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To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - Printable Version

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To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - Darius - 08-07-2023

Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as A-230-951-KUCOM

Recipient: DTR Elders
Sender: Itto Kaisa Mitsuo Akihiro
Date: 07.08.830 A.S.
Subject: Correcting Mistakes
Priority: High

[Image: Akihiro_2.png?ex=65ea456d&is=65d7d06d&hm...y=lossless]


The faith of the Emperor in the workings of your organization has been greatly shaken on this day. His Excellency, may He reign a thousand years, has lent your Corsairs the, once unheard of, second chance to prove yourself worthy before the Empire and its eternal glory, and now, you have all but spit in our faces by entering our borders with machines of war and smuggling vessels alike.

I am here on behalf of Emperor Kogen to talk with you about this very incident, that, although His Majesty may gloss over if you choose the right words, I will not be as hurried to simply forget, lest it occurs again. As before, with His blessing, I am now handing to you the opportunity to speak clearly, but concisely and without lies, about what has led to these events. Yours words shall be brought further; do not fail to respond in a timely manner.

Long live the Emperor!


RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - vladimir26 - 08-12-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Executor Massimo Insigne
Deterrence Sanctum
Pene Pequeño


I really don't like your name, it doesn't fits you, so I won't call you that. How about we call you Pene Pequeño? Yes, it's perfect! Your entire nation seems to have this feature. How is it even possible to claim a liner and a frigate are machines of war? I take that as a compliment, but maybe we should show you what we call a war machine. When that happens, you better wear a diaper.

What has led to this event? Well, maybe, the fact that Shirosato is no longer available to us? So we had to find another fence, and we did in Shikoku, but not thanks to you. This should explain despite it should've been obvious. And yes, I'm also surprised that the Corsairs are more trustworthy than your empire.

Also, I would like to point an even graver event. Your fighter pilots that intercepted our machines of war backstabbed us. We were delayed until a Blood Dragon cruiser and Golden Chrysanthemums bombers catched up to us, despite being clearly told about the imminent danger. Once the hostiles arrived, your pilotos sin cabeza joined forces with them. The only one who rallied to us was a brave Hogosha pilot, but was torn to pieces within seconds, as your pilots were busy putting holes in our machines of war alongside the combined Blood Dragon and Golden Chrysanthemums fleet. If our commercial ships are deemed as machines of war, a Blood Dragon cruiser should be a weapon of mass destruction. Yet, it wasn't a priority target for your pilots. I dearly hope they died in torment.

Now, senor Pene Pequeño, you tell me how we sort this issue. Our entire convoy has been destroyed, with no survivors. The Hogosha will also hear about their loss. Choose your words wisely, as it seems you have enough unlawful presence within your shiny empire.

In her wisdom,
Executor Massimo Insigne

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - Darius - 08-12-2023

Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as A-230-951-KUCOM

Recipient: DTR Executor
Sender: Office of the Lord Protector; CC: KNF Admiralty; KuGov
Date: 13.08.830 A.S.
Subject: Issue-Fixing
Priority: High

Esteemed Executor,

It is the belief of Mr. Akihiro and the rest of his staff that talks will be better suited on New Tokyo at the earliest time. Therefore we wish to invite you to the Empire's capital for such important face-to-face discussions. Escorts will be provided by the Matsumoto Great Fleet.

Please reply with a possible date for this meeting.

Long live the Emperor!


RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - vladimir26 - 08-14-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Executor Massimo Insigne
Deterrence Sanctum
Office of the Lord Protector

Esteemed clerks of the office of the Lord Protector,

Let me recover from the impact your invitation had on me. I confess I was honoured before, but never to this extent. Now I am convinced you tontos have no clue on how to conduct diplomacy, but don't stress it, we had no expectations. Taking into account the way you extended the invitation, at this point I should send my cupbearer to discuss with you.

Gracias for the escorts, but we had enough of your pilots for now. We will contact you on a secured channel once we're on approach to New Tokyo.

In her wisdom,
Executor Massimo Insigne

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - vladimir26 - 08-22-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Executor Massimo Insigne
Kabukicho Depot
Pene Pequeño

Most esteemed Pene Pequeño,

There was a change of plans, and I arrived on Kabukicho Depot instead. Let's just say I prefer Hogosha hospitality in favour of yours.

