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Insurge To Fear - Printable Version

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Insurge To Fear - Fab - 08-08-2023

A new, yet old, life for insurgents

if you participated in the asylum offer and made it safely to corsair territory until the end date, you are allowed to participate in this story. This is optional. if you do not participate, it is implicit that you were not available at the time or simply said/done nothing. However, you accept the possibility of repercussions if you do not follow the terms that will be discussed here.

After many days of waiting around, the insurgent leaders and representatives are individually reached by a courier and an escort detachment. They're asked to leave their temporary quarters on the orbital stations they reside and depart towards Crete at once.

They're debriefed with the situation: Their crew and civilians they brought aboard have been treated accordingly on medical and specialized mental health institutions, were given clean clothes and took on mandatory Spanish and Greek classes, along with the story of the Empire, their customs and laws.

However, the Corsair representative accompanying them on the shuttle, tells the captains that the Corsair's help ends there, for now. The future of their crew and the refugees shall be decided soon, in an assembly - which they're headed for.

Depending on where the insurgent leaders were, the trip takes half a hour to a couple hours. Arriving on the Imperial City, they're escorted out of their shuttles, stepping foot on a magnificent palace, adorned with classical architecture. They take the elevator down towards their respective floor, where they are presented their individual luxurious rooms, dotted with the most polished and pristine xeno artifacts and sculptures. The furniture is lined with gold, probably from the rich system of Dublin. The beds and seats are covered in the most exquisite furs from planet Gaia. Whatever the Empire is trying to say, their message is bold and blunt.

They're left alone in their quarters for a hour to settle for the atmospheric differences and accommodate. Not long after, well-dressed Corsair representatives reach for each of them saying that the Empire is waiting for the final wave of refugees to begin defining their future via the assembly. they're given a personal tablet that gives them access to things such as room service, general information and a direct line to the Deterrence's offices, in case any questions or issues arise.

RE: Insurge To Fear - Fab - 08-13-2023


Afternoon of this very day. The representatives of the Insurgent movement are taken from their individual rooms, and escorted towards an enormous auditorium at the center of the imperial palace. Their seats are labelled with their names on it, all on the front rows. After they take their seats, they're given water and seasoned bread while they wait for what is coming.

A few minutes later, the crimson red curtain covering the stage is drawn open, revealing a projected screen on a black wall. A podium rises from the wooden floor, at the same time all the other lights on the auditorium shut off. A lone light from the ceiling shines down the auditorium, pointing at a double door, which soon is opened by the guards on each side. A male figures walks towards the podium, dressed in a formal, civilian apparel. He flicks his wrist, checking the time at his vintage analog clock. He nods, adjusting his tie. He picks up some papers from the podium, reads them briefly and looks at the insurgent audience. He puts the paper down and places both of his hands on the sides of the wooden podium. He speaks:

" My name is captain Tavros Hernández. Some of you might recall my name, as I am the one who started this operation. Representing the Empire, I am very satisfied with the results. [With his palm open, he points his arm at the crowd] Minutes ago, I gave the order to dismantle the camps on our forward operating bases. Our reception is officially closed now. That doesn't means there won't be more Insurgents joining us, but odds are unlikely. The case of the Insurgency on Liberty draws to a close. In less than a month, there will be no more organized groups of Insurgents in Liberty and planet Veracruz will fall completely to Liberty forces. "

[Tavros pauses for a moment]

" The captains and commanders present here made the correct choice. The Empire's generosity knows no bounds to those who serve it well, as everyone here has experienced. There is still hope of a life with dignity and respect, here, in the Omicrons. "

[Tavros let go of the podium and walks around the stage, back and forth, slowly. The light above keeps chase]

