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Cryer ⇔ MFE - Cryer Pharm. Inc. - 07-21-2023


[Image: cryer-donnel-bucksworth.png]
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Sender: Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Recipient: All Cryer and MFE personnel
Subject: Long-Term Communication Channel

Greetings to all Cryer and MFE employees!

As agreed in our recent meeting, I'm glad to announce that we've established this secure channel to communicate any and all messages between our companies. The primary goal is to share scientific advancements and assist each other in developing joint projects, but we can also use it for any purpose we see fit.

To kick things off, here's a list of all out installations where you can deploy ambassadors:
  1. Syracuse Station, New York
  2. Cambridge Research Station, Cambridge
  3. Atka Research Station, Sigma-17

Please provide us with a list of your installations as well, and we'll continue using this channel to report any updates on the deployment of ambassadors.


End of Message

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Pennyfield - 07-21-2023

[Image: MFE-top-logo-noloop.gif]

* incoming transmission *

Comm ID ..... Jill Xi, PharmD
Location ....... Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
To ...................... Cryer Pharmaceuticals personnel
CC ..................... Med Force Enterprises personnel
Subject .......... Re.: Long-Term Communication Channel

Good day Cryer friends!

Let me introduce myself, my name is Dr. Jill Xi and I am the director of the Med Force Academy in Omicron Theta.

Both me and my team welcome you aboard. We all hope that our cooperation can become a true synergy whereby we can be of benefit to the whole sector.

To bring you up to speed, the MFE Academy currently provides a few courses and studies which could be of interest. We are also very keen on your training ideas as well as guest lecturers. Above all, all our courses and studies are free of charge for all Cryer employees. Omicron Theta may seem far away yet do know Cryer employees have a new 'home away from home' in the Omicrons.

So my friends, I welcome you to the MFE Academy and look forward to meet you.

Let's get ready for all those joint projects.

Yours truly,

[Image: Jill-Signed.png]

Jill Xi, PharmD,
Director, Med Force General Academy, Omicron Theta
Med Force Enterprises

Med Force Enterprises welcomes your help!
Send your donation to [MFE]Donations and join the cause to build hope where little may exist.

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Cryer Pharm. Inc. - 07-22-2023

[Image: cryer-donnel-bucksworth.png]
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Sender: Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Recipient: All Cryer and MFE personnel
Subject: Long-Term Communication Channel

Dear Dr. Xi,

Thank you so much for the warm welcoming words! We'll be sure to check out the courses taught on Med Force Academy. I'll have you know that we also teach medical practices, but on a rather different format.

Aboard Syracuse, you'll find vocational training courses which would usually be available exclusively to Cryer employees. We'll make them available to MFE employees as well.

If you're looking to invest your time into courses of academic nature, we offer those on Cambridge Research as part of the university's curriculum. We can arrange a discount with the university, should you be interested.

Feel free to contact us regarding any feedback on the curriculum, as we do to you as well.

Wishing you all the best,
Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


End of Message

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Doc Holliday - 07-28-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania
To: Cryer Pharmaceutical Personnel; MFE Personnel

Greetings, All.

Forgive my delayed response. Been rather busy with some surgeries and admin work. It is an honor to be sharing this channel and opportunity with you all. I see Dr. Xi has spoken.
I have an office at two bases. We have our Omega 3 Hospital just off of Freeport 1. Not much going on there right now but we try to be prepared should we be needed there. It is a low key area and Mr. Billy Garand is the administrator there. It just has not been easy keeping it supplied so if you can help there, it is appreciated.

I also have an office on Med Force General and Research. We do a lot of secret work and research there as there are few eyes in the Baffin system. Our worst cases go there. I pretty much administer that base. You will find people treated there that others will not take. Severe burn victims, people maimed in combat. In short, people who the Reaper is already processing. We also do a lot of secret research there.

Oh yes. Med Force One, our first mobile hospital. It is where it all began in Omicron Theta. I will have quarter ready for those you send.

