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Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Printable Version

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Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Empire of Kusari - 07-12-2023

[Image: X04Ng2q.png]

The Empire of Kusari announces that a new electoral process for the members of its constituent Parliament has begun. From the 12.07.830 until the 28.07.830, all registered Kusari citizens of legal age are free to cast their vote on this election, and give voice for their wishes for the Civilian Cabinet composition.

//Each player is allowed to use 3 characters of their pool of registered characters. If someone is using multiple accounts for voting, all affected votes will be considered void.
Each voter (// read character) is allowed ONE vote on a single party.
We now present the eligible parties for voting :

Kusari Sunrise Party
Political Traits: Pro-military, Economic Protectionism, Value Preservation

Description : here

Honshū Unity Party - 平和
Political Traits: Social Progressives, Economy Planning, International Cooperation

Manifesto: here

Social Democratic Party of Kusari
Political Traits: Social Democracy, People's Government, Non-militant

Manifesto: here

The Ninkyō Dantai
Political Traits: Conservative, Traditionalist, Crackdown on drugs

Manifesto: here


The voting will end on the 26.07 inclusive. Results will be released somewhere between 29.07 and 30.07.
(//When Casting your vote, please state your character names and the party they vote for. Also, try to provide some context to their action and do a little RP of the voting, instead of just telegraphing the voting intention (not mandatory but welcome)

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Emperor Tekagi - 07-13-2023

Mariko grew accustomed to the Hogosha way of life over the past six years, the crumbling of the Association and the rise of the Alliance of families had her locked in an isolated system. The last election, she already went for the most radical option and despite the cover of the book being different this time, she knew exactly what hid behind the "newcomers": A massive assortment of Hogosha and Farmer joint lobby efforts aimed at messing into the political landscape in a way so far exclusively reserved to the great Keiretsu.
When she left the booth, it was clear where she left her cross: The Ninkyō Dantai

Planet New Tokyo, Government District, 13.07.830.

The Imperial Prime Minister, in a massive show for the public, casted her vote at 14:00 Sirian Time at the central voting housing just next to the Emperor's Imperial Palace. Naturally, everyone knew whom she was voting for:
The Honshū Unity Party.

Goro Okamoto, long-standing Admiral of the Naval Forces, Overseer of the Matsumoto group, decorated war hero and the man who publicly claims responsibility for the Metz famine, did not have to travel anywhere to cast his vote. As part of a warships active crew, he casted his vote within the first hours of the election period through a courier of the Imperial Guard.
With a proud look, he marked the Sunrise Party, hoping to watch the Party fortify their position and win the election this year.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Human Purity Front - 07-13-2023

Nakanishi Kame was a man of few words while undercover, he quietly moved through the voting queue to cast the ballot for the Dantai. Once satisfied that the vote was successfully registered, Nakanishi returned to his apartment building, meeting up with the other neighbors and exchanging pleasantries with them. The discussion eventually turned to politics, with the most important issue at least to Nakanishi being the spread of Cardamine. Though the traditionalist party would likely seek to actively undermine and remove his faith from Kusari for being foreign, he figured that it would survive this ordeal, and that getting rid of Cardamine is the only way forward.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - L e o n - 07-15-2023

Yutaka was particularly concerned about the rising drug problem in his town. He had witnessed firsthand the devastating effects of drug abuse on families and communities and was determined to take a strong stance against it. Yutaka believed that a firm drug crackdown was necessary to protect the youth and maintain law and order in his city.

During the local elections, a new political party called The Ninkyō Dantai emerged, strongly emphasising conservative values, traditionalism, and a tough stance on drugs. Their platform resonated deeply with Yutaka's beliefs, and he saw an opportunity to make a real difference in his community. Thus he cast his voted on the said party.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - The_Godslayer - 07-15-2023

The Kazu Family of spiritualists graced the voting queue with a picturesque scene of tradition. A mother and father in their kimonos, she with a crown of bright red Cypress flowers and he a belt of Plumeria flowers. A mother of death and a father of rebirth, the heirs of choice for the exorcists, priests, shrinemaids, and monks across Kusari who bore allegeance to the Kazu name. Flanking them were their two daughters, a brilliant kimono and a crown of Royal Lilies for one, a calm symbol of grace, dignity, and perfection, and a military uniform for the other, complete with the two golden bars of her rank and the two war ribbons she'd earned, with the Red Spider Lilies woven into her bun. A family reunion that would bring tears of joy to the eyes of artists and photographers across Sirius.