" I learned that some of you still question why the Empire is extending its hand to the Insurgents. 'Why, a nation so far away, in the depths of Sirius, would care for the struggle of rebels at the other side of the Sector?' some of you might ask. I understand. Most showed surprise when they received the broadcast. The answer is actually very simple: The Empire recognized the valor and strength behind the rebel movement, and wants such strength to add to its own. The Empire has always been watching via informants, news broadcasts, and our own tradesmen in Liberty. It was time we showed our hand. That, or, the Insurgency would be reduced to pages on a history neuralnet book and nothing else. Such expertise, experience, shouldn't be lost to time. It is better used somewhere else. "

" The insurgency has invaluable knowledge of Liberty technology, tactics and internal structures the Empire would adore to know. Not mentioning veteran men and women that could join our own ranks, becoming citizens of the Empire, eventually. "

" The Empire wants these men and women to reinforce its strong arm. The Insurgents want to survive and live with dignity. The Empire can tend to all their needs, given that the Insurgents perform their duties well. "

[Tavros returns to the podium]

" Any questions? Speak freely "

RE: Insurge To Fear - Slimalou - 08-13-2023

A man wearing a blue jacket stands from his table. The only faction identifying attribute about him was the ship page on his shoulder. Strikingly young for a dreadnaught captain.

"To summarize The Corsair Empire is offering a new cause for us to fight for and if we pull our own weight maybe even a home." Cross stroked his beard in thought. "I must ask then what is that our most generous hosts expect from their guests beyond some simple tactics reports. I am sure the Corsairs are aware that many of our ships brought along as many refugees from Veracruz as we could. Forgive my rather crude observation, but Crete does not look like it will be to support them all."

The captain pauses to look around to his fellow insurgence captains. "What is going to be expected of us and this small fleet of Insurgency warships?"

RE: Insurge To Fear - Arcana - 08-14-2023

Hello captain Tavros, It is nice to meet you person "extends hand for handshake"

This is captain Spire of the Battlecruiser Amphion.

We would like to thank you for letting us stay in your home system and planet Crete.

Our crew is happy for the help provided from the Deterrence fleet. As we are warriors like you, me and my crew would like to continue our cooperation with the Corsairs and become members of your fleet. Our battlecruiser needs further repairs to continue operating.

We would like to offer our help to defend your people against any threat that arise. Our crew has had many battles and we are always eager to fight for a good cause. All we ask for is for further repairs and possible new equipment and food. Then we can start operating in your systems and protect them from enemy incursions. As far as we know you have many enemies and the main ones are Outcasts, Core, Nomads and Hessians. Even a man who has nothing can still offer his life. Only in death does duty end.

Please consider our offer, thank you for your time and for hearing us out.

RE: Insurge To Fear - Fab - 08-16-2023


Tavros looks around the crowd dimly lit by the stage's lightning, scanning left to right, until he notices captain Cross lifting his hand.

" Yes? Ask away. "

Captain Cross stands up, wearing his blue jacket. He questions about if Crete can sustain the refugee population that were brought by the captains from Veracruz. After hearing all of Cross' questions, he looks down upon the podium, picking up his folder containing his files. He quickly goes through the pages, stopping on Captains Cross' file. Given a quick read, Tavros nods and puts down the folder. He walks around the podium with his fingers interlocked and refers to Cross:

" What makes you think that, Captain? [Tavros looks at Cross, seemingly confused by his question] The Empire is vast. We have everything Veracruz had, a million times over and better. What makes you think that the Empire can not tend to the needs of a few refugees? Anyways, like a good captain, señor Marrok, you'd do anything to provide your people with what they need. "

The Captain returns to the podium, looks around and asks for the next question, which doesn't up being one. Captain Spire eagerly gets up from his seat and reaches for Tavros' hand, shaking it. Tavros gives Spire a smile back, after hearing his thanks.

" I think you're the most enthusiastic here, captain Spire. [Tavros lets out a quick laughter] I like it. You know you've made the right choice."

[Tavros returns behind the podium]

" Any further questions? I'll proceed with my speech. "

The enormous projection at the end of the auditorium comes to life, showing pictures of the refugees of Veracruz when they were checking-in. Dirty, wounded, hungry men, women and children.

