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Another Robot Faction? - me_b_kevin - 04-27-2009

i've always loved the idea of futuristic robots and have, upon many occasions, toyed with the idea of making a Robot faction.

the idea i have is simple, based on Freelancer, and not the typical evil robots. Mine would be more of a (very) small house like faction with different functions within the faction itself i.e. miners, explorers, fighters.....

of course it would be based on Gammu, i thought of it beginning with one of the robots on the planet falling or somehow getting damaged to the point where it's programming gets's basic programming function of gathering information, i.e. how many, what type, to where..... gets hung up and it begins gathering information on everything, eventually having to upgrade itself to hold more information and continuing this cycle until it becomes self aware. upon doing so, it decides to "free" the other robots on the planet by upgrading/reprogramming them. in short order the planet is "freed". the robots come to think of the first robot as their god and leader, thusly making the society a religious based one.

this is all very raw in this form, just some idea's i've come up with during my ponderings. the faction would be mainly gathering raw materials to build more robots by way of mining and gathering junk. diplomacy would likely be friendly to most and neutral to others at least during the infantile stage of the faction. over time as it grew and matured ideals and politics would emerge, changing their diplomacy over time.

so, i just wanted some input as to whether there is room for a house/faction such as this, and maybe see how well received it would be IF it ever progresses.

yes in a way it is similar to the harvesters, but i see this as more of a house than a faction, being neither but a little of both at the same time....if that makes sense.

and being the RP whore that i am, it would indeed be a mostly RP based faction.


Another Robot Faction? - Xing - 04-27-2009

I don't like robots.
Seriously I feel like kicking every single AI thingy I see out there. Speaking in code language is annoying and frankly, repeating scanning after 10000 time, I get sick of this. To me, AI has always been a poor excuse to kill stuffs with minimalist roleplay - because AI are that, right? minimalist.

Another Robot Faction? - me_b_kevin - 04-27-2009

' Wrote:I don't like robots.
Seriously I feel like kicking every single AI thingy I see out there. Speaking in code language is annoying and frankly, repeating scanning after 10000 time, I get sick of this. To me, AI has always been a poor excuse to kill stuffs with minimalist roleplay - because AI are that, right? minimalist.

i understand your point completely. traditional robots would indeed be limited in terms of RP depth.

i think of these robots more along the lines of sentient beings. capable of both independant (and collective maybe) thought. not 100% sure but i would imagine they'd be without emotion. so yes they would likely be able to hold a conversation. however while still in their infantile stage they might not know much but later on they would be able to socialize more effectively.

Another Robot Faction? - darthbeck - 04-27-2009

there would be room for such a faction.

but it would be kind of hard to implement said faction. my advice would be to write up a brief faction goal/information thing. that gives people a better idea of what you really mean

Another Robot Faction? - Zig - 04-27-2009

I concur with Yue and would like to point out that Freelancer has always appealed to me specifically because its scenario and setting distance themselves from the stereotypical futuristic game. (Vanilla) Sirius only features one brand of alien, and a brand that's far more subtly implemented than in other sci-fi universes; there's a refreshing lack of pseudo-magical powers, barbarous alien hordes, hideous mutants, supersoldiers, Death Stars, and betentacled Lovecraftian monsters from the farthest reaches of space. Self-aware or killer robots are another hallmark of generic sci-fi settings I find enjoyably absent in Freelancer; any and all robots that existed in the vanilla game were menial drones that performed vendorlike functions. They evidently weren't considered even remotely sentient or self-aware, as Research Station Baxter's robot population was left behind when the base was abandoned by its human custodians. Gammu was a developer joke and an Easter egg, nothing more.

Seriously, shy away from the robot lolwuttery, please. Not only does it entail only minimalist roleplay, like Yue says, but it also leads to Freelancer becoming increasingly unoriginal and dull.

EDIT: Just realized you're the man behind Mon'Star. I apply much the same criticism to your terrorist, by the way. Don't mean to offend at all, just stating my viewpoint.

Another Robot Faction? - Primus Avatar - 04-27-2009

' Wrote:I don't like robots.
Seriously I feel like kicking every single AI thingy I see out there. Speaking in code language is annoying and frankly, repeating scanning after 10000 time, I get sick of this. To me, AI has always been a poor excuse to kill stuffs with minimalist roleplay - because AI are that, right? minimalist.

