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Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Printable Version

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Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Kage No Ryu - 07-19-2023

Kage No Ryu - Recruitment

[Image: hxSbdoo.png]

Konnichiwa potential recruits,

For those of you that seek to share in the glory and riches of Kusari and make the wheels of this great nation turn to its true benefit, you need only look to this organization.

Lousy elements in Kusari's political wheels will not stand in the way of true justice & action; we will make ends meet - and reap the rewards.

Application Form
[align=center][size=medium][b][color=#613e32]Kage No Ryu Application[/color][/b][/size][/align][hrc]#AAA383[/hrc]
[color=#613e32][b]Name:[/b][/color] Surname, Name
[color=#613e32][b]Sex:[/b][/color] Male/Female
[color=#613e32][b]Age:[/b][/color] Your age
[color=#613e32][b]Were you born in Kusari?:[/b][/color] Yes/No

[color=#613e32][b]Previous occupations (if you've had them):[/b][/color]
[*]insert point(s)

[color=#613e32][b]Why should we accept you?:[/b][/color] Convince me.


(//ooRP section)
How long have you been playing Freelancer & Discovery?:

Discord username: (If you do not want to give yourself away, please pm me on discord or @"Wesker"  on the forums)

RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Hideo Kuro - 07-19-2023


RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Cybertron - 07-19-2023

Kage No Ryu Application

Name: Katen Kyokotsu
Sex: Male
Age: 34
Were you born in Kusari?: Yes

Previous occupations (if you've had them):
  • ancient history tutor
  • private eye
  • private contractor
  • trader in his own manner
  • mercenary (sword fights)

Why should we accept you?: You know back in the day I used to read a lot. The books are underrated nowdays. One of many qualities you should inquire in people I presume. Anyways there is a book called "The Art of War" which I was lucky to find and read. I still have it with me actually, I bring it with me everywhere. It is the quote that said "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle." And that is a quote I am willing to live by. We have to do what is necessary even at some cost, for the victory must be payed with a certain price, and we must be ready to accept it. My life is the price I am willing to pay. It is an honor.

(//ooRP section)
How long have you been playing Freelancer & Discovery?: Since 2012, so around 11 years with breaks of course. I was in many previous factions, but remained in only BAF at the moment. I was waiting for a fresh faction that would peak my interest, especially Kusari one since I also took part into ToI and BD.

Discord username: (If you do not want to give yourself away, please pm me on discord or @Wesker on the forums)PM sent

RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Chxlls - 07-19-2023

Kage No Ryu Application

Name: Aoki, Yori
Sex: Male
Age: 27
Were you born in Kusari?: Yes

Previous occupations (if you've had them):
  • Graduate of the New Tokyo Naval Academy in 823 A.S with honors in fighter combat, reconnaissance tactics, and diplomatic relations.
  • Served on the Battleship Matsumoto as a lieutenant and a fighter specialist with distinction. Routinely engaged in skirmishes with Blood Dragon and GC snubcraft in the Hokkaido system nebulas.

Why should we accept you?:
Aoki: As a fighter in the Kusari Naval machine, I excelled under the black-and-white method of justice and execution. As I have gained more experience, I have realized justice isn't black-and-white, but very much grey in nature. As I have come to that realization,I see now that the KNF no longer fit my expectations of justice and integrity. The Hogosha and Kage No Ryu specifically have piqued my interest and align much more with my ideals. I seek not fame, or glory, but a Kusari society that runs smoothly and as-intended by our ancestors. I seek to operate with maximum efficiency and discretion, and intend on making Kusari a better place. I think you'll find I'll be a glove-like fit to your operation.

(//ooRP section)
How long have you been playing Freelancer & Discovery?: 1 year in total, but consistently about 3 months.

Discord username: chills1

RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Kage No Ryu - 07-20-2023

[Image: gXAtfIi.gif]
[Image: hxSbdoo.png]

Sender: Yamato
Recipient: Recruits
Source: [機密扱い]

Subject: Recruitment

Priority: High
Encryption: 壊れない


Kyokotsu, Yori, you will both be given the opportunity to prove yourselves - as all novices shall.

Kuro... there are too many anomalies in this description. Your career in the Liberty Navy is an anomaly I cannot ignore. Stay with your father on Honshu.

Kage No Ryu

暗号化...[Image: white_large_blinking_text_cursor_by_neri...6uu9q6.gif]

RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - -Revenant- - 09-20-2023

Kage No Ryu Application

Name: Kamiya Nobuyuki
Sex: Male
Age: 30
Were you born in Kusari?: Yes

Previous occupations (if you've had them):
  • Freelancer
  • Mercenary

Why should we accept you?: With my expertise and experience in advanced combat , I firmly believe that I can be an effective member of the organization. Not only do I have a strong understanding of tactics and strategy, but I am also able to think outside the box in order to meet challenging objectives.

(//ooRP section)
How long have you been playing Freelancer & Discovery?: Well i use to play the game back in 2011, then quit now return in 2023

Discord username: hereliestheundead

RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Leeon26 - 10-01-2023

Kage No Ryu Application

Name: Sato, Yahiko
Sex: Male
Age: 26
Were you born in Kusari?: Yes

Previous occupations (if you've had them):
  • Graduation in 825 A.S from the New Tokyo Academy for Naval pilots, known for being specialised in direct combat.
  • Two years of serving in the KNF brought experience in skirmishes mostly with GC, Blood Dragons and Farmer's Alliance

Why should we accept you?: On EVERY step, I am passionate, dedicated, and skilled, I bring a worthy blend of experience and enthusiasm. Ready to thrive within Kage No Ryu and make Kusari as honourable and social as our grandfathers would want it to be.
When I first heard about Kage No Ryu, I knew I just had to make a move and become a part of.
The intentions I heard of, we're the exact same that I started evolving in 817 A.S. That was when I realized, that the Kusari Navy does not have the special something to reach what we all want: Justice, Wealth and Happiness.
What you can expect from me is probably what you need. Precision and efficiency with every step.

(//ooRP section)
How long have you been playing Freelancer & Discovery?: 2 years in total, 4 months straight now.

Discord username: Leeon26

RE: Kage No Ryu - Recruitment - Kage No Ryu - 11-30-2023

[Image: gXAtfIi.gif]
[Image: hxSbdoo.png]

Sender: Yamato
Recipient: Recruits
Source: [機密扱い]

Subject: Recruitment

Priority: High
Encryption: 壊れない


Sato, your story checks out. You'll be given a chance to join our brotherhood.

Nobuyuki, you'll have to find a different calling. Random mercenaries aren't quite welcome in this pack.

Kage No Ryu

暗号化...[Image: white_large_blinking_text_cursor_by_neri...6uu9q6.gif]