal scans, and complex passwords protect the sensitive equipment and systems critical to the Gryphon's operation. Only those with the highest level of clearance can navigate these labyrinthine corridors, a testament to the vital role the Core plays in the Gryphon's continued existence.

The Engine of Survival:

The Core is more than just a collection of machinery; it's the Gryphon's beating heart. Without its relentless hum, the artificial lights would flicker and die, the air grow stale, and the grand journey would come to a grinding halt. Within these metallic chambers lies the power to not only sustain life aboard the Gryphon, but to propel humanity's quest for a brighter future amongst the stars.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 07-02-2023

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1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
Ship Wide Announcements
5. Personal Logs


Attention all crew members,

This is your captain speaking. I'm pleased to announce that the Gryphon will be departing Freeport 11 in the next 72 hours. We are bound for the Nu system to conduct studies contracted to us from third parties who helped reconstruct the ship.

I know that many of you have been looking forward to this mission. It's been a long time since we've had a chance to explore new territory, and I'm excited to see what we find in the Nu system.

I'm also aware that some of you may be feeling a little apprehensive about the upcoming journey. It's a long way to Nu, and there are always risks involved in space travel. But I want to assure you that I have the utmost confidence in this crew. We've trained hard for this mission, and we're ready for anything.

In the next 24 hours, please make sure to submit any last requisitions to the Dock Master. After that, we'll be finalizing our preparations for departure.

I'm looking forward to seeing what we can accomplish on this mission. Thank you, and good luck.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 04-15-2024

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1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs
Administrator Goodman


Another day, another nebula, but this one, this one is different. We've finally broken free of the familiar dust clouds of the Sirius sector and entered the uncharted territory designated SC-19. It's a tapestry of swirling blues, vibrant pinks, and deep, inky purples, unlike anything I've ever seen. The science team is buzzing with excitement, their scanners overloaded with new data. Dr. Chen practically vibrated in his boots during the morning meeting, his talk peppered with "possibilities" and "unprecedented readings."

Speaking of names, democracy has spoken! After weeks of spirited debate and a few (admittedly heated) discussions in the mess hall, our new home system has been christened "Elysian Fields." A touch sentimental, I'll admit, but a fitting testament to the hopes and dreams we all carry aboard the Gryphon. Now, J0720.4-3125 might sound a tad clinical, but just wait until you see the emerald jewel hanging in the heart of the system. Its readings are promising, – breathable atmosphere, a stable magnetosphere, and initial sensor scans suggest a decent range of resources. Of course, a proper survey is in order, but the initial data puts a smile on my face the size of the docking bay.

It's been a long journey, and there have been moments of doubt, whispers of "what if" echoing through the corridors. But looking out at Elysian Fields, a sense of purpose washes over me. We're on the cusp of something magnificent, a chance to build a new home, a beacon of hope for humanity. The Gryphon's advanced medical facilities are more than capable of handling any unforeseen threats. This isn't just another colonization attempt; it's a new chapter for all of us. We're pioneers, explorers, the architects of a new future.

J0720.4-3125 might soon be a thing of the past, replaced by a name chosen by the very hands that will shape its destiny. But until then, I'll raise a glass to Elysian Fields, and to the dawn of a new era.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 04-16-2024

/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
Public Zones
Habitation Decks
3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs


The Gryphon's habitation decks are a testament to human ingenuity in the face of limited space. While cramped for single individuals, they represent a triumph of design and organization.

Living Units: Standard living quarters for colonists are compact but well-equipped. Imagine a studio apartment reimagined for space travel. Fold-away furniture, efficient storage solutions, and clever lighting maximize functionality. Privacy screens separate sleeping areas from common spaces, while virtual windows project calming nature scenes or real-time views of the outside environment.

For those in vital positions, comfort increases with responsibility. Senior staff quarters, including Captain Ramirez's and Lead Administrator Sean Goodman's, offer more spacious living areas, dedicated workspaces, and even personal balconies overlooking the stars. Elected officials, responsible for the colony's governance, enjoy similar privileges.

Family Matters: Families receive additional space based on size. Imagine interconnected living units, each retaining a sense of individuality while still fostering a sense of togetherness. Play areas for children utilize clever vertical spaces, while communal kitchens encourage shared meals and strengthen community bonds.

Self-Contained Decks: Divided into four distinct sections, each habitation deck functions almost autonomously. Schools catering to different age groups, mess halls offering diverse cuisines, laundry facilities, and even small recreation areas create a sense of community within each deck. This modular design serves a critical purpose – in the event of an emergency, like a hull breach or fire, each deck can be sealed off, minimizing damage and ensuring the continued survival of the remaining colonists.

The Agora: The heart of the habitation decks lies in the central auditorium, a vast space nicknamed "The Agora" after the ancient Greek marketplace. This multi-purpose venue serves as a gathering place for town hall meetings, cultural events, religious services, or even community movie nights. Large enough to accommodate the entire ship's population, The Agora is a symbol of unity and a reminder of the shared purpose that binds the colonists together.

