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Ship Giveaway! - Darius - 09-06-2023

Hey. You've clicked expecting a free ship giveaway, didn't ya? Well, first to address some important affairs...

So, it's time for me to finally make my first (hopefully the last one as well) post here in this subsection. I've always detested the dramatic "bro I'm leaving NOW" kind of submissions, so I'm going to do mine in a different way.

Firstly, why I'm leaving and why it's probably permanent, at least in-game-wise: Although I highly appreciate the work of the team, and, despite the fact that I did indeed take many a breaks in the past (it's just how Discovery is, you need a breather from time to time) unfortunately it seems as if everything is going against what the general course of action is or should be. From staff completely sidelining my requests for helping them do patchwork, to some portions of the playerbase beginning to hate me (rightfully so) for some mistakes I've done in the past, I'm at a point where actually playing is not an enjoyable experience beyond raiding on random factions. Furthermore, I strongly disapprove of the recent delay in the patch and though I have full confidence that Haste will pull through and patch one day, I remain very skeptical of the detached approach that staff has. It is what it is, however, at the end of the day, and Discovery will probably carry on.

Besides this, there also comes the point that I actually have to focus on my life once more very soon rather than internet pixels, and so my time and motivation are further sapped. Will I stay in the Discord servers? Probably, most likely as a retired/advisor sort of player so I can help whatever friends are still active in coming up with ideas (xoxo KuGov)

But, that's enough complaining! As I believe is clear enough already, I've planned for a big event to yeet away most of my credits and some more to hopefully do one last big push for BAF to pass through beyond the one more activity warning they'll have after this quarter.

So now to the ship giveaway. As I don't want blessings and praises and whatnot, I will instead ask that people that want to participate in this giveaway post a thanking message to friends and others who've helped you recently or in the past, akin to the Christmas giveaways Dino used to do years back. For comparison, and as a model: LINK

Please remain polite and considerate. I'm looking forward to giving away a bunch of free fully kited out ships very soon (they will all have indie IDs and no tags, before questions arise).

The giveaway will end on September 10th.

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Lusitano - 09-06-2023

well ... i have no friends here so ... I would like to thank everyone who kept discovery alive, despite everyone announcing its death many years ago. I would like to thank the dev team that works for free for all of us... even with several errors and often in favor of some interests. I would like to thank many who prove that human beings are not superior, as well as others who give a good sign of hope that, after all, human beings may have a chance of salvation. I wanted to apologize for my terrible english... there are players here who weren't even born when the last time someone tried to teach me how to speak english. and that's it... take care and stay safe Darius and eveyone elso too Smile

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Arne - 09-06-2023

I'm not here for the ships. Just wanted say that beside all the criticism people had on you (whether it's justified or not), it was always nice cooperating with you for events and other works. Hopefully until later and if not, farewell and good luck with your RL ambitions.

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Couden - 09-06-2023

See you in two weeks, Darius ( I need ship)

Besides that, I am grateful to @LaWey @Gardarik and @Vovasishe for being involved in Coalition. Also to @Snowstorm and @404th Assault Fleet for a nice flights.

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Leo - 09-06-2023

You and I haven't always agreed on everything but...who does? Regardless of the past, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors.

If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Xenon - 09-06-2023

Actually I do not want to see people with your game skill leaving... I am sorry to see this happening.
I hope to see you coming back again one day, so keep the ships Wink
Best of luck with your next steps mate.

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Emperor Tekagi - 09-06-2023

Yes hello.

What can I say except that @Shimamori has become a shining beacon of inspiration and reliable guy to always return to for advice, brainstorming and eventual execution of ideas. Truth be told, without that lad around, I'd likely quit soon after. In a community repeatedly going back to its old habits of holding competitions on how to make the game the least enjoyable for everyone else, the stagnation of the very long patch time (Haste, pleaaaaaase), and the tiresome dramas of past months, Garda proved over and over to be one hell of a cool and chill guy. My sincerest thanks and appreciation to him for keeping around, despite his real-life commitments. His feedback keeps me motivated to plan and do RPs, even knowing full well they're generally under appreciated niche aspects.

As towards Darius. Welp. Not like I have to repeat myself every time now, right?(Gib ships)

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Kanzler Niemann - 09-06-2023

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Kherty - 09-07-2023

Hello there.

I hope we'll keep in touch, I consider you as a friend, Darius, and you'll remain welcome in the Gallic Government.
I fully understand you frustration, and I'm sorry I couldn't help you to stay. As I said, I hope we'll remain in contact...

As for people I would like to thank, there's a big list. This is a great idea, as this community is awfully divided when everyone knows that everyone needs everyone else, and not everyone is an awful person, I don't believe in that.

Obviously, I love money and free stuff, so I wouldn't say no, but once again, I am saddened by your departure, and I hope you'll be back maybe. If you do come back, know that if you give me anything, I will be willing to give it back to you if you do come back.

RE: Ship Giveaway! - Decimation - 09-07-2023

I would like to thank my old friend from back in day Leeon26 for taking me back again on this wild ride of Discovery. He relit my fire to join this community again after some years and I am greatfull for it.

Although i don't really know u Darius, I would like to thank you too for the coordination of some BAF fights that I joined with my BHG indie, They were always very fun fights with epic battles !