Dr. John Holliday

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - MechaCheff - 07-29-2023

[Image: FrC4Xw2.png]
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Sender: Randy Spencer, Field Researcher & Logistics Operator
Recipient: Med Force Enterprises
Subject: Delivery of Ambassadorial Scientists

Station administrators and and directors of MFE,

My name is Randy Spencer, I'm a Logistics Operator at Cryer Pharma Inc. I'm glad to inform you that Cryer's Ambassadorial Scientists have been safely deployed aboard all listed MFE stations.

Dr. Holliday, as to your inquiry regarding supplies to the bases - Cryer currently does not offer base supply logistic services, with the exception of some projects I am not at liberty to disclose. I recommend asking companies that focus more on those kinds of services, such as AWES, OSI or NHI, to haul supplies to your bases.

Here's a full delivery report:

I was issued a Pelican-class armored transport, the +Cryer+Ipecac, armored to its core with a Capital Armor Upgrade Mk. VI and a Heavy Transport Shield.

The scientists allocated to the ambassadorial position were stationed on Cambridge Research, so I had to make my way from Syracuse where the transport was originally docked. Once I arrived there, I planned a route and picked up 3 scientists from the station.

From there I took a short 15-minute trip to Omega-3, where I found Med Force Omega Hospital right by Freeport 1 as described by Dr. Holliday. I proceeded to dock and deploy one scientist on board the station.

The station's dock control gave me some trouble, as they seemed to be unprepared for the visit and didn't recognize my transponder. But we got through eventually and the ambassador safely stepped down to the hangar once we docked.

Next up, I proceeded to Omicron Theta through a few jump hole shortcuts. Luckily, the path was clear of any disturbances, let alone some radiation damage to the external hull in Omega-41.

Since I was told that Med Force One is docked somewhere in Omicron Theta, two scientists were deployed aboard Med Force General Academy. One of them is awaiting deployment onto the ship.

After the deployment, I had to return to Cambridge and pick up the last scientist for Med Force General and Research. I went on a journey through the Taus and reached the Baffin system. Had to wait a while for the winds to calm before passing through, though, since multiple pirates roamed the area before I flew there. I let the local government forces deal with those.

After searching far and wide through the Baffin system, eventually I figured out the location based on an image, as the Neural Net entry only vaguely states "Baffin System" with a single image where a planet is seen in the background. The ring dust was the main clue that helped me find it eventually, and so the final scientist was safely deployed.

The +Cryer+Ipecac is now safely docked back at Cambridge Research. I really gotta get some time off after this long journey...

Godspeed to all Cryer and MFE pilots.
Spencer out.


End of Message

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Doc Holliday - 09-10-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Bethlehem Station, Pennsylvania
To: Cryer Pharmaceutical Personnel; MFE Personnel

Greetings, All,

The comms have been silent but our work has not. The staff we have received are very professional and have been pleasant to work with. No major developments to report but steady work as always.

Cryer, despite the hostilities of the Liberty government upon the Zoner population I was able to land at Syracuse and purchase a supply of pharmaceuticals. The catch is that I had to give a wide birth to avoid Detroit munitions and Liberty patrols to approach from the back. I was successful but upon departure, one patrol saw me and even Syracuse went red so it is a difficult mission but not impossible.

I know that I've said this before but perhaps together we can bend the government's ear and talk to them about our presence. Perhaps if they know that Med Force Enterprises is not a hostile entity that we can finally sit down and chat with them. If not, I will have to ask for Cryer transports to deliver pharmaceuticals to our bases for regular supplies.
Let me know what you think.

And while I am here, it seems the Gallic Royals have built a base over by planet's Hodge and Podge. I do not know what their intentions are but do keep alert.


RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Cryer Pharm. Inc. - 10-21-2023

[Image: cryer-donnel-bucksworth.png]
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Sender: Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Recipient: Doc Holliday
Subject: Distribution of Pharmaceuticals

Dear Dr. Holliday,

I must apologize for the belated response. The recent economical crash has left us in complete disarray. We're still scrambling to find the best routes for our traders. The demand for Stabiline in Gallia has increased due to their direct proximity with the Outcast homeworld. We might be able to strengthen our relationship with them and pull some strings to get rid of that Royalist base in Baffin, if it's still there.

