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To: Allies - From: Krüger - Printable Version

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To: Allies - From: Krüger - Kruger - 07-13-2023

Krüger Mineralien

Allies and partners only

To: For those who do rightly.
From: karl Mecker / Krüger Vorstand
Location: Office, Planet New Berlin
Subject: Goal Change.
ENCRYPTED: Number ANZ-4A27 - Hight.

Grüße an alle Beteiligten

Goal changes.

The Board of Directors of Kruger Mineralien, having analyzed the current facts in Rheinland, such as the disappearance of the Silver Ore mine in the system and etc., deliberated in its full right of ownership:

1. Dismantle the Kruger Mineralien Facility support base south of the Elbe Border Fortress, located in Kruger modular station in the Omega-7 system in D/E 6-7.

2. The fact occurred because there are no lucrative resources to maintain this base in Omega 7 at the moment.

3. Also because there is a lack of financial profit in this territory, which has made the Directorate rethink to continue with the project at this time.

The base will be dismantled and its environmental platforms are properly packed at the Elbich Mining Facility station so it can be rebuilt into Omega 7 or another system that gives Kruger security to negotiate with its customers with a support base on the Rheinland national border. Fulfillment starts right away.

Thus, we thank the renowned companies that have supported us

Encryption under number: ANZ-4A27 finalized.

[Image: v1ApC7Q.png]
Krüger Stellv Vorsitzender