Don't take too long, I won't be waiting.

In her wisdom,
Executor Massimo Insigne

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - Darius - 08-24-2023

Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as A-230-951-KUCOM

Recipient: DTR Executor
Sender: Itto Kaisa Mitsuo Akihiro
Date: 24.08.830 A.S.
Subject: Correcting Mistakes
Priority: High

[Image: Akihiro_2.png]


It seems that you believe, wrongfully, that you are in your own yard. You will have to present yourself on New Tokyo, or there will be no deal. The clock is ticking, and the door will close very soon.

Long live the Emperor!


RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - vladimir26 - 08-24-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Executor Massimo Insigne
Kabukicho Depot
Pene Pequeño

Lord Protector Pene Pequeño,

Don't forget why I call you like this. While I appreciate you came out from hiding under the bed, it's wise not to incur the wrath of the Corsairs. I still believe it's better to let the words do the talking and not the guns, don't you think? If not, do your empire a favor, resign, and bring me a real diplomat that can handle affairs.

If you expect me to come on New Tokyo after our transports were shot down by your Naval Forces, well that won't happen. What's important is that we meet, not where. Kabukicho makes perfect sense as it's run by our mutual friends, and you can't deny this, cabron. But, if you insist on meeting on that agujero de mierda I can send a delegate.

You've already stretched my patience very thin, Pene Pequeño. Your imbecility is legendary. Let me remind you of your incapacity to execute any retaliatory strike against the Corsairs, while we can raid your precious empire with impunity. I've offered you two choices. Make no mistake, and remember, it's wise to keep your friends close, and your enemies closer.

In her wisdom,
Executor Massimo Insigne

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - Darius - 08-24-2023

Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as A-230-951-KUCOM

Recipient: DTR Executor
Sender: Itto Kaisa Mitsuo Akihiro
Date: 24.08.830 A.S.
Subject: Extraordinary circumstances
Priority: High

[Image: Akihiro_2.png]


Your boldness leaves a much bitter taste, as does your preference for less-than-savory nicknames. But I am a man of action, very much so, and given the extraordinary circumstances that have popped up in the meantime, I cannot but adapt the situation. After all, that is what makes a good leader... good, correct?

So, I put ahead this question: If the Corsair Empire cannot be willing to send its top figures to discuss affairs of state, then will the chance be taken and a number of ships dedicated towards helping Kusari's cause? I am certain that there are many a brave pilots to pick from, perhaps even yourself, for this. And it would solidify the relationship better than any manifesto ever could. Of course, small talks will still have to be held from time-to-time, but there will be nothing to stand against our combined might after this.

If indeed you have the grand power you speak of, then you will know better than to waste it over the Neural-Net instead of putting it to use for a possible ally.

Long live the Emperor!


RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - vladimir26 - 08-24-2023

[Image: 6eYifrM.png]

Sender ID
Executor Massimo Insigne
Kabukicho Depot
Pene Pequeño

Lord Protector,

In my books bitter is better than blood, senor. I'm delighted you've made up your mind. It will serve both of us well, if you keep it up.

Possible ally? Combined might? I'm speechless, now that's quite a turn of events. Maybe this will turn up into something fruitful, but not while we're limited to Honshu by our previous talks. Consider this for starters, and we might end up somewhere.

Also, do tell me more about this cause of yours and what's expected from us.

In her wisdom,
Executor Massimo Insigne

[Image: 5RDPUdc.png]

RE: To: DTR | From: Lord Protector Akihiro Mitsuo - Darius - 08-24-2023

Kusari Naval Forces

[Image: bM9dE4l.png]

Transmission received
Code recognised as A-230-951-KUCOM

Recipient: DTR Executor
Sender: Itto Kaisa Mitsuo Akihiro
Date: 24.08.830 A.S.
Subject: Extraordinary circumstances
Priority: High

[Image: Akihiro_2.png]


You will find that a messenger will be dispatched to your location with the confidential details of this expansion of the agreement. I most sincerely hope that you have a shuttle ready on Kabukicho. These talks warrant an extra layer of security and therefore are best held discreetly.

It will arrive within the hour.

Long live the Emperor!