Im not sure what you men by minimalist. But I look at sentient AI as something that would chop complex logic into basic components.

Something like the cake-baking problem:

1) bake a cake (complex task)

2) done!

An AI would have trouble doing that, so it would chop it down to basic components:

int Sugar = 25dg
int Water = 2dl
int Cream = 30dg
int Eggs = 3X
2) mix first 2 components
3) mix result with 4th component
4) heat up in oven
5) wait 20min
6) add component: Cream
7) cool in fridge
8) wait 2h
9) Done

But by doing this, it only shows us how many tasks an AI has to solve instead of just saying *bakes cake*
because an AI cannot define their tasks the way people do. You will notice repeated automated sentences
each time you interact with an AI the same way because an AI wont fix something that isn't broken.


Tim: Hi robot
AI: Hello sir
Tim: Hi robot
AI: You already said that.
Tim: Hi robot
AI: You already said that.
Tim: Hi robot
AI: You already said that.
Tim: Hah! I just found out you cant say anything new until i change my words hehe!
AI: This unit is designed to imitate human behavior. <--ironic isn't it?

So don't expect to have a quality conversation with a basic AI that wont end up in limitless loops
unless, you yourself, are able to prove better.


I support the idea of an additional AI faction. All thou adding emotions is a bit of a tricky part, it would
require careful thinking on how an emotionless box of metal observes the world and simulates feelings
towards it.

Another Robot Faction? - Gamazson - 04-27-2009

I really don't believe that there is much room for another AI or Alien faction. This game is progressively loosing is touch with the human element, which I feel is important to all Sci-fi, unless it take place entirely from the alien's perspective.

Thats why terminator, mass effect and other main stream sci-fi brands that contain all the "stereotypes" are so successful, they have a strong focus on human interaction.

Another Robot Faction? - swift - 04-27-2009

This sounds like a very interesting idea.
About the comments of Yue and Zig.. Yes I do understand how bad it can sometimes be when all of a sudden you get robots, aliens, and what not in a game, but this seems like a genuinely good idea.
Having a semi-sentient or fully sentient race of robots somewhere would provide for some interesting role play and situations.
Although we do already have the Harvesters, some variety would not hurt, and the Harveys and these robots would not mind each other.

Personally, I like the idea of it all, if it's done properly.
If you need any help with it, Dreygon, give me a shout.

And also a note: Perhaps all of you are right in saying that the RP of pure AI might be a tad minimalistic. But it can be very interesting, Balt's example up there is just one example of all the spontaneous things that can be done.
And furthermore, if these robots would at least in some measure attempt, and I stress attempt, to imitate human behavior, I really think this could turn into something great.

All depends on a lot of circumstances though..

Another Robot Faction? - pchwang - 04-27-2009

Quote:EDIT: Just realized you're the man behind Mon'Star. I apply much the same criticism to your terrorist, by the way. Don't mean to offend at all, just stating my viewpoint.
In Dreygon's defense, Mon'Star actually does have a great deal of quality, ingame RP that is supported by a excellent on forum stories. You have to realize that part of the reason why Mon'Star is so well known in Discovery is because he has a reputation, one built by popping out of nowhere and destroying innocent ships. Many of the killings he conducts are to solidify his character's RP.

On the other hand, the minimalist RPers that you and Yue brought up have neither. Their killing had no purpose at all. It was not to reinforce their terrifying reputation or to solidify their characters' identities.

Finally, to address Dreygon's point of view, I think that the idea is a breath of fresh air. A robot society built alongside that of the humans, much like the one that is implied to have been created at the end of I, Robot(film starring Will Smith), is an appealing idea and a breath of fresh air compared to "Scanning..."

Another Robot Faction? - Snapp - 04-27-2009

Been playing here and RP'ing sentient "Robots" for a little over a year. I've been suggesting this exact same thing and basically have been ignored...

The Binary are Robot Guard, so in essence we are already a "Robot faction" were just not "official" and we havent done any recruiting yet. Also im still in the process of writing up the backstory and history from all my notepads.

Quote:yes in a way it is similar to the harvesters, but i see this as more of a house than a faction, being neither but a little of both at the same time....if that makes sense.

You are exactly right, and its what ive been trying to do ever since i started playing an AI over a year ago.