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To the Liberty Rogues - Printable Version

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To the Liberty Rogues - Rashnok - 04-27-2009

Incoming Transmission
Destination: Rochester
Transmission Point: Battleship Muellfahrer

It may surprise you... Rogues to know, but ALG will not tolerate the rampant Libertonian piracy of its warships. It is unacceptable that you allow such rogue Rogues to operate like loose cannons within New York and take advantage of the weaknesses of the House of Liberty. We shall have you know that any further transgressions against ALG shall be met with extreme prejudice and reprisals against not only the Rogues, but Liberty itself!

For all those that read it, spread the word. ALG will treat all criminals with the utmost hostility. Your septic tanks will overflow with your own waste. You shall drown in the refuse of your decadence! Fuhr zie Mantid! Fuhr ALG! For the Gottkanzler! Rheinland Uber Alles!

Your response is awaited with clenched fists. Understand that you cannot hold without our assistance.

ALG Battleship Muellfahrer, out.

Transmission Terminated

To the Liberty Rogues - Orin - 04-27-2009

--Incoming Transmission--
--Veteran Draya Kirillov--
--Relaying Transmission--

Ha ha ha... Wait, you guys serious?

Let me get this straight, we've done our jobs well, have pirated you, pissed you off, and now you're whining? <giggles> Thanks for the kind words! We'll be sure to keep it up!


--Transmission Ended--

To the Liberty Rogues - Guest - 04-27-2009

***Incoming transmission***

What's this? We "pathetic criminals" as you called us time and again now seem to bother you? Oh my, whatever shall we do? I might have a solution. Every day you pay us a million, and your warships shall not meet a bomber wing. And please, take liberty, as long as we have your transports to mug, we are happy. Now shut up, little man and get off this channel.

Hmmm, i wonder, should we add your taged ships to our bomber wing desirable target list? Oh, be sure, more whining from your side might end up in us returning your ships in scrap parts. Highly trained escorts? Sure, ill watch how they will try to catch our supernova shots before they hit your big boats.

Stop whining, frenchy.

Andrew Mort
Liberty Rogues

***End Transmission***

To the Liberty Rogues - Cyberanson - 04-27-2009

... reading headers ...
... headers complete ...

[Image: unimog_signal.png]


This is Ralf Schmied, chairman of ALG Waste Disposal,

gentlemen, the executive board of ALG Waste Disposal disassociates from any statements done by non-official employees.

Ralf Schmied


To the Liberty Rogues - Reverend Del - 04-27-2009

Oh please... ALG can go unknot their knickers elsewhere, everytime we see one of you corporate cash caows we'll just pirate you some more. Enjoy.

As if we'd fear you when the Liberty navy is on our doorstep.

Sylpheed Out.

To the Liberty Rogues - pieguy259 - 04-27-2009

TARGET ID: Battleship Muellfahrer
COMM ID: Rochester Comms Array

This is a Junker base. You won't find many Rogues here.

We sent your message on anyway. We're nice like that.


To the Liberty Rogues - Zig - 04-27-2009

Incoming Transmission: Ted "I Can't Dance" Brennan


Tell you what, boy; next time we catch sight of your sorry kraut hide, we won't just relieve you of your credits, we'll smear you with the contents of those septic tanks you refuse to drain. Sound fair to you?

Transmission Ended

To the Liberty Rogues - Dra1003 - 04-27-2009

Incoming Transmission:
Com ID:Dengoru
Location: Unknown

Right..heres an idea don't trade with the corrupt government of liberty and maybe you wont have to deal with us. Thats the only advice im offering

To the Liberty Rogues - Guest - 04-27-2009

-Incoming Transmission-
-From: Joey Nassar-

Oi, of course that we're worried of a bunch of civilian escorts attackin' us... we'll take care of all your dirty credits, next time ye come to Libity, don't worry... and how about robbing your escorts as well?

-End of transmission-