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Affiliate: Huntress - Printable Version

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Affiliate: Huntress - Goddess Astra - 07-14-2023

Your name: Nicole Hayes, alias "Julie Miller"
Your desired callsign: Huntress
Age: 34
Origin: Planet Los Angeles, Liberty
Area of skills/expertise/experience: Military piloting, intelligence, espionage, counter-intelligence, special operations, capital ship command
Vessel(s): Promise
Past Contact with Auxesia: Here, here
Why do you wish to help us?: You probably already know why. Pennsylvania, the Sentinels. Do I need to go into detail?

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Kauket - 07-14-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: EwGCpBm.png]


Looks like you're approved already.

Dire times indeed... I apologise for the silence lately, a little exhausted from the latest venture, as well as from fighting off the Navy seemingly trying to meddle with the Gardens... Hrmmhm... Do you happen to know a Zoe Evans, by the way?


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Goddess Astra - 07-14-2023

> Signal detected.
> Identifying...
> Authenticating...
> Decrypting...
> Stream initiated.

[Image: XNp7mGr.gif]

COMM ID: Nicole Hayes
TARGET ID: Revenant

Don't worry about it, we've all been absolutely worked to the bone lately. I still haven't even debriefed Lazurith after the Sentinel attack the other day.

I'm not sure that I do know Zoe Evans. Why do you ask, did she mention me?

Also. My next broadcast regarding the Pennsylvania situation is ready. Do you have any relays I can add to the ones I'm already going to use? The more sources this thing has, the harder it'll be to shut down.

> Terminating...
> Transmission terminated.

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Kauket - 07-14-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: EwGCpBm.png]


We can do a little hijinks and hire someone to hack one of the major news outlets. Could be worth getting the Lane Hackers in on it, though they can be a little challenging to be cooperative with. Might be fun to hire a billboard in Manhattan Central.

We can deploy a probe to New York or Pennsylvania to boost the signal if all else is unsuitable.

The reason I asked is because, ah... well, you can see here for yourself. As you can perhaps perceive, I am thoroughly exhausted in the encounter in question. It might be of interest to understand who or what this Zoe is doing.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Goddess Astra - 07-14-2023

> Signal detected.
> Identifying...
> Authenticating...
> Decrypting...
> Stream initiated.

[Image: XNp7mGr.gif]

COMM ID: Nicole Hayes
TARGET ID: Revenant

We don't have enough time to rent a billboard. Boosting the transmission will help just fine, but it needs to be short notice, apparently, so within the next few hours.

That Ageira deal stinks of a clandestine operation, and I'm willing to bet that they'll try to eliminate Penelope Quinn afterward, as she'll be a loose end. If I had the resources, I'd direct them to monitor the deal, but that's probably a bit more than is strictly safe. Still, I can't imagine what Ageira's doing in Vespucci of all places. You don't know about any anomalies in the area, do you?

> Terminating...
> Transmission terminated.

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Kauket - 07-14-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: EwGCpBm.png]



We'll get a probe deployed to New York ASAP.

As for Vespucci, not entirely sure. It could be related to anything, not just anomalies. There is one, but knowledge about it is exceptionally limited. No matter, I'll find someone to keep tabs on them.


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Kauket - 07-14-2023

...neural.uplink detected...
...starting encryption...establishing connection...
identified: Revenant

[Image: EwGCpBm.png]


Most certainly intriguing.

One thing that caught my attention the most was the captivity of active artifacts... Do you know in particular what they may hold?


...transmission complete
...terminating stream

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Goddess Astra - 07-14-2023

> Signal detected.
> Identifying...
> Authenticating...
> Decrypting...
> Stream initiated.

[Image: XNp7mGr.gif]

COMM ID: Nicole Hayes
TARGET ID: Revenant

Nomad power cells and the like. Not much that you'd find particularly interesting, and not much that was game-changing. Like I told you, the ESRD's greatest accomplishments in terms of research is probably anti-infestation procedures and detection. They tried working with live nomad tissues, but they couldn't keep them alive for long in the laboratory.

However, one thing I can tell you is that before the formation of the ESRD, Liberty had access to a lot more of these artifacts. Navy records are patchy here, as I assume that the nomads did a huge amount of work erasing as much as they could about them, but it seems like Liberty had another source. None of the artifacts that hit the market were ever active, we would have known, the Corsairs would have known. And yet we did occasionally get game-changers. Before my time, of course.

I know this information is spotty, but I swear something didn't add up when I was doing my own digging into the Nomad War. It's all trends and suggestions though, not much that we can use.

> Terminating...
> Transmission terminated.

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Goddess Astra - 07-15-2023

> Signal detected.
> Identifying...
> Authenticating...
> Decrypting...
> Stream initiated.

[Image: XNp7mGr.gif]

COMM ID: Nicole Hayes
TARGET ID: Revenant

Forwarding you the following logs, as requested: <ATTACHED COMMUNICATION>

Like I said, I doubt you'll find much about Cobra's near future intentions here, but at least you'll know everything I know.

> Terminating...
> Transmission terminated.

RE: Affiliate: Huntress - Goddess Astra - 07-15-2023

> Signal detected.
> Identifying...
> Authenticating...
> Decrypting...
> Stream initiated.

[Image: XNp7mGr.gif]

COMM ID: Nicole Hayes
TARGET ID: Revenant

Revenant, I got some intel last night, with the help of Rebecca and Levan. I think you'll find this recording to be most interesting:

The conversation transcript follows:

I've already sent this off to Aspen Harlow so that the Zoners can make the best use of it, but if you have any ideas about how we can work with it, then I'm curious to hear them.

> Terminating...
> Transmission terminated.