" Some of you might recognize these people. They are the crewmen of your ship, and the refugees brought onboard. "

Another slide shows: It's the individual pictures of the previously shown people, all healed, fed and with new clothes.

" The Empire has given these people another chance at life. It's up to the representatives here to keep their smile on their faces... "

More and more slides showing people that have been healed are shown. There are also slices showing the refugees taking on Spanish and Greek classes, and learning about Corsair culture. Work on the captains' ships are also shown, with parts and equipment being analyzed and disassembled and being replaced by new ones of Corsair origin.

" ... by formally becoming an arm of the Empire, these people will have their needs taken care of. "

[Tavros stops looking at the projection and looks back towards the crowd]

" Any observations? "

RE: Insurge To Fear - Slimalou - 08-16-2023

Cross' eyes narrowed a little at the speakers words. He looks off to his senior officer and in a low quite voice. "It would seem that the Corsairs Empire were more then ready for us, and the refugees what we would bring along."

The even younger looking officer replies. "Indeed sir, though that last statement has me worried. I can't shake this feeling that I was just threatened."

"We owe the Corsairs much right now, I believe this was his way of driving home that fact." Captain Cross relied. "But I understand what you mean, let us hope it is the former rather then that latter. I imagine their is a sizable Corsairs fleet nearby for just in case."

"Better them then the Core or outcasts." The Officer replied.

Cross nodded his agreement. "Let us wait and see what it is our hoists want us to do, to repay our debt."

RE: Insurge To Fear - Fab - 08-17-2023


After there is no response to his question, Tavros proceeds with his presentation, and moves on to the next slide. It shows refugees being interviewed.

" The refugees brought by the representatives will be given fair wages and some of the rights of a Cretan, shall their work be fruitful. "

Next slide shows something resembling a gated apartment complex in one of the cities of Crete, surrounded by a rocky desert.

" After they are all interviewed and given appropriate job positions, they will be relocated to an habitation complex where they will be given their homes. They'll work from there or live near their workplace, and given access to all the basic necessities of living, including access to fresh food, water and consumer goods."

Tavros pauses for a moment, adjusting his suit.

" Specialized, qualified workers that collaborate with their Corsair equivalents will be granted bonuses: Engineers, ship builders, military specialists, doctors, bio engineers, among others. The amount of their bonuses will depend on how much they contribute. The Empire is most interested on any techniques and knowledge they might have, especially on military applications. "

He looks back towards the projection, and another slide glides in. It shows the crew under the command of many of the captains present.

" The crew of the ships pertaining to the Captains will also closely collaborate to Corsair engineers and shipwrights. These engineers will be given a permanent quarter on each of the warships, along with Corsair representatives, to ensure that Corsair Law is followed and the Empire's interests are put above everything else, and all knowledge is shared. Ship systems and components might be investigated and analyzed by Corsair Engineers at any moment, given it is safe and appropriate to do so. "

The captain takes a deep breath, getting ready for his next lines. Another slide is shown: It is the flag of the Corsair empire and the Liberty Insurgency's Insignia.

" An insurgent battlegroup, called Grupo de Batalha Alabarda, or, Halberd Battlegroup, will be created. Halberds, ancient weapons of war, were known for their long reach and potential of destruction. The same applies for this battlegroup. Insurgency captains will be tasked with special long range operations, most likely within Liberty, to procure the interests of the Empire in that region. The Insurgency knows the region of Liberty better than the Empire. You all are fit and adequate for this task. "

Tavros stops and looks towards the crowd, scanning.

" Any questions? "

RE: Insurge To Fear - Slimalou - 08-18-2023

Cross raised his hand, after being acknowledged he began.

"If I am to be understanding this correctly, this battlegroup Halberd in which the Insurgents here will form, are to be tasked with furthering the Corsair Empire's goals in liberty space and other "long ranged" goals. As this is what our hoists have deemed to be our mission and being a captain of little renowned. My question is thus, what will be our base of operation, our expected results, and who is to lead this battlegroup?"