Just as they did as a family, so in politics were they united, and to The Sunrise Party their votes were cast. The success of Kusari was non-negotiable, and the Sunrise Party understood this.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Omicron - 07-28-2023

Ai Nakashima has never been big into politics, even if she did spend most of her life prowling through other Houses where democracy was something more commonplace and natural. It was only natural that she went to the ballots today. Finding time from her duties in managing security of Kishiro convoys, she compartmentalised various choices available. Last time, she posted a vote on the HUP - a popular choice back then to be sure, though the war against Gallia made her work all the much harder even though they won. With her concerns and wealth, she was detached from the plight of the average Kusari person. Her mind was on what would make her day to day simpler. Perhaps Social Democrats? If they would be in charge last time, maybe she wouldn’t have to stress over the mess that are Tau borderworlds and loss of Gallic market? It couldn't hurt to try to change direction.

Ai Nakashima had voted for Social Democratic Party of Kusari.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Tōko Hakkera - 07-28-2023

- You casted your vote confidently this time.

Young woman broke the silence first. They were gathered around Kotatsu (low table with blanket and heater underneath) during the evening, eating their favourites: satsuma oranges. Ocean was ever-present, bringing a chill wind in this part of the world. She was Tōko Hakkera, governor of Honshu. Opposite her, a man of similar age. Sanjuro Hakkera, her cousin and best childhood friend. Given Tōko being the only child, she grew up together with Sanjuro, regarding him as if he were her brother. Topic shifted to the future of Kusari, naturally dominated by the elections. Sanjuro in his youth was a staunch imperialist until life made him more… independent in thought.

- We nearly lost everything all those years ago. I do not want it to happen again.
- You’re not fond of the Imperialist types.
- Neither are you…

Another moment of silence. Tōko had lost her own father due to the previous Emperor deciding the best course of action during a dispute over mining rights in Tau’s was to escalate war further. What worth did they see in this wretched planet Leeds? She had made peace with it, however the threat of war such as the two times they clashed against Rheinland was very much livid. The pandora box had been opened thirty years ago, and they are unable to close it. It was Sanjuro’s turn to break the silence, abruptly stating who got his vote this cycle. Tōko giggled, appreciating his thoughtful return to discussion at hand and abandonment of such unpleasantries as war.

- You know Ninkyo Dantai is nothing more than a front to Hogosha? A thinly veiled attempt at that.

Tōko was intrigued by his choice, and had to drill the subject further. This was unlike Sanjuro and this choice had clearly some strategic thought this time around. She would not let him escape the coming inquisition and had to be sure that his cousin was fully aware and conscious of the consequences of his actions. Perhaps he had matured towards it, unlike last time where he voted in-line with the rest of Hakkeras out of sheer sense of duty to the Clan, seeing it as a useless fad that would pass. Perhaps the last few years opened his eyes towards the implications of this new system.

- That I do. However strangely I do not disagree with what they are trying to accomplish…
- Most importantly, they aren’t Sunrise.
- …Yes.

Sanjuro valued traditions. However he was equally distrusting those who would do away with them, as much as those who would blindly discard what made the Empire that strong in the first place. Especially that many of those in charge of this particular party had led to much struggle for Kusari in the long run. There had to be a different way indeed… Tōko on other hand was more elastic in her thought, especially that she was the biggest benefactor in changes brought about by those democratic reforms allowed to exist under return of the Empire. She personally had voted for the Honshu Unity Party, which was not something she was particularly keeping hidden. They were a good compromise between rabid, stifled and isolationists militants of Sunrise, and equally detestable apologists of SDPK who would have themselves bend over to the other great powers.

- But go on. I think there’s more to it. You are not going to get off the leash so soon for such basic answers.
- …Well. Outside of what you already know. I think the stronger Hogosha is less reliant on Samura. They will be competitors from this point onwards, but it is preferable than them remaining their well financed lapdogs. It may yet change my opinion on the organisation if they carry out their promise to support the smaller Kaisha (Corporation).
- Or make Samura all the stronger?...
- Hogosha are where the money is. I do not think it will be what breaks this connection, but they will become more assertive. They had already proven to possess more nuance and subtlety than excessively heavy handed executives of Samura.
- You really thought it over. I am proud of you.

Tōko understood it all now. Sanjuro’s mind was more focused on the ways of war, himself being responsible for matters of security and securing their own interests elsewhere. He had finally grown to recognize that it is his duty to influence Kusari politics, even if his personal vote mattered little amongst the billions spread across all of Kusari’s colonies. As for herself? It was the Honshu Unity Party again. The elastic nature, balance act between progress and tradition. Not to mention strong focus on gender equality - the reason she was able to become Governor of Honshu in the first place. She initially had a critical eye on the intervention in Gallia, but it turned out to be a resounding victory in the end. She would give them one more chance with her own vote.