Life in a Can: Despite the cramped quarters, the habitation decks foster a sense of community. Colonists organize potlucks, game nights, and even book clubs, forging bonds in this shared space. However, the ever-present awareness of their confined environment can lead to feelings of claustrophobia and social friction, especially during extended journeys.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 04-17-2024

/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs
Dr. Anya Petrova


Another day, another decontamination shower. Honestly, at this point, I think I'm more sterile than the research labs back on the Gryphon. Three months on J0720.4-3125, and they still have us going through this rigmarole every time we return from surface exploration. I understand the importance of biosecurity, but come on, haven't we established the baseline flora and fauna by now?

Speaking of flora, the southern hemisphere is truly breathtaking. We've discovered a massive continent, a sprawling green expanse teeming with life. The atmosphere is perfect, slightly denser than Earth's, with a breathable oxygen-nitrogen mix. Initial scans show abundant freshwater resources and promising mineral deposits. It's everything we'd hoped for and more.

Today, we explored a vast island formation jutting out from the southern tip of the continent. The landscape is mesmerizing – towering bioluminescent flora casting an ethereal glow over the landscape, strange, crystalline rock formations catching the light like prisms. It's a botanist's dream – a chance to study an entirely new ecosystem.

However, amidst this wonder, a nagging concern keeps niggling at me. These crystalline formations…they're unlike anything I've ever seen. Their internal structure seems to defy natural geological processes. I've sent samples back to the research labs for further analysis, but something feels off.

Then there's the matter of this "flu" going around the habitation decks. It started in the schools, a simple cough and sniffles at first. Now, it seems like everyone's got it. It doesn't seem serious, just a nuisance, but it worries me. With all this focus on alien contaminants, why can't the decontamination systems even handle a common Earth virus? What happens if we encounter something more…exotic?

Maybe I'm just letting my imagination run wild. Still, it's enough to make me wonder if the Gryphon's systems are truly prepared for what we might find on this new world.

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RE: The Gryphon - Ship Specifications and Research Logs - Stoner_Steve - 04-18-2024

/Main Menu/

1. Ship History
2. Ship Specifications
Public Zones
The Verdant Spheres
3. Research Logs
4. Ship Logs
5. Personal Logs


Aboard the Gryphon, bathed in the soft glow of artificial suns, lie two marvels of human ingenuity – the Observation Domes and the Hydroponics Bays, known collectively as the Verdant Spheres. These self-contained biomes are not just crucial for survival, but also offer a breathtaking connection to the cosmos for the colonists.

Observation Domes: A Window to the Stars

Imagine a half-sphere crafted from a special transparent material, strong yet surprisingly light. This is the structure that houses the Observation Domes. Lush greenery thrives under carefully controlled lighting and temperature conditions, with walking paths meandering through miniature forests and cascading waterfalls. But the true marvel lies in the dome's transparency. As you gaze upwards, the illusion of an open sky is complete. Stars twinkle overhead, planets cast their silent vigil, and the vastness of space unfolds in a breathtaking panorama.

Strategically placed telescopes allow for detailed observation of the celestial dance outside, while augmented reality overlays can identify constellations, nebulae, and distant galaxies. The experience is both humbling and awe-inspiring, a constant reminder of humanity's place in the grand scheme of the universe. Within the dome, genetically-modified sparrows flit between the foliage, their birdsong a soothing counterpoint to the hushed whispers of wonder from the colonists below.

Hydroponics Bays: Transparent Bounty

Mirroring the Observation Domes, the Hydroponics Bays offer a different kind of spectacle. Here, transparency allows a view into the very heart of the Gryphon's food production. Rows upon rows of vertical gardens bathed in a soft, artificial glow unfurl before your eyes. Their intricate root systems suspended in nutrient-rich mist create a mesmerizing ballet of life.

Genetically-modified crops, designed for rapid growth and optimal nutrition, flourish under the watchful eyes of skilled hydroponics technicians. But the transparency adds another layer to the experience. Gazing out from the "surface" of the Hydroponics Bay, colonists can witness the fruits (quite literally) of their labor – a constant reminder of their self-sufficiency and resilience. Children press their noses against the transparent wall, mesmerized by the silent dance of growth, while adults admire the rows upon rows of vibrant vegetables, a testament to human ingenuity in the face of the unknown.

Redundancy for Survival: Each Verdant Sphere is a mirror image of the other, a failsafe system built into the Gryphon's design. In the event of a catastrophic failure in one bay, the other can sustain the entire population – although it would necessitate strict rationing. This redundancy offers a sense of security to the colonists, a testament to the foresight of the ship's engineers.

More Than Sustenance: The Verdant Spheres are a vital part of the Gryphon, offering not just physical sustenance but also a profound connection to the natural world and the vastness of space. They are a testament to human innovation and a symbol of hope for a future where humanity can thrive among the stars.

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