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Secure transmission to the GMG - Printable Version

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Secure transmission to the GMG - Ironwatsas - 04-28-2009


Source: James.Dacker; Consortium Airwatch
Destination: GMG|Griff.Vahl, GMG|Marieka.Kyieto, GMG|Katsuo.Okazaki, GMG|GTS-Raikoke
Subject: Us

Honored Guildmasters and Mistresses of the Gas Miner's Guild, allow myself to introduce myself. My name is James Dacker, delegate of the Transhuman arm of the Consortium Airwatch, Sirius division. I have been dispatched before you to speak diplomatically regarding relations between the guild and 'us'. As our leader is currently quite busy with operations abroad, I have been asked to relay his message to you.

Contrary to what 'some' would have you belive, we are only interested in the empowerment and advancement of Kusari, beyond it's current stagnant and xenophobic regime and warlike nature. Though, our methods are admittedly a bit... how shall we say... 'heavy handed.' As you know, we are closely allied to the Golden Chrysanthemums movement. Their desire for equality, social reform, and advancement segues with our own.

Like them, the GMG is known to be a largely progressive, logical, and lacks the prejudices that for example Samura seems to embrace. Beyond ideological concerns, there is the fact that the GMG is in no way a hindrance to us. For those reasons, we seek to formalise peace... and perhaps alligance between the Guild and ourselves.

I know, some of you are probably suspicious of us. Our alligances with the Outcasts, the Libel of propaganda put against us by the agents of Kusari who would stand against change, who fear the future. But, your reputation suggests, you'll see past it.

Now, down to buisness. We have several proposals and requests to the Guild, all for mutual benefit of course. Firstly, the Consortium will recognize and acknowlage the political Soverignty of the Gas miners' Guild and it's control of Sigma-13, 17, 59, and Okinawa, and we will not attempt to harm, consume, or impede GMG vessels without provocation. In the case of Okinawa, we will also ignore DSE vessels carrying supplies to the Sigma-19 gate construction site (though outside of Okinawa, DSE vessels are fair game). Any GMG pilots or personell we encounter will be spared any form of... interrogation or harm should we encounter them, and will be returned to the Guild as quickly as feasable. Finally, it is mutually beneficial that the Hogosha and Farmers' Alliance are denied their goals and 'recycled' to our own ends. The military forces of the Consortium will be willing to share military intelligence and possibly even support the GMG paramilitary tactically should it prove expediant.

We do however, have a few terms of our own, mainly involving response to Consortium vessels. The main issue being our use of Outcast equipment and identification transponders. By technicality, we are not Outcasts, nor are we affiliated with any political entity inside the Maltian nation. Our alligance with them is through the GC, and while they supply significant amounts of military hardware, we are not obligated to support them in combat, save in cases it would prove expediant. We will not assist them in combat against the GMG unless our own forces are attacked.

There is also the issue of Cardamine. We do not distribute it as a drug to the population, but it is important to our military logistics. We occasionally transport it for the GC, who require it for their rituals and biology. We also use cardamine-based chemical compounts as fuel additives and chemical enhancements for our war devices and machines. These may register under scans. We are unsure of the GMG's policy regarding Cardamine, but I tihnk you can understand why it is important to us.

I leave this for you to deliberate and consider when this message reaches you. Your reply will be immediately forwarded to Overwatch. I also ask you keep this message quiet... there are elements, Hogoshan, Farmer, and others who would not do particularly well to see peace between us.

End of Line.