Tōko Hakkera had cast her vote for Honshu Unity Party
Sanjuro Hakkera had cast his vote for Ninkyo Dantai

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Shimamori - 07-28-2023

Shimamori Masahito
An active participant in imperial politics himself, the marquess knew that the declared values of the parties would not be manifested 100% in the imperial policy after the elections. Lobbyism, cross-partisan drift, the minority and the majority clinching for the coalition, the influence of the upper chamber and intervention of the Emperor Himself... Too many variables to be concerned about a party's manifesto not coinciding with one's own views. Nevertheless, the political and ideological inclination of a party still mattered, and so did regionalism. Shimamori looked through the window at gentle sunrays bouncing off the glimmering skyline of Minamimito in the distance. Honshu Unity Party was too much into economic interventionism of the government... A needed practice yet not to such an invasive degree. Then there was international cooperation which aligned with what the Marquess believed in was recently an issue given the autarchic approach the Imperial Government had been pursuing. Nevertheless, the party fiercely stood for the prosperity of his home region, Honshu, and supported greater and long overdue freedoms and progress for the populace of Kusari. His vote went to Honshu Unity Party.

Sumitomo Eiji
Busy as always, doctor Sumitomo was running around diagrams and schematics of yet another gravitational anomaly to analyse for the ongoing jumpgate research. Energy drinks had been drunk, nutritious food had been consumed, all annoying students had been sent home. Only his trusty colleagues remained by his side engaged in the same activity, barely paying attention to each other. Like a bunch of drones, they were moving in a chaotic pattern until Sumitomo suddenly stopped and exclaimed:

- Ku-u-u-so! The deadline for the Diet elections is tomorrow. No notifications, no reminders! What do we pay our secretariat for?!.

- But Dr. Sumitomo, everyone was warned in advance a week ago...

- What?!! No matter, it is inconsequential to stop our work. Someone, contact the secretariat and let them know I will be using my right to vote electronically.

Sumitomo was too preoccupied at the moment to care much about politics. Truth be told, he never actually cared about politics as long as he had access to his research and the funds. Nevertheless, he was not dumb and would not bite the feeding hand. Shimamori clan and Kishiro were the primary contributors to Tenmei University and his research, and thus supporting a party that would seemingly align with them would maximise the utility of his vote. Shimamori was a strong advocate of Honshu as a region, and Kishiro was operating out of Honshu. Which party would they support? Luckily for the absent-minded professor, the very name of Honshu Unity Party had the word "Honshu" in it, and so the further gauging of political parties was unnecessary. With irritation of having been torn away from his work even for a minute, Sumitomo quickly used his digital signature to cast his vote in favour of Honshu Unity Party and quickly returned to his chaotic waltzing around the room.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - TheSauron - 07-28-2023

A mighty downpour assaulted the city for nearly an hour now, as if as punishment for the citizens lining up to vote at the last possible moment. The winding queue extended down the street, the people huddled against the building walls for a semblance of shelter as they waited for the respite offered by the polling building.

The next couple lucky to enjoy said shelter breathed a sigh of relief as they made it inside, the clerks pointing them in the right direction. The man, in his late twenties, was the first to go into the booths, once again going over the names on the ballot. His mind was already set, in no small part thanks to his better half following behind. Although he was a military man, raised in a military family, his was a rather liberal family, at least by Kusari standards. With the sleazyness of the Dantai and whatever it was the SDPK were trying to accomplish, the choice was quite easy this time around. A strong Kusari, both economically and militarily, that treated its citizens fairly and without discrimination. As such, Kitamura rather confidently put a mark next to the Honshū Unity Party on his ballot, casting it without any doubt. Well, perhaps one, as he absently pondered a most pressing question while waiting for his companion to vote: why did the government bother with paper ballots in this day and age?

After begrudgingly enduring the rainstorm for what felt like an eternity, a sharply dressed woman was finally blessed with an invitation into the building, almost bulldozing past a couple making their way outside. Not unlike the man minutes before her, she was confident in her choice of party, although her motivations were anything but alike. While she didn't exactly flaunt it, it was not difficult to tell the woman was Hogosha, and more than just a simple street thug. A self made woman, or so she thought of herself, she did not usually bother with elections, or politics at large, only concerned with the advancement of her own wealth and career. If one could even call being part of the Hogosha a career, that is. With her past in Hogosha's own entertainment industry, Black Dragon and Silvereye Dragon casinos in particular, the emergence of the Ninkyō Dantai made her pay attention to politics for once. While social or military issues were of little concern, it was the Dantai who put the most intriguing bullet point on their agenda, securing Chou Norio's vote for them as a result. Although she did not hold out much hope for their victory, she couldn't help but feel at least some excitement for the possibilities their presence in the government would offer.

RE: Kusari Parliamentary Elections - 830 A.S. (Voting) - Darius - 07-28-2023

Mitsuo Akihiro votes for Sunrise Party.

Takahiro Family (Kiyomi; Shimoda) votes for Sunrise Party.