Novi Plant - Artifacticals - 07-18-2023
Property of Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Trespassers will be prosecuted.
Novi Plant is a manufacturing facility owned by Cryer Pharmaceuticals. This high-security factory is dedicated to the production of advanced hardware, services for the transport fleet, and additional storage of research material and other sundries.
Those cleared to land know they are.
Travel Advisory: Owing to the base's remote location, as well as a lack of facilities available to the general public, travel to Novi is inadvisable at this time.
All right, now that the suckers are gone, welcome to Novi Plant. You got some goodies from a busted up trade ship, head to the left. Smugglers, I’ll see those manifests. Buyers, who’s our buyers, head on down this staircase and go through the red door. Salvagers, the scrap refinery is on the north wing, we’ll get the conveyers going as soon as you sign the forms. Jim, welcome back. We’ll arrange transport for whoever you’ve picked up this time.
The boys running Novi Plant are proud to display our zero-waste chop shop. This state of the art facility turns hijacked merchantmen and their escorts into alloys, starship fuel, and Interspace policy claims. The Detroit field offers perfect plausible deniability to our dear corporate “friends”, their cut is what they say is our entire output, but our more legitimate friends make bank selling fuel and alloys conjured up from nowhere. You’d be surprised how many people need metal and fuel, and Novi’s preferred customers have an endless supply.
Our friends in Cryer are gracious enough to supply us with enough water to keep ourselves and anyone else fed as well. If you're eating anything on board, chances are it came from the bay we put up.
You might have noticed the new industrial refinery going up. Word on the street is Fontana's in a bit of trouble, so we're picking up the slack. Bring in something good and give us a shout so we can refine it for you free of charge.
Artifacts | 205 |
Cardamine | 190 |
Hessian Tears | 150 |
Nox | 190 |
Black Market Pharmaceuticals | 12 |
Light Arms | 30 |
Pharmaceuticals | 10 |
Prototype Components | 750 |
Military Salvage | 30 |
Toxic Waste | 5 |
Basic Alloy | 7 |
Food Rations | 15 |
Oxygen | 3 |
Water | 3 |
Fertilizer - LIMITED INTAKE | 35 |
Industrial Materials | 13 |
Uranium | 25 |
Most of this fell off the back of a 5ker. |
Alien Organisms | 10 |
Black Market Augments | 18 |
Cigars | 25 |
Engine Components | 30 |
H-Fuel | 150 |
Helium | 8 |
Polymers | 15 |
Civilian Pilots | 55 |
Criminal Pilots | 200 |
Please note: Most of this is legacy prices that we are unlikely to ever update. You have been warned. |
Copper Ore | 20 |
Helium-3 | 80 |
Iridium Ore | 80 |
Platinum Ore | 20 |
Uranium Ore | 80 |
The bureaucratic inertia of the Republic of Liberty, coupled with far more pressing threats in the Insurgency, allowed a small pirate nest to flourish, with the help of a gang of smugglers in the employ of Cryer Pharmaceuticals. The Cryer captains serving as the “face” of the operation were more than happy to falsify a few work orders and Interspace policy claims to allow for Novi Plant to provide them with off the books services, especially on their next equally off the books trip to Sparta.
The pirates themselves? With their new thin veneer of legitimacy, they realised they could make more going “straight” as a middleman for fine Omicron and Gallic goods. A sweetheart deal with the Cryer captains would see industrial Helium delivered cheaply, and “accidentally” finding its way to the sales floors. Other corporate captains would pay a visit, and some would even have lookouts ready to bid on “lots” from when the odd actual pirate would bring home some loot. The pirates being a gang of unaffiliated opportunists, it wasn’t long before Maltese freighter jockeys seeking a new port of call would quickly come to an arrangement. The expected friction between the corporate captains and the Maltese foot-soldiers completely failed to materialize, as Novi’s administration had quickly broken deliveries into “shifts”, ostensibly to keep the heat from the law off, but actually to prevent such incidents from taking place. Novi was a wicked place, debase and corrupt. It served all comers, so long as they paid.
Fontana to the East, and Rochester to the North would continue to be the preferred ports of call for most, but Novi would scrape by on bootleg firearms (popular with pirate gangs) and the aforementioned cheap helium (popular with House and Outworlder industrial concerns), as well as being a decent enough fence for piratical transports (popular with everyone except Interspace claim agents).
All items subject to availability. Consult with Messrs. D. York, S. Daniel, and J. Moyer for supply updates.
Black Market Light Arms | 800 | Helium | 2.000 |
Artifacts | 6.950 | Cardamine | 9.000 | Volgograd Ordnance | 9.500 | Nox | 10.000 |
Counterfeit Software | 850 |
Blue Jillies | 2.200 |
Synthetic Marijuana | 3.200 |
Black Market Munitions | 3.200 |
Sorted Artifacts | 4.000 |
Liquid Cardamine | 5.000 |
Kemwer Munitions | 6.000 |
EFL Blue Packs - BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK, intelligence services will come for you. | 14.000 |
Xeno Relics | 14.000 |
Civilian Pilots | 5.500 |
Criminal Pilots | 20.000 |
Reinforced Alloy | 750 |
Robotic Hardware | 500 |
Hull Segments | 1.500 |
Food Rations | 230 |
Water | 60 |
Oxygen | 55 |
Docking Module | RESTRICTED |
Cloak Disruptor | PENDING |
Cloaking Device | RESTRICTED |
A-J17 Engine | 30.000.000 |
"Lots priced to move."
All items subject to availability. |
Ageira White Boxes - BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK, Ageira will come for you. | 3.000 |
Alien Organisms | 1.000 |
Azurite Gas - Certificates of Authenticity available from AP Manufacturing upon request. | 8.000 |
Beryllium | 2.000 |
Beryllium Ore | 6.000 |
Bio-neural Processors | 400 |
Deuterium | 2.500 |
Diamonds | 2.700 |
Elixirs - Effects not evaluated by Cryer Pharmaceuticals. Consult a physician before use. | 2.000 |
Engine Components | 1.800 |
Fertilizers | 1.800 |
Furs | 2.700 |
Gin | 800 |
H-Fuel | 1.800 |
High Temperature Alloy | 1.000 |
Holo-Tainment Bands | 3.000 |
Hydrocarbons | 1.300 |
Industrial Materials | 225 |
Iridium Ore | 8.000 |
Liberty Ale | 150 |
Light Arms | 300 |
Luxury Consumer Goods | 400 |
Mass Transit - Passengers, VIPs, etc. One flat rate because at Novi, the only seats are economy. | 1.000 |
Neon | 1.500 |
Niobium | 2.000 |
Pearls | 1.000 |
Petrochemicals | 150 |
Pineal Amulets | 1.500 |
Plastics | 3.000 |
Polymers | 1.500 |
Rheinbier | 1.500 |
Robotics | 2.000 |
Side Arms | 1.800 |
Stabiline - Liability waiver must be signed before use. Also, really? | 2.800 |
Superconductors | 300 |
Terraforming Gases | 2.000 |
Toxic Waste | 15 |
Wine | 3.000 |
PS: '\S/'nitches get stitches. The Starfliers are PERMANENTLY BARRED from this base's services pending a public apology for aspersions cast upon our good name. Anyone wanting to know what they did, inquire within.