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A temporary hideout - Lea Kaufman - 08-08-2023

The Odin landed on the launching pad, the nearest of her place. The weather was calm and it was only one degree celsius. The engines were turning off and while they were going down, the blond woman took a moment before to get ready to welcome Levan Harlow. She never saw the guy but only when they shared some transmissions.

She removed the pilot helmet, put it on the seat. She was stretching after the long flight from the Sigmas to Omicrons to Omegas and then back to Rheinland just avoid eyes. Levan did not want to be seen for personal reasons. Obviously, Lea knew the essential but not the complete story. After a while, she saw the Condor gunboat belonging to Levan. She was walking toward the landing pad where he was landing at. The woman was wearing black semi-hot cloths.

She waited outside, looking at the gunboat. It was more impressive like this than being into the void of space. She also had mascara giving a pseudo look a bit gothic, but she was not one. Else than that, she was mostly on her natural.

RE: A temporary hideout - MiniKitty - 08-08-2023

Space was usually a great insulation for space ships to prevent them from getting cold. In fact, in mankind's past, getting rid of heat was one of the biggest troubles in the early space era. Today, it was different.

The Gemini Kay slowly approached the landing pad next to the Odin. Levan could already tell it was a cold world - the hull temperature was dropping, and knowing it was colder outside, he figured he needed something more warm than just his black flight suit. Most of his clothes were still in his room on Freeport 14, out of reach. He had to make due with the little spare clothes he had on the ship, so it would just be the usual. Hopefully it would be warm enough.

[Image: image.png]

Miss Kaufman's offer to provide shelter was ideal. After Civil Servant found him at Freeport 8, moving to a new location was the only option. She was there just in time.

Leaving the airlock of the big gunboat, Levan took in the unfiltered, cold air. It was cold, but manageable. The location was intimidating, as was meeting Lea for the first time in person. An intimidating woman, a tough mercenary. Being from Rheinland, english was not her mother tongue, and Levan had noticed it every now and then. He just hoped that speaking Rheinland's language was not necessary.

He could not help but gulp when he spotted Lea, not far away from himself. Taking all his bravery, he approached the pretty blonde.

... uhm, hello Lea, I guess?

He offered her a gloved hand, keeping his other hand in the pocket of his leather pants, wanting to keep it warm. Admittedly, he had no idea where the other glove was, but he did not want to keep Lea waiting in the cold.

RE: A temporary hideout - Lea Kaufman - 08-08-2023

The woman only noticed a man breaking her thoughts while she was looking at the gunboat. She looked at the direction of the voice and it was a young man. At first, she was staring and then realized it was Levan. His voice was the same. A little smile appeared on the Lea's face and grabbed the hand. ''Ja. It is me and you are... Levan. Again, thank you to trust me." She stopped her grab and began to back off a bit before to say something.

''It's your first time you put a foot on New Berlin? I ensure you, after a while, we end up to get use to it.'' The woman looked at the sky for some seconds before to look at the young man.

RE: A temporary hideout - MiniKitty - 08-08-2023

The boy tried to keep his eyes on the woman in front of him, but planets had the tendency to offer a lot of things to catch attention. Especially New Berlin. So he could not help but look around, and follow her gaze as she looked up.

Yeah, it is my first time here. In fact, it is the first planet I visit after Pittsburgh, and, uhm, Curacao. And that gallic planet. But, uhm, Curacao and that do not count. This is, uhm, the actual first time.

Slightly nervous, he avoided eye contact as he glanced up at the Ring. It was interesting to look at from the surface. Just a giant station, a giant line across the sky.

RE: A temporary hideout - Lea Kaufman - 08-08-2023

''Well, each time I cross your path, you are always near a Freeport. I also think you are more the type of person enjoying the Freeports...'' The woman got closer, two meters were separating them. ''As I told earlier, I will show the place. Do not expect full luxury but it is enough.'' As she started walking away slowly, she turned on herself and made signs with her right hand letting Levan know to follow her.

RE: A temporary hideout - MiniKitty - 08-08-2023

Uhm, no worries. I am used to Pittsburgh and freeports, so anything is an upgrade, really.

Not hesitating, he followed her, mostly looking around, a bit intimidated. The boy kept his hands close to himself as the cold was taking its toll on him. Someone as thin as him did not have much storage room for body heat.

Is it far from here?

RE: A temporary hideout - Lea Kaufman - 08-08-2023

As they were walking to the exit Lea kept silence a moment. ''Just thirty minutes from here if we take a shuttle. And we will take one.''

After a moment of walk, they arrived to a station for shuttles and of course, Lea took care to get two tickets. One for Levan and one for her. Lea was talking into her dialect with a man working as cashier. Time to time, the woman was looking at Levan to make sure he was there and once she got the tickets, she returned to Levan. ''Here is your ticket, Levan. The shuttle will arrive in any moment. All you need to do is to give it to the pilot.''

RE: A temporary hideout - MiniKitty - 08-08-2023

The shuttle did, indeed, arrive not long after. It definitely got more overwhelming to the boy from Pittsburgh's slums. New Berlin seemed to be a hectic planet.

Uhm, thank you!

Lea taking care of everything felt wrong, but intimidating as the woman was, Levan did not dare to say anything against it. Handing the ticket to the pilot, he kept looking around, sometimes staring mindlessly at things and people. Even at Lea, although more subtly. They moved to their seats and not long after, the shuttle launched. Feeling a little embarrassed by this entire situation, as if Lea was mother-henning him, he could not help but avoid a direct eye contact with her. Right now, he definitely felt like more of a boy than a man.

RE: A temporary hideout - Lea Kaufman - 08-08-2023

They were sitting next to each other. She felt for the first time the feeling of mothering someone but the situation was not giving the time to teach Levan Harlow how to speak like a Rheinlander do and so on. The time will come when they will arrive. Deep inside, she was feeling also weird. She looked at Levan who was at her left. She couldn't help but find the young man intriguing. Not because he did something famous, no. But how things went around him. His adventure he talked about was clearly shocking and also the fact that a woman wants to kill him. That story, she knew few details. At the same time, she was thinking, at this very moment, she was taking care of a young brother, a brother she never had.

After a while, the pilot said something. He mentionned they will arrive soon to the nearest station at the border of the city and the campaign. Of course, Lea translated the pilot's words to Levan. The woman sighed, it was a bt stressful this situation. She invited nobody at her place and as because they don't know each other like good friends, it was certainly stressing. To ensure herself and also Levan she broke the silence. ''All will be fine. No one knows where I live so you should be safe for a while.''

RE: A temporary hideout - MiniKitty - 08-08-2023

Uhm, yeah. It is just, uhm, how unreal all of this is. You know?

For a moment, he actually looked at her, still nervous.

She has her way to track me down, somehow. Everything about it makes no sense, really. And now I am here on a huge planet, next to a person I barely know, about to hide at her place... I guess the good thing is that Rebecca would not expect that. She will probably check all the freeports for me. So, this should definitely buy me some time.

He gave her an apologetic look.

Hey, uhm. I really appreciate what you are doing. If there is any way to make up for it, just tell me.