I've heard the news about Freeport 9 falling into Corsair hands, that's quite unfortunate. I hope not many lives were lost in the take-over. I can understand the growing demand for pharmaceuticals. Unfortunately, our influence over Liberty's political circle is still not strong enough to pull any strings in your favor.
We can, however, allocate a few transports and provide you with regular shipments of Pharmaceuticals. Another option would be to establish a shared cargo-forwarding base in a neutral area, where we'd store Pharmaceuticals for your transports to later distribute between your destinations.

Which location do you think would suit such installation?

In the meantime, we can start launching shipments to your destinations of choice. All we need is a list of locations, ordered by priority.

Wishing you all the best,
Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


End of Message

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Doc Holliday - 10-25-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
To: Cryer Pharmaceutical Personnel; MFE Personnel

Mr. Bucksworth,

Yes, it is not a good situation with Freeport 9. Word is that the Corsairs were most displeased about their management and had been for some time so they did something about it and yes, it has Zoners out here rather on edge. I have reached out to them with some moderate success as we have a home out here and for now, I think we are safe. As to the crews on Freeport 9? I have no answers on them. I do know my medical staff on station is OK.

In my travels, I have noticed that pharmaceuticals are a little more available. I know I can get them on Freeport 5 but those are mostly anti-radiation pills. I can actually produce penicillin in the biodomes of Med Force One but the good stuff you make at Syracuse is a bit harder to find which is what I am really after. Now I do not expect you to ship your good all the way out here as Outcast and Corsair patrols will no doubt make your life miserable. I would suggest Atka since you have a presence out there as a drop off point but what is your relationship with Kusari? I can safely travel there.

And FYI, we are in the process of a restructure so there will be some positive change coming from us. On that, I will keep you posted.


RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Cryer Pharm. Inc. - 10-28-2023

[Image: cryer-donnel-bucksworth.png]
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

Sender: Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Recipient: Doc Holliday
Subject: Distribution of Pharmaceuticals

Dear Dr. Holliday,

I'm glad to hear that, at the very least, your crew aboard Freeport 9 is ok.

We're not as worried about the Corsairs, as we are about the Outcasts and the GMG. We haven't had any contact with them recently, and they've been rather inactive.

As for Kusari, I'll have you know that we're in good trade relations with all houses. There's always demand for our products, especially in areas where Cardamine-based drugs are popular. Stabiline is always in high demand for prison stations. We also make sure to recruit employees from all houses. Nothing like a diverse team to put aside all differences and strengthen the bonds!

Atka seems like the safe bet for the time being. However, keep in mind that the station is still in poor shape, and the storage space is limited. Therefore, I thought of an alternative offer that'd benefit the both of us.

Our recent survey of the area detected a migration of Alien Organisms into the Omicron Theta system. We began studying them a few months ago, and they seem to move rather quickly. Our attempts at building research stations in the area have all failed. We need some place nearby to conduct a study on those organisms, and due to Atka's state, it won't suffice. My offer is this: we can conduct a shared study of those organisms aboard Med Force General Academy, and use it to store the local Alien Organisms for that purpose. In turn, Cryer would occasionally ship in pharmaceuticals that are currently in demand for the Omicrons, and remove the excess "spent" organisms that are no longer relevant for the study.

How does that sound to you? Seems like a win-win situation for me.

Wishing you all the best,
Donnel Bucksworth, Business Manager
Cryer Pharmaceuticals, Inc.


End of Message

RE: Cryer ⇔ MFE - Doc Holliday - 10-29-2023

*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: Doc Holliday
Location: Med Force Academy, Omicron Theta
To: Cryer Pharmaceutical Personnel; MFE Personnel

Mr. Bucksworth,

I had a chat with Dr. Xi aboard the academy and we think you studying Alien Organisms out here is a good idea. It is sort of a home of their so they are easily obtained.
So I think we have an arrangement on this. We will keep a lab with the organisms in them and we will even share what we know on them. So please keep some of those pharmaceuticals coming in from Syracuse as we need them out here.
We will get busy getting the lab set up for you.
