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To: Bretonia, Crayter - Printable Version

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To: Bretonia, Crayter - Lionel Bourcher - 08-19-2023

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From:Lionel Bourcher

Bonjour esteemed Sirian and Crayterian allies!

The Maquis have been long waiting for aid against the Royalists and the Gallic Union. I must say - the blockade has very much made our job more difficult - it fuels the Union's isolationist xenophobic rhetoric, and it made supplies from our own Sirian allies more difficult. Our strategy is to expose the Gallic public more to Sirians, their culture and economic possibilities, to realize there is more to life than a military dictatorship, that they don't have to bend to the will of the returning former genocidal royalists guilty of planet Leeds glassing, and that your nations are not the boogeymen the Union is making them out to be.

It was a pleasant surprise when we found you attacking the open Royalists - the desperate, isolated and weak strays alongside us.

These mad dogs can be simply hunted down and pose no threat - but the Union is a different animal. They are a military state, they are modernising arming so heavily all former Council vessels have now been scrapped. With the blockade in turn, we do have not many places to turn.

So if you would like to aid us, be it economically, materially or otherwise, we would be open to it. For now, it was a good time fighting side by side against our enemy.

Terminer l'émission,
Lionel Bourcher
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