RE: Insurge To Fear - Arcana - 08-18-2023

Spire raised hand waiting for his turn to ask.

I wanted to ask similar question as my fellow warrior asked plus can we still operate in the Omicrons freely, we would like to be close to your people and guard your borders. We want to clash with each and every of your enemies.

RE: Insurge To Fear - 9th.Legion - 08-19-2023

[Image: HulfhXY.jpg]
Erwin D. Smith

*Erwin stands up and walks toward captain Tavros*

It's a pleasure to meet you in person captain Tavros Hernández, my name is Erwin Dornez Smith, with codename: "Black Lagoon"

I am the Head Captain of Battlecruiser Excommunicado !

*Extends right hand for a handshake*

The winds have been strong on you all, since the day you've accepted us and the civilians we carried from Liberty Space to your home world, Planet Crete !
Bearing the sadness and sorrow from our people, nurturing and feeding them as much as you can provide, I am mostly thankful for your kindness and hospitality to us all.

*Inhales and heavily exhales*

I know that our people are a bit of a burden to Detterence and the Corsair Empire, but please be patient, we will help and be usefull with what ever we can. I have seen a huge progress in most of our people on Planet Crete, they learn fast as I expected. But... *takes out a red folder* There is a large group from the rescued men, with huge potential in Engineering/Mechanics that can be used for the Empire.

*with his left hand, leaves the red folder with several large documents of profile pictures, names and biography of smart and skilled engineers in different categories*
*points with his pointy finger on the right hand at the red folder and with huge respect in his voice*

Those men are ready for deployment in any of your other Stations, Shipyards or Bases that require their skills and assistance, especially in ship repairment and ship building in any class or category.
They don't have much belongings with them, so they'll be able pack up on the double and be ready to be shipped away at any corner in space of your choosing and work as hard as any other men. The small problem is that all of us haven't fully learned your language and traditions, but we're doing our best to learn and adapt to it as fast as possibly we can !

*walks back to his seat and sits, looks at captain Tavros, then crosses hands and continues to speak while leaning on the chair*

As for me and my crew, we are in a desperate need of some repairments on Excommunicado's engine, but we lack the tools to do the repairments ourselves.
We had no choice in the rescue mission. In order for us to board more civilians, when Excommunicado docked we had to sell and eject some of our important tools into space , so we could provide more food, safety seats and space for their children. I hope you could understand... That we were in a very hard and risky situation.

*Continuing to look at captain Tavors*

The main problem in Excommunicado's engine is that some of the Fuel Cores are dried out or blown off, and the reason is that the convoy was under heavy fire, before escaping in the Omicrons through Alaska...

*Leans forward, while placing crossed hands on the table*

While i was testing the Corsairs Rum in a bar at Planet Crete with Captain Spire, I was lucky to stumble upon a very sincere Corsair captain: "Allegro Dominguez" of Battleship "Del.Diablo".
He told me that we could find some of the best engineers at "Syros Shipyard" in "Omicron Xi" , that can provide us with the needed tools and deploy a highly profficient team to help us renew the blown off Cores and important parts in the engine. He have "deep connections" with some of the higherup members in Detterence, so the lad already knew about our situation from the beginning.

*with a worrying face and slow breathing*

Right now, Excommunicado cannot fly in maximum speed, that also affects the turning speed of the ship, which is one of the main problems. Also, we have no idea where that system and shipyard is....

*tilting his head to the right and positively smiles, continues to speak with a happy tone in his voice*

So I believe Detterence can help us again, by deploying an escort team, to show us the way and safely escort us on the main path there. Do you have a spare Escort team, which i'm willing to pay for if it's needed, would that be a problem and could that be arranged any time soon ?

*with serious tone*

When the engine is renewed, Me and my crew can be deployed straight away into action, just send me location coordinates with details about the mission and we'll be there in Godspeed !